We have created a list of 3386 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter B. This is Page 6 out of 17 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Basic: Head or headman
Basich: Head or headman. A form of Basic.
Basil: Like A King
Basile: Royal, Kingly
Basileios: Ancient Greek form of Basil, meaning king.
Basilio: Noble, Royal; Kingly; Rose
Basilios: Royal
Basilius: Kingly, Royal
Basilus: A king
Basim: Smiling
Basir: One Of The Ninety-Nine Names Of God
Basirat: Insight, Perception, awareness, observation
Basistha: A Sage, Learned; Knowledgeable; Wise
Basit: Spreader, Transmitter, purveyor
Baskala: Preceptor, Teacher; Well Read; Wise; Learned
Baskar: Sun, Very Knowledgeable and skilled person; Bright and Radiant
Baskaran: Sun, Very Knowledgeable and skilled person; Bright and Radiant
Basker: Sun, Very Knowledgeable and skilled person; Bright and Radiant
Baskoro: Midday sun
Basman: Smiling A Lot
Baspa: Tear, Steam; Vapour; Haze
Basr: Eye-sight, Wisdom; Sight
Bass: Short, small, petit
Bassa: A pond or a lake
Bassam: Smiling, happy, joyful
Bassama: He who is smiling
Bassaym: The smiling one.
Basse: Wild boar
Bassem: Smiling, in good spirit, cheery
Basset: Short, Little Person
Bassett: Small
Bassma: A smile
Bassui: High Above Average
Bast: Egyptian - Fire, Heat, As per their myth a goddess of fertility and the sun who was considered a protector of Lower Egypt
Bastaq: Servant, Attendant
Bastein: Short form of Sebastein, meaning one who is revered.
Bastiaan: Venerable, Revered
Bastian: Venerable, honored
Bastien: Respected, well-regarded
Basu: Name of Lord Surya, Wealthy
Basuca: One who is imaginative
Basudeb: Father of Krishna
Basudev: Fire, flames, blaze
Basuki: To flourish
Baswanth: Indian name for Boys
Bat: Son of Tolmai
Bat Erdene: Strong jewel
Bata: Mate, friend, buddy
Bataar: Hero, a heroic figure.
Batal: Brave, Hero; Champion
Batara: God
Batarang: Weapon, A tool for protection
Batbayar: Strong joy
Bate: Norman diminutive of Bartholomew. It means son of Talmai.
Bater: The Grey Quail
Bates: Variant of Bartholomew
Batholomew: Ploughman
Batik: Sharp Sword
Batin: Hidden, concealed, secrete
Batish: Mighty, Powerful
Batista: Baptist, To Dip
Batnaya: House of mud
Batoor: One who is brave, courageous, valiant and fearless
Batsa: Batsa is the Nepali variant of Vatsa and means son.
Batsaikhan: He who is strong and nice.
Batsal: A variant of Vatsal, meaning love or affection.
Batshah: Day of Judgment
Battah: Lebanon surname
Batte: A Brazilian tribe name, meaning totem is an elephant.
Battu: Boy, Lad; Child;
Batu: Loyal, faithful, devoted individual
Batuhan: Firm, hard or strong
Batuk: Boy, young man, youngster
Batuka: Sanskrit - Young Brahmin, A variant of the name Batuk
Batukhan: A firm ruler
Batzorig: Courageous, and strong
Bau: live at a place
Baudelaire: French surname, meaning a short sword
Baudet: The joyful one
Baudier: Light and Innocence
Baudkin: Tribes of Galway
Baudoin: Brave Friend, fearless companion
Baudouin: Germanic - Bold friend, Brave friend, A variant of the name Baldwin
Baudoyn: English name for Boys
Baudric: Brave Ruler, heroic monarch
Baudry: One who is bold and powerful
Baudwin: bold friend, brave friend
Baug: Son of Raud.
