We have created a list of 2484 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter C. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Caarlo: Settlement of free men
Cab: One who makes ropes
Cabail: A man who makes ropes
Cabal: A small secret group of people
Cabbrieli: Sicilian form of Gabriel, meaning God is my strong man.
Cabe: He who is a ropemaker
Cabell: A name of a ropemaker
Cable: A person who makes ropes
Cabot: One who loves to sail
Cabott: A man who is a sailor
Cabrini: An Italian surname, meaning one who sails
Cacamwri: Servant
Cace: A man who is observant and alert
Cache: A place where things are stored
Cactus: A desert plant
Cacumattus: A very old and rare name
Cada: An animal who is an orphan
Cadabyr: A person who comes from the warrior's town
Cadal: He is a warrior at heart
Cadan: A variant of Cadell and Kaden. It means battle or companion.
Cadassi: To have something with the sea.
Cadby: He comes from the settlement of the warrior
Cadda: To be at war with someone
Caddaham: One who comes from the land of the warrior
Caddam: One from the warrior's land
Caddaric: A leader in the battle
Caddarik: He who leads in the battle
Caddawyc: He is from the warrior's town
Cade: To fight in a small battle
Cadee: The rhythmic flow of the sunds
Cadel: A great battle
Cadell: One with the battle spirit
Caden: An invented name with no meaning
Cadfael: The prince of the battle
Cadfan: The peak of the battle
Cadhla: A handsome and good-looking man
Cadmael: The chieftain of the war
Cadman: One who is a soldier, a warrior
Cadmon: A warrior, soldier in the battle
Cadmus: An excelling person from the east
Cadoc: He who fights the battles
Cadog: To be in the battle
Cadogan: To find honor in the battle
Cador: A name of the King Arthur's nephew
Cadrasva: A Hindi name for Boys
Cadwal: The battle leader, commander
Cadwalader: He will lead us into the battle
Cadwaladr: A battle leader, used as a surname
Cadwallader: He who leads to battle
Cadwallon: A king's name
Cadwared: An English Boy name
Cadwgan: The glorious one in the battle
Cadwgon: To have glory in the battle
Cadwur: Warrior or soldier.
Cadwyn: One who is chained
Cadyn: Cadan's male child
Caecca: A british male name
Caeden: A modern made up name
Caedmon: One who fights in the battle
Caedwalla: A name of the King Arthur's nephew
Caedyn: A round man
Caefca: A Boy name of English origin
Caega: A Sanish male name
Caege: A male name of Spanish origin
Caegel: An independent, self assured and confident individual
Caegi: An English name for Boys
Caegin: An English Boy name
Caegla: An old English name
Cael: A slender person
Caelan: A warrior of power
Caelci: A powerful soldier
Caelen: He is a strong soldier
Caelian: A man from heaven
Caelic: Heavenly man
Caelin: He who is like heaven
Caelius: A person from heaven
Caellum: The sky and the heavens
Caelum: He is from the skies
Caerda: An Italian surname from Venice
Caerdin: One who is a wood carder
Caersewiella: One who lives at the watercress spring
Caerwyn: One from the white fortress
Caesare: A hairy man
Caetano: One who is from Caieta
Cafa: British male name
Cafall: Name of Arthur's dog
Caflisch: Shortened form of Kalbfleisch, literally meaning calf meat. It may mean an immature person.
Cafnoth: An Anglo-Saxon male name
Cage: A vonfiding space
Caha: One with charms, a desired man
Cahal: A man who is a strong warrior in battle
Cahil: A young and naive man
Cahill: A son of the battle ruler
Cahya: One who is the light in darkness
Cahyono: Light
Cai: Brother of King Arthur
Caiden: A son of Cadan
Caidence: A cadence, rhythm
Caidya: An intelligent administrator
Caifas: A man of little energy.
Cailae: A strongfold, a fort
Cailan: A thin and slender man
Cailean: One who is a triumphant
Cailen: A young child
Cailey: A fair and slim darling
Cailin: A child who is modern
Caillou: A bald headed man
Cain: He who is good with the spear
Cainan: He who possesses and purchases things
Caine: A fighter's son
Cainon: He is a fighter's son
Caio: He who brings joy
Cairbre: A Celtic Boy name
Cairo: One who is victrious
Cairon: A man from Cairo
Cais: A person who rejoices
Caitanya: To have a divine radiance
Caiu: A form of Caius, meaning to rejoice.
Caius: To be rejoicing
Caiya: To be near something
Caj: A person rejoicing
Cajetan: A rejoiced man
Cajus: He will rejoice
Caka: A person who shines with content
Cakaraka: A content Boy
Cakarpala: He is content
Cakora: A shinning and content one
Cakra: A wheel or a circle. Also means Sun
Cakrabhrt: Another name for Lord Vishnu
Cakrabhuj: A disc holder
Cakradeva: A Discus's King
Cakradhara: A name of Lord Vishnu
Cakradrsa: A Boy with round eyes
Cakraki: One who has the Discus
Cakrapani: Discus Holder, One who weilds the discus; One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
Cakrasena: A leader of the army
Cakravaka: A round mouthed Boy
Cakravala: A circle of leaders
Cakravana: One who has the Cakra, also he who worshipps Vishnu
Cakravat: An Emperor of the Discus
Cakravata: A forceful man
Cakresa: He is the Lord of the Discus
Cakrika: He who bears the Discus
Cakrin: A man with a Discus
Caksana: One who has soothing eyes
Caksas: One with a radiating look
Caksu: One with beautiful eyes
Caksus: He has the eyes of the Sun
Caksusa: One who is clairvoyant
Caksusya: One who is very pleasing to look at
Cal: A devoted person
Calah: One with many opptrunities
Calahan: One who loves churches and temploms
Calais: One who changes colors
Calan: A child that is contemporary
Calapati: One who is the Lord of moving
Calbert: He who herds cows
Calbex: He who is a shepard
Calder: One who comes from the river of stone
Calderon: An occupational name, meaning tinker
Caldre: One who comes from the stony river
Caldwell: A man from the cold springs
Cale: A bold man. It's a surname
Caleb: One faithful as a dog
Caledon: A tough person
Calem: He is like a dove
Calemund: A dove-like man
Calen: People's victory
Calev: Like a heart
Caley: A young child who is contemporary
Calfhierde: ne who herds sheeps
Calhoun: A man from the narrow forest
Calian: He is a warrior of the life
Calibom: Name of Arthur's sword
Calibumus: Name of Arthur's sword
Caliburn: A variation of the King Arthur's sword name
Calil: A flow of the sounds in rhythm
Calimero: A man with beautiful thighs
Calin: A powerful fighter in the war
Caliph: An Islamic title
Calix: A chalice, a grail
Calixto: To be beutiful
Callaghan: A son of a content man
Callahan: One with a light head
Callan: To fight in the battle with rocks
Callaway: One from a plebbly place
Calldwr: He is brom the cold brook
Calle: A man who is free
Calles: One who is like a stone
Callister: He is Alister's son
Callisthenes: One who has beautiful strenght
Callixtus: He is the most beautiful man
Callum: He looks like a dove
Calogero: A beautiful elderly man
Calògiru: Sicilian form of Kalogeros. It means beautiful elder.
Calum: A dove-like person
Calunoth: A british male name
Calvert: A person who is a herdsman
Calvex: A man who is a shepard
Calvin: A hairless, bald man