We have created a list of 2389 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter H. This is Page 2 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Halayudha: Carrying a Plough, Weaponed with a Plough; One of many names of Krishna's Brother Balaram
Halbart: Brilliant Hero
Halbert: Shining jewel, Dazzling hero
Halburt: Conqueror, Brave Man, Suparman
Halden: Old Norse - Half Dane, English - From Denmark
Haldis: Teutonic - Spirit of Stone, Old Norse - Firm Helper
Haldo: Highest in Race, Exalted Son
Haldor: Old Norse - Rock, Thor; God of Thunder; Derived from word Hallr
Hale: who lived in a corner, Robust
Halebeorht: Bright Hero
Haleef: Ally, Supporter, Confederate
Haleem: gentle, mild, forbearing, patient
Haleigha: House of the Rising Sun
Halen: Hall,
Halford: Valley Ford
Hali: Sea (Greek), A precious stone, A beginning
Halia: Remembrance of a loved one, Memorial
Halian: A variation of name Julian
Halif: Ally, Confederate; One who Takes an Oath
Halig: Holy, Saintly
Haligwiella: Resides by Holy Spring
Halil: Turkish - Intimate friend, Arabic - Bosom Friend
Halim: gentle, mild, patient, kind, indulgent
Halimaka: Poison Spewing
Halin: Hall dweller, Dweller from the manor
Halius: A companion of Aeneas, a charachter from Roman Mythology
Hall: Kind, Forgiving
Hallaj: Cotton Refiner
Hallam: Dweller in the remote Valley,
Hallas: The person exempt from the payment of taxexor rent
Hallbjorn: Rock and hair
Hallden: Old Norse - Half Dane, English - From Denmark; A variant of name Halden
Halldór: The thunder god.
Halldor: Thor's rock
Hallewell: Holly Well
Halley: From the hall in the grove
Hallford: From the Valley Ford
Halli: Army, worrier, hqay clearing
Halliwell: Lives by the Holy Well
Hallsey: From Hal's Island
Hallstein: Settlement in a nook
Hallsten: English - Estate on the hill, A variant of name Halston
Hallsy: Variant of Halsey
Hallward: Guardian of the Hall
Hallwell: Lives pass by Holy Spring
Halnath: An Anglo-Saxon nickname
Halomtano: Jungle or forest
Halsey: An island, neck of land
Halsig: From Hal's island
Halstead: An animal shed
Halsted: From the Manor Grounds
Halsten: English - Settlement in nook, Estate on the hill; A variant of name Halston
Halston: English - Settlement by the water, Estate on the hill; A variant of name Halton
Halsy: From Hal's isle
Halton: From the Hill-slope Estate
Haluin: An English male name with lost meaning
Halvard: Rock Defender, Guardian of the Rock
Halvor: protector of the Rock, Rock warden
Halward: Custodian of the Hall
Halwell: Saintly well
Ham: Home, Heads, Chief, Warm or Hot
Ham raz: A friend who knows every activity of yours, Close friend
Hama: Verily, Truly; Shower; Rain
Hamad: To Praise any one
Hamadi: One who is Praised
Hamadullah: The Thanks Of Allah Swt
Hamail: Things Suspended
Hamal: Lamb
Hamam: Peaceful nature, Brave, Leader of the nation, Dove
Haman: magnificent, Memorable, Noise, tumult
Hamas: courage, zeal, bravery and strength
Hamasat: Enthusiasm, Zeal
Hamazan: Walking on the ground and making Footmarks
Hamazat: Strength, power, vigor
Hamblin: Committed to welfare of the home
Hambly: Home within an enclosed space
Hamd: Praising, Commendation of God
Hamdan: The Praised One
Hamdard: Sympathetic, Friend; Companion; One who Shares Sorrow; Merciful
Hamden: Praised
Hamdev: Lord of Gold
Hamdhan: Praising, Admiring
Hamdhy: Sympathy, kindness, Blessing
Hamdi: Commendable, Of Praise
Hamdija: The praised one.
Hamdoon: Which have been praised, An Islamic scholar
Hamdrem: Admired, Praiseworthy
Hamdun: Honored, Praised
Hamed: Praiseworthy, praiser (of the God)
Hameed: Friend, Praising God
Hameedullah: Servant of the All-laudable
Hameem: Friend, Derived from word Hami which means protector, patron, supporter
Hameen: Intimate Friend, closed friend
Hameer: Very Rich King
Hamees: One who is brave, courageous and bold.