Baul: Snail
Baumar: Bold and Renowned
Baumer: Bold and Renowned
Bautista: Dipping in water, name for a bapist
Bauyrzhan: Brother soul
Baviyan: One who is kind and generous and without any pride
Bavol: Wind, strom
Bavyesh: One of the many names of Lord Shiva representing him as Lord of the world
Bawa: Father, Grandfather
Bawara: Saint, Senior; Elderly
Bawden: dweller by the top
Bawer: fellow citizen
Bax: Baker, a person who make bread and cakes
Baxi: Saint, Senior; Elderly
Baxter: A Baker
Bay: Bay is Sea Inlet
Bayan: Another Name For The Quran
Bayar: A delightful person
Bayard: With Red-Brown Hair
Bayarde: Brown Hair
Bayaz: White, Bright; Intense; Dazzling
Bayazid: Name of a Saint
Bayerd: One who Sings Ballads
Bayhard: Reddish Brown Hair
Bayhas: courageous
Bayit: House, residence
Baylen: Auburn-haired
Bayley: Steward
Bayli: bailiff, berry wood
Baylin: Baylin is an English surname
Baylor: horse trainer
Bayly: Steward, warden
Baynbridge: Light Bridge
Bayne: Soft Bridge
Baynebridge: Insipid Bridge
Baynes: Bond
Bayo: to find joy
Bayode: He who brings joy with himself.
Bayowa: He has come with joy.
Bayram: Celebration, Religious Festival
Bayrd: One who Sings Ballads
Bayu: The Wind
Bayya: A Support, A Power; One who holds and bears
Bayyan: Clear, Evident
Baz: The unwavering protector
Baz: Falcon
Bazam: It was the name of the Tabiee
Bazan: Art
Bazel: Royal, imperial, majestic
Bazgar: An occupational name, meaning peasant
Bazil: Kingly, royal, regal
Bazir: Educated, A Great Person
Bazish: Aggressive, Hard-liner
Bazl: Prize, Reward
Bazlurrahman: Generosity of the All-merciful
Bazmakh: Proud, self important
Bazugh: Sunrise, dawn, daylight
Bazyl: Royal
Bazyli: Kingly
Ba'al Zevuv: Possessor of the high place
B�la: distinguished', or a diminutive of a Slavic name. It was name of many Hungarian Kings.
Bbusoowy: Arabic name for Boys
Be Nazir: Unequalled, Matchless, Unique
Beac: One who is spreckled
Beach: Close to Beech Trees
Beacher: Lives by the Beech Tree
Beachy: Diminutive of Beacher
Beada: A surname, meaning a barm of cows
Beadumund: Bold protector
Beadured: English name for Boys
Beaduric: One who is powerful
Beadutun: From the Warrior's Estate
Beadwheard: A bold guard
Beagan: Little one.
Beagga: He who is small
Beagmund: One who brings peace
Beagnoth: English name for Boys
Beal: Attractive, good looking, beautiful
Beald: A handsome man
Bealdwine: bold friend, brave friend
Beale: Handsome, attractive, fine looking
Bealga: A meeting place
Beall: Good-looking, beautiful
Beaman: Beekeeper, From a beautiful hill
Beamann: Beekeeper, Honey producer
Beamen: Beekeeper,
Beamer: Trumpet Player
Beanburh: A bold fortress
Beanie: Cat Like
Beanstan: A strong stone
Beant: Endless, Boundless, Limitless; Eternal; Forever; Immortal
Beanta: Endless, Boundless, Limitless; Eternal; Forever; Immortal
Beantpal: Foster of Immeasurable, One who is embodiment of immortality
Bear: Courageous, brave, daring
Beard: One who has beard
Beardsley: Beard
Bearnard: Bear Strong
Beasley: Bent grass wood
Beat: Blessed
Beathan: Life, existance
Beather: English name for Boys
Beaton: From the Warrior's Estate
Beatus: Blessed, Happy
Beau: Beautiful, Handsome
Beaudean: A Shelter, protection, cover
Beaudouin: French form of Baldwin meaning a brave friend
Beauford: Beautiful fortress
Beaufort: From the Beautiful Fort
Beaumains: One with white hands
Beaumont: Beautiful Mountain
Beaumund: One who is prostected
Beauregard: Beautiful, Handsome