We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 15 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Sprague: A lively, alert person
Springer: A man who jumps, leaps
Sprot: A small man, an elf
Sproul: An active, energetic person
Sproule: A surname, means one who is small, an elf
Sprow: An old Anglo-Saxon name, meaning one who is an active person
Sprowle: A person with a small stature, a short man
Spurgeon: A medical plant, used for healing
Spurrier: A person who makes spurs, a spur-maker
Spyridon: A big, round basket
Spyrling: A little man who fights with a spear
Squandro: A military unit that consist of soldiers, ships and aircraft
Squier: One who is a shieldbearer
Squire: He who is a squire
Srecko: Luck, a lucky and fortunate man.
Sreeghan: A person who is wealthy and ritch
Sreevalsan: Loved by vishnu
Sreyas: The most excellent man with many virtues
Sri rama: A name of the Lord Rama
Sriansh: He who is born with ansh or a part of Lakshimi
Sriashwin: A good ending
Srichaitra: A name of the first month in Indian callendar and means a Begining
Sricharan: One with big feet. Also a name of Lord Vishnu
Sridatta: Given by god
Sridhar: Wealthy person
Srihith: A name of Lord Vinshu
Srijan: Creation
Srijesh: A name given to Boys of Hindu religion
Srikant: Lover of wealth
Srikar: A man who causes prosperity
Srina: One who is Supreme
Srinath: He who is Lakshimi's husband
Srinesh: Lord Vishnu's name
Srinikesh: One of the Lord Vinshu's names
Srinish: He who is an Abode of wealth
Srinivas: Abode of wealth
Srinjayas: A person who is the supporter of Pandavas
Sriram: Lord rama
Srishti: He is the whole Universe
Sristi: A whole Universe
Srivant: A name of Lord Venkateshwara
Srivar: Lord vishnu
Srivatsav: One of the nemas of Lord Vinshu
Sriyani: Light, luster, radiance, splendor
Sros: He who is charmingly beautiful.
Srutayu: Aristanemi's son
Ssukumar: One who is handsome, soft and tender
Stace: Short form of Eustace, meaning productive or fruitful.
Stacey: One who shall rise again
Staci: Resurrection
Stacie: Resurrection
Stacy: One who shall rise again
Stadler: A person who lives and works near the barn
Stadtler: He lives near the barn
Stafford: One who is from the landing near the ford
Stafforde: He who is from the landing-stage next to the ford
Stahley: One who comes from the open place in the woods
Stallford: One who standst tall
Stamburc: He who is from a stony land
Stamford: One who comes from the stony ford
Stamm: One who is made of stone
Stamos: A person who is crowned with laurel crown
Stan: A short form of stanley
Stanaway: One who lives near the stone road
Stanbeny: He who comes from the stony fortress
Stanberry: He who is from the fortification made of stone
Stanbery: A man from the stony fortification
Stanborw: He who comes from the stony hill
Stanburghe: Bright, racious and enthusiastic being
Stanburh: He who is from the stone fortress
Stanbury: He is a man from the stone fortress
Stanciyf: He is from the rocky diff
Stancliff: He who is from the stony slope
Stancliffe: A man from the stony slope
Stanclyf: A person who comes from the stone slope
Standcliff: To come from the slope that is stony
Standish: A locational surname, one who comes from the city of Standish
Stane: Stand, become
Stanedisc: A man who is from the stony park
Stanfeld: One who comes from the hardy field
Stanfield: He is from hardy, tough fields
Stanfleda: A man who is from the hardy field
Stanflede: A person who lives near the tough fields
Stanford: One who comes from the hardy stone ford
Stangiue: He who comes from stony lands
Stanhild: A battle on the stony land
Stanhilda: She who was in the battle on the stone lands
Stanhop: He who is from the stony hollow
Stanhope: A person who is from the stone hollow
Stanild: To come from the lands of stone
Stanimir: One who became peaceful and glorious
Stanislas: A man who achieves glory
Stanislaus: A person who became glorious and famous
Stanislav: He who is destined to become glorious and famous
Stanislaw: He is going to become glorious
Stanko: Diminutive of Stanislav, meaning to stand with glory.
