We have created a list of 3556 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter S. This is Page 12 out of 18 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Shuang: To be clear and bright
Shubendra: Lord of virtue
Shubh: Fortunate
Shubhaksh: Lord shiva
Shubhan: One who is auspicious
Shubhang: Handsome
Shubhankar: Auspicious
Shubhashis: Blessing
Shubhasunad: One who recieved blessing
Shubhay: Blessing
Shubhdeep: He is like an auspicious lamp
Shubhendu: Lucky moon
Shubhi: Shubh
Shubhojit: Handsome
Shubhranshu: The moon
Shubhratho: One who is well-born
Shubool: One who is like a lion cub
Shuddhashil: Well-born
Shufwat: The best of men who is immaculate
Shuhaadh: An over sensitive, beloved and sensible being
Shuhaid: He is a witness
Shuhrat: A renown man with good reputation
Shui: One who is like a water
Shuja: A man of bravery and valour
Shuja': A brave and valourous
Shujaa: He is courageous and fearless
Shujaaat: One who is known for his bravery
Shujauddin: A brave man of the Islam
Shuk: A parrot
Shukla: Lord vishnu, lord shiva
Shukra: Resplendent, venus, friday
Shukracharya: One who teaches or knows the clearness of right conduct
Shukrallah: One who is thankfullness
Shukri: One who is thankfull for the little things
Shulabh: Easy
Shulamite: One who recomanses and is peaceful
Shulandhar: Lord shiva
Shulem: A surname, that means peace
Shulin: Lord shiva
Shumayl: A man wh is complete, who lacks nothing
Shun: A fast and talented person
Shuna: Lord shiva
Shunah: Lord indra, high spirited one
Shune: One who is a changed person
Shuneal: One who is a traveller, who loves to travel
Shunnar: One who is as free as a bird
Shunsuke: He who is a sagacious help
Shuo: A great achievement that brings wealth
Shuqran: A man of blonde hair and fair complexion
Shura: He who defends people
Shurlock: An English name meaning a shear lock
Shurwood: A Boy from the bright forest
Shushan: A lilly flower, or rose
Shushil: Pleasant
Shushruth: One who is a healer of Gods
Shusuke: One who learns to meditate
Shvant: Placid
Shveta: A loveble white woman
Shvetambar: Lord shiva
Shvetang: Fair complexioned
Shvetank: Having a white mark
Shvetanshu: Moon
Shvetavah: Lord indra
Shwar: A musical tone, musical notes, tune, a sweet voice
Shway: Gold
Shwetambar: One who wears white clothes
Shwetanshu: A man of the Moon
Shwetbhanu: Moon
Shyam: Dark blue, black
Shyamak: Lord krishna
Shyamal: Dark blue, black
Shyamantak: Lord krishna
Shyamsundar: Name of Lord Krishna
Shyamsunder: Lord krishna
Shydee: One who has a very beautiful voice and sings
Shyheim: A gift of Jehovah
Si: One who is listening, one who hears everything
Si Woo: Si means begin or start, Woo means divine intervention, protection or rain
Sial: A man of equal status, or competition
Siamak (or shiamak): Silver flame
Siaosi: Siaosi is a form of George. It means farmer.
