We have created a list of 2484 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter C. This is Page 2 out of 13 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Calvino: A man who is bald
Calwa: A place name in California
Calyx: Man who is very handsome
Cam: A man with a crooked nose
Camar: He who is a teacher
Camaraja: He leads the army
Camarsa: One who is born to teach, a born teacher or preacher
Camarvala: One with fine hair
Camas: To go in circle
Camasa: Something circular
Camberlie: One who comes from Camberly
Cambridge: A King
Camden: One from the winding valley
Camdyn: One who comes from the winding valley
Camea: His nose is crooked
Cameleac: British Boy name
Camenzind: An occupational name for a builder of fireplaces and chimneys.
Cameron: He has a crooked nose
Camikara: A golden Boy
Ćamil: He who is perfect or complete.
Camillo: A noble-born person
Camillus: He is of noble birth
Camilo: A child that is free-born
Camlach: An english Boy
Camora: An Italian Mafia-type syndicate, a secret society
Campa: He is a soothing man
Campaka: A champaka tree
Campat: One who fell from glory
Campeya: A Kovidare tree's fruit
Campu: He comes from the field
Camri: Crooked nosed man
Camrin: He has a very crooked nose
Camron: One who has a crooked nose
Camryn: A man with a very crooked nore
Camulorix: A male English name
Camvlorigi: A British name for Boys
Camyron: His nose is very crooked
Can: One who is full of spirit, life and heart
Cana: A jealous, possessive man
Canaan: He is a merchant and a trader
Canains: A British Boy name
Canaka: A bean sort, Chickpea
Canakya: One who is a great scholar
Cananda: He comes from a village
Canberra: A meeting place, name of the capital city of Australia
Canda: He glows brightly
Candaka: Budha's charioteer
Candana: A cadid, sincere person
Candanin: He is sincere and hones
Candansu: Another name for the Sun
Candavega: One who moves with the speed of a fire
Candavira: A male name, mainly given to those who are Buddhists
Candelario: Name derived from festival of Candlemas
Candid: One who shines britht white
Candidasa: A fierce and devoted man
Candido: He glows white
Candipati: A name of Lord Shiva
Candon: A sincere and honest man
Candor: An honest, candor person
Candrabhana: He who is lustruous like the Moon
Candraja: He who was born of the Moon
Candraka: One with a red mark on the forhead
Candrakin: He who wears the moon in his eyes
Candramohan: To be like the moon
Candranatha: He who is a Moon King
Candransu: He is like the beam of the moonlight
Candrasurya: A moon-like man
Candrata: Sweet like the Moon's nectar
Candresa: He is the Lord of the Moon
Candresta: A Moon's beloved one
Candrin: A Boy of gold
Canduri: A Boy who is like the Moon
Cane: One who has a spear
Canga: A wise person who understands things
Cangadasa: A wise and devoted man
Canh: The endlessness of the environment
Canice: A Boy who looks very good
Cannan: He is an official of the Church
Canne: One who is from the valley of the deep
Cannon: A man who is a Churches official
Cano: Life
Canon: An administrator of the Church
Cantiori: An Irish name
Cantiorix: An old Irish name
Canton: A place name. One who comes from Canton
Cantrell: Small bell
Cantwine: Like a Cantonian wine
Canura: A man of thin thighs
Canute: To tie in a knot
Cao: A Chinesee surname
Caolan: A slender Boy
Caolán: A slender lad
Caomh: A very lovable person
Capala: One who is swift as a lightning
Capricorn: A zodiac sigh, a goat
Captain: One who is a chief
Capulet: An Italian surname, made famous in Romeo and Juliet
Caquia: He is like a tunder
Caractacus: One who is loved
Caracy: A well spoken, truthful and kind hearted person
Caradoc: A dearly loved one
Caradog: He is a deeply loved one
Carados: A legendary ancestor to Gwent kings
Caraka: A wanderer and a religious person
Caranacus: He who is loved and dear
Carantacvs: A dear man
Carantoc: A man of many virtues
Carantok: The name is derived from the Celtic word karant, which means friend.
Carantorivs: He has many virtues
Caratacus: He is loved and cared for
Caratauc: A British Boy's name
Carbani: A British name for baby Boys
Carberry: One who comes from the tree hedge
Carbry: He is from the tree's hedge
Carda: One with a teasle head
Carden: He who cards wood
Cardiff: A place name, one who is from Cardiff
Cardwell: One who comes from the cold stream
Careem: A man with generous personality
Carel: He who is very strong
Carey: He lives in the fortress
Cargan: A little one who is like a rock
Cariad: A darling and beloved person
Cariann: A man who is a darling
Cariel: He is a free man
Carileph: A name for British Boys
Cariman: A beauty in the moving
Carinu: Sicilian form of Carinus, meaning dear or beloved.
Cario: A caring man
Cariston: A modern, but rare English name
Caritas: A giving man
Caritra: The charachter of a person
Carl: A mainly free man
Carlatun: One who comes from the farm of Clarl
Carlay: He is a men's man
Carlens: Settlement of free men
Carleton: A peasant's town
Carlie: A little champion
Carlile: One who comes from the wall of the God Lugus. A surname
Carlin: He is a little champion
Carling: A Boy who is a small champion
Carlino: Little man who is very mainly
Carlisle: A man who comes from the protected, walled city
Carlitis: Peasant settlement
Carlito: A little dear Boy
Carlitos: He is an endearing little Boy
Carlo: A strong mainly man
Carlos: A mainly man
Carloto: Peasant settlement
Carlow: One who comes from the four-parted lake
Carlson: A town of free men
Carlton: A free men's town
Carlus: One who comes from the tower of fre men
Carlyon: From the slate earthworks.
Carmavan: Covered with Hides, One who is well Protected and Sheltered
Carmel: One who does the harvest
Carmelide: An Arthurian name. A name of Guinevere's father
Carmelo: An orchard that is fruitful
Carmi: My vineyard
Carmichael: A surname. One who comes from the Michael's fort
Carmine: A man who is like a song
Carne: One who comes from the lands where the memorial piled up stones are
Carnell: He who defends the castle
Carney: A victorious champion
Carnig: He is like a small lamb
Carol: A hymn or a song
Carolan: A Boy-champion
Carolann: A Boy who is a little champion
Caroll: He is a manly one
Carolos: He is powerful, strong one
Carolus: A strong champion
Caron: One who loves to love
Caronie: He knows to love
Caroun: He is born to love
Carper: An occupational name for basketmaker
Carr: One from the marsh
Carrados: A brave counselor
Carree: He is manly
Carrick: One who came from the rocky landskape
Carrigan: A very pointed spear
Carrington: A person from the Marsh town
Carrizoa: A swamp or a wetland of life
Carrol: A man who is a champion
Carrole: He is a champion
Carroll: A mainly champion, a man
Carrow: The rock or the spur of a hill
Cars: A person who has war like characteristics, a fighter
Carsci: A fighter and a brave warrior, passionate individual
Carsen: One who comes from the coastal rocks
Carson: A Scottish surname, unknown meaning
Carsten: He is a follower of Christ
Carston: A town of the Christ's followers
Carswell: He is from the place of the watercress
Carsyn: A son of the man who lives in the forth
Cart: One who is from the mossy place
Carter: A person who uses a cart
Cartere: A man who uses the cart
Carthage: He is very loving
Cartland: He comes from the land that is between the streams
Cartwright: A man who builds carts