We have created a list of 2484 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter C. This is Page 3 out of 13 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Caru: A lovely person
Carubahu: A Boy with beautiful arms
Carucitra: He is like a beautiful picture
Carudatta: He who is born of beauty
Carudeha: A man of beautiful form
Carudesna: He was a beautiful gift to world
Carugupta: He is protected by beauty
Caruhasan: A Boy with a beautiful smile
Carumoda: He brings a pleasing joy to people
Carupada: He is a man with a beautiful fleet
Carusara: A man who is the essence of everything lovely
Carusirsa: His head is beautiful
Caruvesa: A man with a beautiful attire, well-dressed
Caruvinda: A man who strives for beauty
Caruyasas: A man who is famous for his charm
Carvay: A man who sculptors wood
Carvel: One who lives in the swamp
Carvell: One who is from the swamp
Carver: An occupational name, meaning a wood carver
Carville: one who comes from the swampy dwelling
Carwyn: A blessed love
Cary: A man of the fortress
Caryl: One who is very much a man
Caryll: He is free
Carys: A pure love
Cas: An imperial man
Casanova: A surname, meaning a new house, a new home
Casar: A ruler, an imperial person
Cascade: To fall, a cascade
Cascaida: A falling, descending land
Case: He who brings peace to men
Casek: A form of Cadok, meaning battle.
Casen: A son of the vigilant one
Casey: A descendant of the vigilante man
Cash: To come from the hollow
Cashel: A man from Cashel, Irland
Cashton: One who is from the hollow town
Casildo: The one who carries a lance.
Casimer: A bringer of the peace
Casimir: One who brought peace
Casimiro: He proclaims peace
Casmir: He brought us peace
Cason: An invented name with no meaning
Caspar: A man whou guards the treasure
Caspari: Variant spelling of Italian Gaspari. It means treasure bearer.
Casper: One who is a treasurer
Caspian: One from the Caspian Sea
Cass: A curly haired person
Cassander: The brothers of heroes
Cassel: One who owns many castles
Cassem: Muslim Boy name
Cassiel: God's speed
Cassio: A man who is empty because of his vanity
Cassius: His vanity made him emprty
Casso: One who lives in the manor house
Casson: A man from the manor house
Castel: A castle. One who lives in a castel
Caster: A man from the Roman camp
Castiel: A God's shield
Castin: A good natured, energetic, sensitive, emotional and able person
Castle: He is from a castle
Castor: A shining and excelling man
Casukhela: Name of son of Cadan, youthful and brave fighter
Caswell: One who is from watercress stream
Casworan: One who is powerful in battle.
Casworon: An old Cornish name meaning battle hero.
Caswyn: A friend from the well
Catacvs: English male name
Catahecassa: Name means a Black hoof
Cataka: He who is a poet
Cataldo: A form of Cathal, meaning old.
Catamanus: A latin male name
Catarino: A genuine man
Catavignus: A Celtic male name
Catel: A warrior with eagle helmet
Catell: A warrior that wears the eagle helmet
Caten: A wise and knowledgable man
Cater: One who works as a caterer
Catgen: Affectionate, emotional and clever individual
Catgual: One who has a imaginative and creative mind, interesting being
Catguallaun: A leader of the Coeling dynastie
Catguare: A capable, resourceful, practical and versatile being
Catguaret: A respectful, cool headed and unsophisticated, capable being
Catgucaun: A considerate, materialistic and friendly being, trustworthy
Catgucauni: One who is successful, passionate and energetic human being
Catguocaun: An over sensitive, humble and nurturing individual, honest
Catguoret: A respected, reasonable and serious minded individual
Cathal: A mighty great warrior
Caticvvs: One who has intense personal nature and strong desire
Cato: An intelligent, brainy Boy
Catoci: A tolerant, hopeful, alluring and insightful person
Catomagli: A person who is passionate and compassionate individual
Catomaglus: A Boy, British name
Caton: A knowedgable Boy
Catotigirni: A self satisfied, reasonable and respected being
Catterick: Name of a battle in Arthurian legend.