Siarles: A trusted, humble and affectionate individual
Siavash: One who is a keeper of dark horses
Siavosh: A name of the character in Shahnameh
Sibbe: A surname that means a famous victory
Sibbi: A victorious hero, a warrior who won
Sibbt: Grand child
Sibert: A famous victory
Sibghatullah: One who is the color of Allah
Sibota: A surname that means Saturday
Sibt: One who is a grandson. Also means to be a member of a tribe
Sicel: A quick, able and clever minded individual, casual
Sicela: A likable, able and self righteous individual
Sicga: A name of the nobleman in Northumbria
Sid: One who is from a wide island
Sidak: Wish
Siddael: He comes from a very wide valley
Siddak: Wish
Siddaly: He who is from a wide valley
Siddanth: He who establishes the truth
Siddarth: One who accomplishes his goals
Siddeeq: An upright honest person
Siddel: WIde valley
Siddell: One who lives near the wide valley
Siddha: Lord shiva
Siddhadev: Lord shiva
Siddhanath: Lord shiva, mahadev
Siddhanta: Principle
Siddharth: White mustard, buddha
Siddhashrama: Mystical hermitage
Siddhesh: Lord of the blessed
Siddheshwar: Lord krishna
Siddhi: Knowledge and wealth
Siddhraj: Lord of perfection
Siddid: Lord krishna
Siddiq: He who is honest, truthful and upright
Siddique: A truthful and honest man
Siddiqui: He who tells the truth
Siddiqullah: A person who stays truthful to Allah
Sidell: He comes from a place of a wide valley
Sidelufu: An old Anglo-Saxon name meaning a wide field
Sideman: One who comes from a wide place
Sidhak: One who has faith
Sidhesh: Lord of the blessed
Sidhu: A name of the Sikh clan
Sidney: Wide meadown
Sidonius: One who comes from an ancient city of Sidon
Sidor: One who is a gift goddess Isis
Sidq: An honest truth
Sidqi: A sincere and honest man
Sidwell: One who comes from a broad well
Siebe: A variant of Sebe, meaning victory.
Siegbert: One who won brightly
Siegfrid: A victory of peace
Siegfried: One who won in the name of peace
Sieghard: A very brave and hard victory
Siegmund: One who is a protector of voctory
Siek: Hearkening
Sienna: Reddish brown
Sierra: From the jagged mountain range
Sievert: He who is a victory's guarfian
Sifaks: One who likes to try new things and taked new adventures
Sifat: One who is praised
Sifel: To be praised
Siferth: He who is praised by Allah
Sifet: He who is full of qualities
Siffat: A man who is praised
Sifled: He who is like sword
Sig: A victory that bring peace and protection
Sigbert: One bright like a victory
Sige: A victorious person
Sigebald: One who is a bold victor
Sigebehrt: A bright and famous, renown victory
Sigebert: A victory that is famous and bright
Sigebryht: A victory achieved brightly
Sigeferth: A victory that is peace-bringing
Sigegar: One with a personality of a victor
Sigegeat: A fortune and prosperity that the victory brings
Sigegifu: One who wins, one who is a born voctor
Sigehaeth: A high victory
Sigeheah: He who is high on victory
Sigehelm: A helmet of victory
Sigehere: He who is victorious
Sigelac: A dance of the victory, a victory dance
Siger: A great victory of an army
Sigered: He who gives a counsel that brings victory
Sigeric: One who is a victorious ruler, one whose power is in his voctories
Sigerith: One who rules due to his victories
Sigeweard: He who guards his victories
Sigewine: He who is a friend of the victory
Sigewulf: A victorious wolf
Sigfreda: He protects the victories
Sigfried: One who brought peace and protection with victories
Sigfriede: A victorious peace, a victory of the peace
Sigfryd: A peaceful victory
Sigge: He who is always victorious
Sighard: A bravely achieved victory
Sighere: To be one who is a victor
Sigismondo: One who is a victorious defender
Sigismund: To protect with victories
Sigmond: A protector's victorious hand
Sigmund: A victory that brings protection to people
Sigqibo: One who has a sense of responsibility and has clever mind
Sigreda: A wise councel that brings victory
Sigstein: A stone victory, a victory written in the stone
Sigurd: A victorious protectror
Sigurdur: He who is a victorious defender
Sigurður: Victory
Sigvard: A protector who is victorious
Sigwalt: One who is a ruler of many victories
Siha: A valiant, lion-hearted man
Siimo: Listening
Sijuwade: A man who is destined for greatness.
Sikandar: Victorious
Sikander: One who is a defender of mankind
Sikh: A name of one who is a follower of Sikhism
Silahuddin: One who believes in the righteousness of the faith
Silan: He who is like a diamond
Silas: Of the forest
Siler: One who makes ropes for living