We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 13 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Siliman: A happy man with good fortune
Silla: God of sky
Sillan: A diamond-like man
Silm: He who brings peace
Silsby: One who comes from teh Sill's farm
Silvain: He who is from the forest
Silvan: He who is from the woods
Silvano: He who lives in the woods
Silvanus: One who loves the forest
Silverio: One who loves trees and forest
Silvester: A man of the forest
Silvestre: He is a man of the forest
Silvestro: A person of the woods
Silvia: Wooded, forest
Silvijn: A man who is of the forest
Silvino: He is a man from the forest
Silvio: He who loves the woods
Silviu: Romanian variant of Silvius, meaning forest or woods.
Silvius: A forest-lover, a man of the woods
Sim: Listening
Simaab: One who is like a quicksilver
Simab: One like a Mercury
Siman: One who i perceived
Simao: A man who is obedient
Simar: God's Favorite, One who is filled with God's Spirit; One who is absorbed in God
Simardeep: One who is like a lamp of remembrance
Simba: To be like a lion
Simcha: A feeling of joy and happiness
Simco: One who harkens
Šime: Croatian form of Simon, meaning he has heard.
Simeèk: Hearkening
Simela: Name of an Assyrian city
Simen: A compliant and obedient person
Simeon: One who obeys what he hears
Similini: An innocent, lonely, insightful and idealistic being
Similinos: A lovable, serious minded and reasonable person
Similoluwa: Rest in the Lord.
Simin: One who is made of silver
Simion: Romanian form of Simeon, meaning to listen.
Simky: One who is an amazing listener and orator
Simme: One with the mind of a victor
Simmy: A person who is of joyful nature
Simo: One who hears and listens
Simon: Listening
Simond: A Son of Simon, a son of the one who listens
Simone: One who is heard. A French and English girl name, while its used as a male name in Italy
Simoni: Georgian variant of Simon, which means he has heard
Simpson: A surname, means the son of Simon (he has heard)
Simran: One who meditates
Simranjit: One who is a victor of contemplation
Simranpal: One who meditates and contemplates
Simranpreet: One who loves to meditate, who contemplates lovingly
Simrarjit: One who meditates in the remembrance of God
Simrit: Remembered
Simson: Simon's son, son of the one who has heard
Simu: One who listens intently.
Šimun: Croatian form of Simon, meaning he has heard.
Sin: One like bush
Sina: A blessed child
Sinai: One who is from the desert of clay
Sinan: One who is as sharp as the tip of the spear
Sinanuddin: One who is the spear of Islam
Sinasta: A person considered to be an expert
Sinbad: To be a Prince
Sincere: Sincere
Sincerely: A word name, meaning to be candid, sincere
Sincerity: A state of honesty and truthfulness
Sinclair: One who works very hard
Sinclaire: A name of a prayer, one who prays
Sindhile: One who is a survivor
Sindhu: Lord vishnu
Sindhunath: Lord of the ocean
Sindre: One who is small and trivial. Also means a sparkling one
Sindri: He who splarkles
Sineen: One who is beautiful and radiant.
Singh: He is like a lion
Sinha: Hero
Sinhag: Lord shiva
Sinhikha: The grim who rose from the sea
Sinhvahan: Lord shiva
Sinjin: One who believes God is gracious
Sinon: To be the God's gift
Sinqua: One who is desirable and has focus
Sio: A capable, a sting or charm, attracts life
Sion: One who is gracious like God
Sione: A Tongan form of John, meaning God is gracious
Sionn: He who is cunning like a fox
Sipho: He who is considered a gift
Siqiniq: The sun
Siraaj: Lamp, light
Siraj: Lamp, light
Sirajaldin: He who is the light of the Islam
Sirajeddin: A man who is the light of the faith
Sirajuddawlah: The State's Lamp
Sirajuddin: To be the light of the religion
Sirak: One who has a great intelect
Sired: A counsel that brought victory
Sirhaan: One who resambles the wolf
Sirhan: A man who is like a wolf
Sirichai: Glorious victory or man
Sirish: One whose soul is within his body
Sirius: One who is burning. A name of the Dog Star
Siro: A man who is glowing
Sirvan: Name of a river in Kurdistan.