Stanleigh: He who is from a stony clearing
Stanley: Stony meadow
Stanly: A person who comes from the stony clearing
Stannaway: A person who lives near the stony road
Stannes: He who achives glory in military
Stannway: He who comes from a stony road
Stansfield: A person whose home is on the field of stones
Stanton: He who comes from the stony town
Stantun: A person from the stone town
Stantway: The way that is paved with stones
Stanway: One who becomes himself along the way
Stanweg: To live next to a stony road
Stanwic: He is from the stony village
Stanwick: A person who is from the stone village
Stanwik: One who is from the stony village
Stanwode: A person from the stone forest
Stanwood: One who is from the stone woods
Stanwyk: One from the stone village
Stanyue: One who is like a stone, a stony person
Stark: A surname, meaning a family that is powerful and strong
Starlin: A person who is a beutiful star
Starling: One who is like a beautiful star
Starls: A person who is a star
Starr: Star
Starsky: He who is star-like
Stas: Becoming famous
Stash: He who is of the sunrays
Staton: He who is from a place of landing
Stav: One who is like an autumn
Stavrianos: To be like a cross
Stavros: A Greek name that means cross
Stavya: Lord vishnu
Stea: A son of Athena
Stead: He who owns a lagre farm and an estate
Steadman: A man who lives on an estate and a farm
Steaphan: One who wears the crown
Stearns: One who has a stern personality
Stede: A stud horse
Stedeman: One who dwells at the farm
Stedman: A person who lives at the farm
Steef: A crowned man
Steel: One who works with iron and steel
Steele: A surname, meaning a man of steel, or one who works with steel
Steen: He who is made of stone
Stefan: Crown
Stefan: Stefan is the Romanian form of Stephen and means crown.
Stefanie: Crown
Stefano: Crown
Stefanos: A man who wears the crown
Stefans: Crown
Steffan: Crowned with garland
Steffen: He who is crowned
Stefon: He wears the crown
Stehen: A man who has been crowned
Stein: One who is like a stone
Steinar: One who is a stone warrior
Steiner: A person made of stone
Steinmetz: Stonemason or stone.
Stelian: Romanian form of Stylianos, meaning pillar.
Stelios: One who is like a pillar, who gives support
Stella: Star of the sea
Stellan: One who has a very calm personality
Stellar: One who shines brightly like the star
Stem: One with severe manners
Stemham: One from a grim home
Sten: To be like a stone
Stendre: A person whose personality is compared to stone
Stene: A man who is a stone
Steno: A stone man
Step: One who is crowned with a laurel crown
Stepan: One who is crowned with a crown
Stepane: Georgian form of Stephanos, meaning crown
Steph: A short form of stephen
Stepha: He who wears a crown
Stephan: Crown
Stephano: He wears a crown
Stephanos: Old Greek name meaning the crown
Stephen: Protected
Stephenson: Son of stephen
Stephon: Crown
Stepka: He who is crowned with laurels
Sterling: One who is highly valued
Sterlyn: A man of high qualities and pure heart
Stermi: A person with a stormy temper
Stern: One who is a very strick man
Sterne: Austere
Stesha: A man who is crowned with laurel
Stetson: Son of stephen
Steuen: A man who is crowned with a crown of laurel
Stevan: An individual who is crowned
Steve: Crown
Steven: Crown
Stevenson: A son of the crowned man
Stevie: A familiar form of Stephen
Stevon: One who is crowned with wreath
Stew: He who is someone's steward
Steward: One who is a stewrd
Stewaro: A person who is a steward
Stewart: A form of Stuart
Stewert: A Boy who is a steward
Sthavir: Lord brahma
Sthir: Focussed
Sthua: A Yaksha who is the follower of Kubera
Stiabhna: He holds the crown