We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 16 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Stian: One who wanders
Stieg: One who steps forward
Stig: To be on a path
Stijn: A person with a constant, steadfast personality
Stiles: One who is from the steep scent
Stillman: A man with a gentle nature
Stilman: A person of calm and gentle nature
Stilwell: He who comes from the calm wells
Sting: A name f the famous musician, means to pierce with a sharp object
Stipe: Croatian diminutive of Stjepan. It means crown.
Stirling: A man who refiners silver
Stirlingl: He who refiners silver
Stjepan: A person who has the crown
Stock: He who cmes from the tree stump
Stockhard: He who is like a hardy tree
Stockhart: A person who is a hardy tree
Stockley: One who is from the meadow of tree stump
Stockman: He whose home is near a large tree
Stockton: One who comes from the town of tree trunks
Stod: One who loves horses
Stodd: A person who is like a horse
Stoddard: He who keeps horses
Stoddart: A keeper of the horses
Stofn: To be crowned
Stohn: A surname, popular and reasonable
Stoian: Stay or remain, or one who stands firmly.
Stojan: One who stands
Stok: One who comes from the tree stump
Stoke: An old English word that means place
Stokely: To come from a place
Stokkard: One who is strong and firm like a tree
Stone: Stone
Stoner: One who is firm like a stone
Stonewall: He who comes from the place of stone walls
Stoney: A form or similar to a Star
Stonild: He who can be comapred to the stone
Stonildi: He who is stony
Storm: Tempest, storm
Stormageddon: One born during a big storm
Stormalong: He who is born during a long storm
Stotra: A praiseworthy man who is famous
Stotri: Lord vishnu
Stowe: Hidden, packed away
Stoyan: He who stands firmly
Strang: A man of great strenght
Stratford: One who lives at the bridge over the river
Stratton: He who is from the town that is on the Roman road
Street: A word name, meaning the street, one who is street-smart
Streiter: One who is a true warrior
Stremu: A self possessed and responsible human being
Strider: One who enjoys walking
Stringer: An occupational surname, one who makes ropes and strings
Strom: A flow of water, a stream
Strong: A strong man, a man who has a lot of strenght
Strongric: A ruler who has a lot of strenght
Stroud: One who comes from the land that is overgrown with brushwood
Struan: He who lives near the stream
Stu: A short form of stewart, stuart
Stuan: A stream-like person
Stuart: Signifying caretaker or steward
Stubba: He who comes from a village Stubbs in Yorkshire
Studs: An American name meaning House
Sture: To be contrary
Sturt: A surname meaning promontory
Stut: A nickname for a powerful man of strong built
Stuti: One who is strnogly built and powerful
Stuyvesant: A name for Duke, has perfect leadership skills
Stybba: One who belongs to a certain group, who is a part of a group
Styfic: An idealistic person who wants freedom
Stylianos: Pillar, strong as a pillar
Styrr: Battle
Su: One who has good luck
Su'ud: Good luck
Suada: Conviction
Sual: Asked for
Suave: One who is very smooth
Subaahu: Strong armed
Subahu: A mighty-armed Boy
Subahuddin: A beautiful person
Subaih: He who is like the rising Sun
Subal: Lord shiva
Subali: Strong
Subandhu: A good friend
Subaru: One who is uniting. A term that identifies the Pleiaddes star cluster in the constellation Taurus
Subash: Fragrance
Subbooh: He who is very clean and tidy
Subeer: Courageous
Subeesh: He who is radiant like the sunrise
Subh: He who is a very fortunate person
Subhaan: A divine, holy person
Subhadr: Gentleman
Subhag: Fortunate
Subham: One who is a good person
Subhan: Aware
Subhang: Lord shiva
Subhas: Shining
Subhash: Soft spoken
Subhendu: Moon
Subhi: Early morning
Subhradip: A humble man
Subhy: Early morning
Subimal: A very clear person
Subinay: Humble
Subodh: Sound advice
Suboor: A man of great patience who takes pity on others
Subrahmaniam: A very worthy jewel
Subrahmanya: The god of war
Subramani: The god of war
Subramaniam: One who is a worthy jewel
Subratah: A man devoted to doing the right thing
Suchendra: Lord of plousness
Suchet: Attentive, alert
Suchin: Means a beautiful thought
Suchir: Eternal
Suchit: Person with a sound mind
Suck: Hardness
Suck-Chin: An unshakeable rock.
Sud: Tiger in Thai language
Sudalai: Village god
Sudama: Meek
Sudarsan: A name of the Lord Perumal
Sudarsana: A person who is beutiful inside-out
Sudarshan: Good looking
Suday: Gift
Sudeep: Illumined
Sudeepta: Bright
Sudem: Breeze, smooth as a breeze
Sudesha: Good country
Sudev: Good diety
Sudeva: Good deva
Sudhadhar: One who keeps the fresh water
Sudhakar: Mine of nectar
Sudhamay: Full of nectar
Sudhang: Moon
Sudhanidhi: A Boy with the Moon in his eyes
Sudhanshu: Moon
Sudhanssu: Moon
Sudhanvan: Lord vishnu
Sudharma: Sudharma is the name of a Gandhar of Bhagwan Mahavir. It means good law.
Sudhendra: Lord of nectar
Sudhi: Scholar
Sudhindra: Lord of knowledge
Sudhir: Resolute, brave
Sudhish: Lord of excellent intellect
Sudhit: Kind
Sudi: One who brings luck
Sudin: He is a bright young man
Sudip: Bright
Sudir: Bright
Sued: He who is a master
Suetto: He who is free
Sufi: A name of the Islamic mystic
Sufian: A man who makes a great companion and friend
Sufiya: He who is a mystic
Sufiyah: One who is a mystic
Sufjan: He who comes with a sword
Sufsuf: One who walks very, very fast
Sufyan: One who walks as fast as the wind
Sugandh: Sweet smelling, fragrance
Sugata: A name of the buddha
Suggut: He who is from the south gate
Sugharan: He who is small in statue
Sughosh: One with melodious voice
Sugriva: One with graceful neck
Suguru: An eminent person
Suhaan: One who is very pleasant and beautiful
Suhaib: A Boy of red hair and complexion
Suhail: Gentle, easy, the name of a star
Suhaili: He who is a trusted companion
Suhaim: A Muslim name that means an Arrow
Suhas: Laughter
Suhash: One with a sweet smile, sweet smiled.
Suhayb: Of reddish hair or complexion
Suhayl: One with no troubles
Suhaym: A name of Muslim origin that means Arrow
Suheb: One who is in love
Suhrit: Well-disposed
Suhruda: Good hearted
Sujah: A bold, brave, fearless Boy
Sujal: Affectionate
Sujan: Honest
Sujash: Illustrious
Sujat: Belonging to a good clan
Sujay: Victory
Sujendran: Universal being
Sujit: Victory
Sujith: One who brings victory
Suk: A variation of Seok, meaning like a rock.
Suka: Wind
Sukant: Handsome
Sukanta: Handsome
Sukarma: One who does good deeds
Sukarman: Reciter of 1000 samhitas
Sukesh: With beautiful
Suketu: Of good banner, flag
Sukh: One with an axe
Sukhajat: Lord shiva
Sukhakar: Lord rama
Sukhamay: Pleasurable
Sukhashakt: Lord shiva