Sishiranka: A dewpoint, an easy going, happy and affectionate being
Sisi: She who is born on a Sunday
Sisira: He who is independent
Sitakanta: Lord rama
Sitanshu: Moon
Sitaram: Sita and lord rama
Sitikantha: Lord shiva
Sivan: The ninth month
Sivanesh: A name of Lord Siva
Sivanta: Lord shiva
Sivert: A peacuful victory
Siward: He who protects and guards with his victories
Siwardus: To guide with one's victories
Sixsipita: One like a Black Eagle
Sixten: A victory firm as a stone
Sixto: A person who is courteous
Sixtus: One who was born as a sixth child
Siyabonga: We are thankful or grateful
Siyaf: One who is a great swordsman
Siyamak: One who enjoys solitary
Siyavash: One who has many black stallions
Skah: A white man
Skanawati: One who lives on teh other side of the swamp
Skand: Name of kartikeya
Skanda: A spilled seeds. Also means a name of a God of War
Skandajit: A name of the Lord Vishnu
Skandar: A helper and defender of men
Skeat: A surname, meanin a man who is swift
Skeet: To be Swift
Skeeter: A very fast and rapid, swift man
Skeets: A son of a swift man
Skeggr: Thin
Skelton: One who comes from the ledge of the estate
Skender: Romanian form of Alexandros, meaning defender of mankind.
Skete: To be swift, fast and rapid
Sketes: The son of a swift, fast, rapid man
Skip: One who is the captain of the sea
Skipp: One who a mariner
Skipper: One who is a captain of the ship
Skippere: One who is a skipper, a marine
Skipton: One who comes from the town of sheeps
Skjöldolfr: The protector wolf.
Skotte: One who is a wanderer from Scottish
Skule: One who likes to remain hidden
Sky: Sky
Skyden: He who is a scholar
Skye: Cloud
Skyelar: He who is an academic
Skylah: A person who is an intellectual, a scholar
Skylan: One who loves learning, an academic
Skylar: The isle of skye
Skyler: To be interested in education, a scholar
Skylor: One who is an academic
Slade: He who is from the valley
Sladefield: A man from the field
Slaed: To be from the valley
Slaeet: A man with a sharp tnogue
Slaid: A person who comes from the valley
Slaide: He comes from the field
Slamet: Peace and security
Slate: A fine-grained gray, blueish or green rock
Slater: One who is a slate maker
Slaton: He who is from the farm in the valley
Slava: Person of fame
Slavco: One who brings glory to the family.
Slaven: From a serbian, croatian word "slava", means Glory
Slavik: One who finds glory in the army
Slavko: Glory
Slavomír: Glory and peace
Slawek: He is a glorious one
Slawomir: He who brings the glorious peace
Slayde: He who is from teh deep valley
Slayden: To be from the field, valley
Slayton: One who is from the farm near the valley
Slean: He who strikes
Sledda: An old English name, meaning a valley
Sliden: An inquisitive, pleasant and restless natured
Slim: A thin, slender person
Sloan: One with the nature of a warrior, a fighter in heart
Sloane: He is a warrior in heart
Slobodan: A man who is free
Slone: To be a warrior
Sly: Short from Silvester. The name means a man of the forest
Smarajit: One who has conquered lust
Smaram: A man who is a God's gift
Smaran: Remembrance
Smarta: A name of the movement in Hinduism
Smedleigh: He who is from the flat valley
Smedley: Flat meadow
Smedly: One who comes from the flat lands
Smeer: One who is the most entertaining companion
Smetheleah: A person who is from the flat lands
Smiren: A person who is impossible to forget
Smit: Smile
Smith: Smile
Smitty: An occupational name - he who is a blacksmith