We have created a list of 1728 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter T. This is Page 3 out of 9 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Tarez: He who is stable and potent
Tarfaan: The one who translates.
Tarfah: Kind of tree
Tarhe: He who has the strenght of a tree
Tarian: One who carries a shield
Tarick: The morning star
Tarif: Unique, Admiration; Rare; Uncommon
Tarik: Day star
Tarikh: Star of the morning
Tariku: Events surrounding his birth
Tariq: Name of a star
Tarique: The morning star
Tarit: Lightning
Tarkan: He who is bold and strong
Tarkesh: Prince of the stars
Tarkeshwar: Name of Lord Shiva
Tarkhan: He who is skillful
Tarkin: Roman clan name
Tarleton: He who is from the thunder estate
Tarlo: Cub of a bear
Tarlochan: Third dimension, number three
Tarlochen: A beautiful person who is the star of the eyes
Tarlock: An instigator
Tarmo: One who is energy driven
Tarmon: Land that belongs to Church
Taro: He who is a big Boy
Taron: English name meaning earthman
Tarone: It means the courageous advisor of the king.
Taroosh: A small boat
Tarosh: Heaven, small boat
Tarou: A big son
Tarpan: Refreshing
Tarquin: Name of a Roman clan
Tarquinius: He who is member of old Roman clan Tarquin
Tarran: Of the thunder
Tarrant: Welsh name meaning thunder
Tarren: He who is from the rigde
Tarrence: A Roman clan name
Tarreq: A winning person
Tarrin: Man of the earth
Tarryn: From an ancient roman clan
Tarsam: One who arrives afet a long wait or is desirable
Tarsem: One who was desired for a long time
Tarsh: A star that brings luck
Tarso: Portuguese name for Tarsus, an ancient Asian city in Turkey
Tarsus: Boy who has wings
Taru: A vast and huge sea of water
Tarun: Young
Tarun vijay: Hindu name meaning youth
Tarundeep: A young friend
Tarunesh: The youthfulness
Taruntapan: Morning sun
Tarus: The light
Tarusa: Conqueror
Tarver: Tower, hill, leader
Tarvinder: God's salvation in heaven
Tarvo: Wild aurchs
Tarzan: Boy with white skin
Tarĸik: Moon
Tas: A bird's nest
Tasadduq: Giving a donation
Tasadduqhusain: Compassion of Husain
Tasallee: One who gives comfort
Tasawwur: Boy widh great imagination
Tasciovanus: Name of a historical king
Tase: Diminutive of Atanas. It means one who is immortal.
Taseel: A strong man
Taseen: Acclaim or appreciation.
Taseer: An outcome of the action
Tasha: Christ's birthday
Tashaun: God is merciful
Tashbeed: An adolescent
Tasher: One who is born on christmas, energetic
Tashfeen: One who is kind, affectionate and sympathetic.
Tashfin: An affectionate man
Tashvin: An approachable and generous individual
Tasi: A sea or an ocean
Tasif: He who is intelligent
Tasin: Spring of Heaven
Tasina: His or her sea
Tasker: Occupational name, task-work
Tasleem: Total submission
Tasman: Dutch form of German surname Tessmann, means man of consolation
Tasmee: One who loves deeply
Tasneen: A heavenly fountain
Tasnim: From the fountain of paradise
Tass: Hungarian mythological name
Tassilo: A fearless protector
Tassos: The reaper
Tasunke: Native American name meaning horse
Tatanka: A bull buffalo
Tatel: A person who is spiritual ind influential
Tatenda: Southern African name meaning thank you
Tatfrid: The one who is talkative and imaginative
Tathagat: Title of the buddha
Tathagata: The one who is gone
Tatharaj: Buddha
Tatheer: He who is effective
Tathir: One who makes an impression
Tathya: A truthful fact
Tatrie: Name of a mountain in Poland
Tatsam: One who co-coordinates
Tatsuya: Sign of the dragon
Tatton: Tata's town in Old English
Tattuye: A fox
Tatuc: The tainted one
Tatuini: One who is corrupted
Tatva: The element
Tatvagyanaprad: He who grantes wisdom
Tatwine: A strong friend
Tatwulf: He who is as strong as a wolf
Tatya: Lord shiva
Tau: A handsome bloke.
Taufiq: A good fortune
Tauheed: Victorious, Belief in the unity of Allah; Belief in oneness of God; A variant spelling is Tawheed
Taul: A powerful man
Taulard: A strong, independent and highly creative person
Taulas: A mechanical man
Tauleas: A reserved, individual and materialistic person
Tauno: A modest man
Tauqir: A man with honor and respect
Taurean: Of taurus
Tauren: A forest or a woodland
Tausiq: Reinforcement, Tauseak, Tauseek and Tauseeq are variant transcriptions
Tautik: Pearl
Tavares: Son of a hermit
Tavaris: Of misfortune, a hermit
Tavarius: One who has no luck
Tavas: A peacock
Taven: Old English name emaning warrior
Taves: The great one
Tavey: Scottish name meaning twin
Tavi: A form of David, meaning beloved.
Tavian: Eighth
Tavin: A hillslide
Tavion: A twin
Tavis: Twin
Tavish: Heaven
Tavite: Tavite is a form of David. It means beloved.
Tavon: Of the staff of the gods
Tavorian: Misfortunate one
Tawaddud: One who is shoving love and affection
Taweel: The tall one
Tawera: A morning star
Tawfeeq: Success, reconciliation
Tawfi: A successful man
Tawfik: One who agrees
Tawfiq: Success, reconciliation
Tawhid: One who beliefes in unity of Allah
Tawil: He who is very tall
Tawkeel: To trust in God.
Tawnya: A green field
Taworri: An evening breeze
Tawwab: A forgiving man
Taximagulus: A King who is the commander in chief
Tayden: Modern American name, combination of Taylor and Aiden
Tayeb: He who is generous
Tayelor: An occupational name for a tailor
Tayib: A pearl
Taylan: English surname meaning tailor
Taylen: American invented name
Tayleur: French variation of the name Taylor, a tailor
Taylon: Surname meaning tailor
Taylyr: A cutter, occupational name for a tailor
Taymallah: He who serves God
Taymullah: Servant of god
Taymur: A man who is brave
Tayn: The God of light
Tayne: Variant of Tane, Polynesian God of the sky
Tayo: Boy full of happiness
Tayseer: Facilitation
Tayshaun: God's gift of hope
Taysir: Facilitation
Taysom: Firebrand, a piece of burning wood
Tayson: Occupational surname, a tailor
Tayt: A cheerful Boy
Tayton: He who brings happiness
Tayyab: An authentic fragrance
Tayyib: Good or delicate
Taz: A gift from God
Tazam: A superior elder
Tazeem: He who is well respected
Tazimuddin: Glorification of religion
Tazuddin: Exaltetion of faith
Tazz: A shallow ornamental cup
Tchad: One who is a defender and a protector
Tchondee: Native American name meaning tobacco
Te: A sharp end
Teaghan: Little poet
Teague: A handsome poet
Teancum: A Nephite military leader
Tearlach: A strong man
Tearle: A tree branch
Tearston: A tearful son
Tecguaret: A dynamic and restless human being
Tecuetlaza: He who throws like a Mexican beaded lizard
Tecumseh: A panther passing across the sky
Ted: A short form of theodore
Tedd: A gift from God
Teddey: A rich defender