Cattle: One who herds the cettle
Catuoconi: A male name of British roots
Catura: A skillful, clever and charming Boy
Caturanga: A beautiful horse
Caturasva: A horse owner
Caturasya: One who lives in a building of four angles
Caturbahu: A four armed God
Caturgati: A four legged one, also a tortoise
Caturix: The Helveti war God
Caturnana: A Hindi Boy name
Caturugus: Good tempered, interesting, humble and ordinary being
Caturvaktra: One who has four Faces, One of the many names of Lord Brahma
Catuspani: A name for Lord Vishnu
Catvrvgi: A godly, understanding, tender and soulful person
Caudrayna: AN inspiring prince
Caulfield: One who is from the caulfields
Caullin: They who are triumphant
Caulton: One from the calf farm
Caunteya: Hinidi Boy name
Cavall: A name of the dog of King Artur
Cavan: A good-looking lad
Cavell: A bold one
Caveti: A responsible, dare devil, fun loving and detail oriented person
Cavetus: An alluring, self centered and fantastic human being
Cavin: A very handsome Boy
Cay: He who will rejoice
Cayce: A vigorous and observant man
Cayden: He is a fighter and a warrior
Caydran: The spirit of the battle
Caydren: One who is in the spirit fo battle
Cayetano: He who is from Caitea
Cayle: A bold man
Caylon: He is powerfull in the battlefield
Cayman: He who is like an alligator
Cayse: A good prophet nam treba
Caysee: A courageous yooung man
Cayson: A brave and vigilant Boy
Caz: One who famously destroyes the peace
Ćazim: One who is calm and controls his anger.
C�ilidh: A traditional Gaelic dance
Ceabba: A British name for Boys
Ceacca: He who comes from the clearing or a glade
Ceadd: A war-like and fierce man
Ceadda: She is a war-like one
Ceaddi: One who is fierce
Ceadel: An organized, eccentric, versatile and caring being
Ceadela: One who throws hospitable reception, loving and social
Ceadwalla: A King's name
Ceadwealla: An English name for Boys
Ceafor: A male English name
Ceagan: An unisex british name
Cealfa: A name of English origin for Boys
Cealin: A British name for baby Boys
Ceallach: To be in a war, strife
Ceallachan: One who is in a war
Cealli: To be close the sky
Ceanatis: A self cemtered, talented, organized and easy going person
Ceapmann: A man who is a merchant
Cearl: from latin clarus, means clear
Cearney: He is a victrious champion
Ceasar: A bluish-grey color eyed man
Ceaster: One who comes from the fortified town
Ceastun: He who comes from the camp
Ceatta: A name of the obscure Anglo-Saxon saint
Ceatwe: Name of a majestic and charming Elf
Ceawa: The tree of a man
Ceawlin: A name of the King
Cebbi: A bashful, candid and friendly natured person
Cecil: A blind man
Cecile: He who is blind
Cecilio: He is a blind one
Cecilius: He is a blind man
Cecillus: He is the one with no sight
Ced: A Boy who is kind and loved
Cedda: He is very friendly
Cedija: One who is a saon of Cedi
Cedric: One with a bounty
Cedrick: One who gifts people
Cedrych: A loved kind person
Ceegan: The one born out of fire
Ceeven: A Name that came to a person from Dream
Cei: The one who is keeper of key, charming and humane
Ceili: The one who is slender and a descendant of Caollaidhe
Cein: They are the ancient one and old fashioned
Ceirin: The little black one
Ceiriog: A happy-go-lucky, friendly and name of a river
Ceiro: The loved one
Ceitimor: A considerate and tidy individual
Cekitana: Another name of Lord Shiva who is intelligent and majestic
Celdtun: A farm which is fed in spring
Celest: A heavenly body usually used as last name
Celeste: A usual name meaning a heavenly body
Celestin: A celestial body usually used as last name
Celestina: A heavenly or a celestial individual
Celestine: Based on Caelestis, a heavenly person
Celestino: A heavenly person
Celestyn: Person from heaven
Celio: A heavenly body usually used as last name
Celso: Variant of Celsus, active and majestic
Celt: A musical and exotic name
Celtic: An exotic name for a musical
Cem: A born leader and a ruler
Cemal: A beautiful and smart individual
Cempa: A clever, emotional and wonderful being who is a coal seller