We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 14 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Smiðr: A smith in Icelandic language.
Smritiman: Unforgettable
Smyth: He who is a good soldier
Smythe: A nickname of a soldier, a warrior
Snaroc: An Old Medieval name, meaning one who cares for something
Sneagen: Friend
Snehakant: Lord of love
Snehal: Friendly
Snehil: A loving and affectionate person
Snithik: Master of justice
Snowden: A man who comes from the snowy hills
Snowdon: One from the hill where the snow stays long
Snowy: To be of snow, snowy
Snytra: One who is a shepard
So: Smile
Soad: A lucky boy
Sobah: A child of the morning
Soban: To return to Allah, or to repent.
Sobeslav: Glory for oneself
Sobìslav: Appropriate glory
Socca: A food name, a kind of a pancake
Sochai: To achieve something by thinking
Sochisth: One who is brilliant, one with a birlliant mind
Socrates: A name of a Greek philosopher
Sodhi: To be a firendly person
Soe: She who dominates
Soeren: One who is a good, stern warrior
Sofian: Devoted
Sofiane: He who speaks in a fast pace
Sohail: Moon-glow
Sohal: A person who is delicate and soft
Soham: I am
Sohan: Good looking
Sohayl: One with good looks
Sohdo: Martyr
Soheil: To be on the same level, to be even
Sohel: One who is like the light of the Moon
Sohil: Beautiful
Sohni: A woman who is a true beauty
Sohrab: One who is a hero, a living legend
Sohum: The God's presence in every soul. A divine within
Sokanathan: Lord shiva
Sokha: One who is peaceful and content with his or her life.
Sokhem: Hope
Sokhom: Sokhom is a variant of Sokhem and means hope.
Sokoro: Lucky one
Sokun: Good smelling.
Sol: One who brings peace
Solace: A feeling of comfort and peace, solace. An English word name
Solaman: To feel at peace
Solan: To be full of wisdom
Solanine: The poisonous substance in nightshade.
Solaris: One who is of the Sun
Soleh: A person who is deeply religious
Soleil: Sun
Soleiman: A man with a sober mind
Solly: A peaceful feeling
Soloman: One who is peaceful
Solomon: Peace
Solon: He who is considered a wise one
Solway: One who lives near the road that leads past a seal
Som: Moon, religious drink
Soma: No
Somadev: Lord of the moon
Somali: Moon's love
Somansh: Half moon
Somanshu: Moonbeam
Somashekhar: Lord shiva
Somasindhu: Lord vishnu
Sombir: He who conquered the Moon
Somchair: One who is macho and manly
Somdutt: Variant of 'Som'
Somendra: Another name of indra
Somerhild: One who goes to war in the summer
Somerled: One who goes traveling in the summer
Somers: A person of sunny and warm desposition
Somerset: One who lives in the summer's settlement
Somerton: One who is from the town of a summer
Somervile: One who is from the summer estate
Somerville: To come from the summer village
Somesh: Moon
Someshwar: Lord krishna
Somia: A beautiful garden of orses
Somil: One of soft nature
Somkar: Moon light
Sommerset: A dweller in the summer residence
Somnang: Lucky, fortunate
Somnath: Lord shiva
Somood: A firm, steadfast person
Somprakash: Moon light
Sonam: Good
Sonary: A place name, one who comes from the Sonari district in India
Sondo: A person born on a Sunday
Sondre: One who comes from the South
Soner: He who is the last man
Song: A word name. One who is like a song
Songkarn: One born at the Thai New Year's festival
Sonit: Person with good intentions
Sonith: One who has good conduct or manners.
Sonja: Wisdom
Sonnagh: One who is like the Rampart's mound
Sonnen: One who is just like the Sun
Sonnie: He who si like a son
Sonny: A familiar form similar to Grayson
Sontosh: Sontosh is the Assamese for Santosh and means content, satisfaction and gratification.
Sonu: Beloved or familiar with gold.
Sonya: Wisdom
Soofi: A name of the Islamic mystic
Sookraj: A kingdom od the kappiness
Soor: A Boy who is like the Sun
Sooraj: He who is a good King
Sopaan: Stairs, steps
Sopath: One with soft and gentle demeanor.
Sophaep: Intelligence or wisdom
Sopheak: Gentle face
Sopheaktra: One with a gentle face.
Sopheap: One who is proper and gentle.
Sopheara: A man who is handsome and attractive.
Sophocles: A man who is clever
Sophronia: One with a prudent and just mind
Soppa: A woman with knowledge or wisom
Soran: Kurdish princedom
Soren: Stern
Soriandes: An individual who is creative and versatile
Sorin: He is like the Sun
Sorishu: Hope of Jesus
Sorley: He is a summer sailor
Sornegruex: An enduring, happy and is from bright stream
Soroush: He who is a happy man
Sorrell: A man of reddish-brown hair
Sorya: Sun
Sosimo: Likely to survive
Soso: Diminutive of Ioseb, which means he will add
Sosthenes: One who has safe strength
Sostratos: The safe army.
Sothea: Compassion and purity
Sothy: Scholar or an intelligent person.
Sotiris: He is salvation
Soto: He who is a forest grove
Sotsona: One who is like a fox
Sou: Adore, Bright, Sincere, The sound of the wind
Souban: One who is a returning companion
Souhail: A man who has no trouble and is easy to interact with
Souheil: A name of a Star in the sky
Souji: One who is a general director
Souma: Moonlight, a woman as beautiful as the moon.
Soumava: Moon's light
Soumil: Friend
Soumy: Nepalese version of Soumya. It means soft natured.
Sourabh: Fragrance
Souradip: One who is an island of sunlight
Sourish: Lord vishnu
Sourja (shaurya): Brave
Sourkeat: Heaven
Souta: A sudden sound of the wind
Southern: He who is from the South. Mainly used as a surname
Southwell: One who comes from the spring in the south
Sov: A child born on Saturday.
Sovann: He who is golden
Sovannar: One who is like gold.
Sovannarith: A golden boy.
Sovay: He is like a gold
Sovit: He is the Sun
Spade: A word name. One who has a spade, a tool.
Spakeman: A man who speaks well and a lot
Spalding: He who is from the split meadow
Spandan: A sound of the heart beat
Spangler: He is a tinsmith
Spark: Happy
Sparke: One who is gallant, who has good manners
Sparks: A vivacious, lively man. Used as a surname mostly
Sparrow: One who is like a bird, like a sparrow
Sparsh: Touch
Spartacus: He who comes from the ancient Greek city of Sparta
Spartak: Georgian form of Spartacus, which means 'from the city of Sparta'
Spas: Derived from Bulgarian word spasen, meaning saved.
Spaulding: One whose home is in the devided valley
Spear: Spear carrier
Speare: A soldier who fought with a spear
Spearman: A warrior who carries a spear
Spears: Surname, means son of Spear, son of a man who fights with a spear
Sped: One who achieves success in life
Speed: A very fast man
Speer: A guard who carries a spear
Speers: A son of the guard with a spear
Spelding: A man who comes from the devided meadow
Spellman: A man who can spell - a clerc or a writer
Spence: A short form of spencer
Spencer: Dispenser of provisions
Spengler: An occupational name, one who is a tinsmith
Spense: One who proved for people
Spenser: A provider, a dispenser
Spere: He who fights with a spear
Sperling: The people who fought with spears
Spicer: An occupational surname, meanins one who is a seller of spices
Spiers: A last name. Means the son of Spier, a son of one who fights with the spear
Spike: Ear of grain, long nail
Spiridon: Spiridon is a derivative of Spyridon and means spirit.
Spiro: One who makes baskets
Spiros: Basket-maker