Hamel: Home-lover's Estate, Hill with Grass
Hamela: Persons name in UK and USA
Hamelin: Lover of Home
Hamell: Variation of Hammil
Hamelstun: From the Grassy Estate
Hamelton: Home-lover's Estate
Hament: Gold or Lord Buddha
Hamgisl: A low-borns nickname
Hami: Defender, Patron, Protector, Supporter, Show Favor, From Swahili
Hamid: praised, commendable
Hamidi: To Be Commended, Praise
Hamidullah: The Appreciation Of Allah SWT
Hamil: Carrier, Bearer
Hamill: Hill with Grass
Hamilton: mutilated, crooked and dun, hill
Hamim: Close Friend, Devoted Friend
Hamir: A Raga
Hamish: Supplanter, Derived from word "Seumas," a Scottish form of "James."
Hamit: Arabic counterpart Hamid
Hamiz: Firm, Vigorous, Summer, Intelligent, Brilliant
Hamlet: House or home, Prince of Denmark
Hamlett: From the Little Home
Hamlin: Home
Hamlyn: Home or House
Hammad: One who Praises God a Lot
Hammada: desert landscape consisting of high barren, hard, rocky plateaus
Hammam: Chief, A great man, a hero
Hammed: Deserves praise
Hammer: tool that delivers a blow
Hammet: From the Little Home, Village
Hammett: Son of hamo
Hammill: Scarred, Has wound marks
Hammond: high protection, Home protection
Hammood: Thankful, Gratified, Grateful
Hammou: An Arabic male name with lost meaning, used most among the Muslims in France
Hammud: Thankful, appreciative, Grateful
Hamna: Blessed Sparrow of Haven
Hamnet: House, Introduced from Germany During the Norman Conquest
Hamnett: From the small Home
Hamo: House or Home
Hamoelet: From the modest House
Hamon: House,name given during the Norman Conquest
Hamond: chief protector, guardian of the home
Hamp: Old English - High settlement, A variant of name Hampton
Hampton: homestead farm
Hampus: Hebrew - Yahweh is gracious, Yahweh is merciful, A variant of name John
Hamra: Fair Woman, Red
Hamraaz: Who has and shared the Secret
Hamraz: Confidant, Close friend
Hamrish: Lovable, Helpful; Affectionate; Compassionate; Kind
Hamsa: Swan
Hamshad: Always Victorious, Champion
Hamud: Admirable, Praiseworthy, Commendable
Hamund: Home Protection, (GER) The Lean (NORSE)
Hamza: strong, steadfast, Loin
Hamzad: Companion, Comrade
Hamzah: Good Man, Loin
Han: Gift from God (GER), Jehovah's gift
Hanafi: True believer, One important sect of Islam
Hanan: Compassion, sympathy, love
Hananan: Generous, Charitable
Hanash: An Islamic hadith was narrated by him
Hanbal: Purity, Pristine, perfect
Hancarate: A thoughtful counseltor
Hand: Worker
Handlea: Elevated field
Handleigh: From the High Meadow
Handley: Clearing in the woods
Handy: English - Skillful with one's hands,
Haneca: An old English surname
Haneef: True Believer, Orthodox
Haneesh: Ambition, One who is determined; One of many names of Lord Hanuman; One of many names of Lord Shiva;
Haneul: Heavenly
Hanford: From the high ford
Hani: One with a delightful behavior.
Hani: Happy, joyful. Blissful
Hanif: True, Devoted, Good
Hanifuddin: True follower of religion Islam
Hanini: A heavy flow or stream, To pour down like rain
Hanish: Hindu God of Weather
Hank: Rules an estate, Home ruler
Hanlea: From the Elevated field,
Hanlee: From the High Meadow
Hanleigh: an alternate spelling of high meadow
Hanley: Place name From the high meadow
Hanlon: Irish meaning is Sirname
Hanly: From the High grazing land
Hann: Gift from God
Hannaan: Beautiful, Compassionate
Hannad: An old name of Arabs
Hannan: warm feelings, pleasant sensations, Feeling happy
Hanner: German - From a pet form of Hann, A short form of Johann
Hannes: God is Gracious, loving and quick minded
Hannibal: Grace, beauty, loveliness
Hanniel: Favored of God. "Graciousness of God".
Hanno: God is Merciful, God is kind
Hannu: Hebrew - Yahweh is gracious, Yahweh is merciful, A variant of name John
Hannus: God is generous, God is gracious
Hannytej: Sweet,
Hanoch: devoted, faithful, initiated
Hans: Hebrew - Yahweh is gracious, Yahweh is merciful, A variant of name John
Hansa: Swan, A variant spelling is Hansaa
Hansal: Swan-like
Hansaraj: The swan king, Swan of king
Hansaraja: Lord of Swans, King of Swans;