We have created a list of 2389 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter H. This is Page 3 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Hanschen: God is great
Hãnse: Greenlandic form of Hans, meaning God is gracious.
Hansel: Hebrew - Yahweh is gracious, Yahweh is merciful, A variant of name John
Hansen: The son of Hans (The Yahweh is gracious)
Hansford: He who comes from the stony ford
Hansh: God liked, Liked by God
Hanshal: Swan like
Hanshik: Swan, One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Hanshit: Like Honey, sweet taste, polite,
Hanshith: Like honey, Sweetie, dearest
Hansi: God is Cordial
Hansik: Like Swan Swim, Swimmer,
Hansin: Rich and Humble , Loyal , Capable, Excited
Hansinguaq: Sweet dear.
Hansith: Joy of Wonder, A telugu name
Hansl: The lord is gracious
Hanson: Son of Hans
Hanspal: Protector of Great Soul, Lord of the swans; King of swans
Hanspala: Protector of Great Soul, Lord of the swans; King of swans
Hanspreet: Love for Great Soul, Affection for Great Soul;
Hansraaj: Variation of King of Swan
Hansraj: variant of King of Swan
Hansrat: Wish, desire, carving
Hansroop: Pure Body or Person, One who has a great soul;
Hansse: Communication, Interaction, Friendship, Joy, Lightness,
Hansuke: A very helpful friend
Hantidev: Gentle, mild, moderate
Hanuman: Lord Hanuman like Monkey
Hanumanbax: A victorious being who always smiles
Hanumant: Devotee of Lord Ramayana
Hanumanta: Puffy Cheeks
Hanumanth: Hindu Lord Rama
Hanumantha: Followers of Lord Rama
Hanumesa: Lord of Hanuman
Hanumesh: One of the many names of Lord Hanuman
Hanut: Handsome, Of the rising sun; Splendid and Bright like a rising Sun
Hanvesh: Very soft Mind, Humble
Hany: Rules an estate
Hanyechukwu: Leave it for God.
Hanz: Gift from God
Hanzal: Pond, pool
Hanzalah: Pond Water channel, Pond water canal
Hao: Chinesee - Good, Perfect
Happy: delighted, pleased, glad, charmmed
Happyen: One who is happy
Haq: Truth, True, real, just, right
Haqaiq: True facts, Truth, Reality
Haqikah: Honesty, truthfulness, Honest
Haqq: Real, true, genuine
Haqqani: Correct, proper, on right path
Haqqi: A person who supports,hold the truth
Haqqullah: Right of the God, Religious Duties, Prayer
Har: One who is high
Hara: Princess (Hebrew), Seizer (Sanskrit)
Haraam: Prohibited, forbidden, banned
Harabat: The day of Friday
Harac: From the antique Oak Tree
Haracudamani: Crest Gem of of Lord Shiva,
Haradeep: Glow of Lord Shiva, Light of Lord Shiva; Brightness and Radiance of Lord Shiva
Haradeva: Rules over Lord Shiva, A power over Lord Shiva
Haradhaar: Lord's Support, Friend or Companion of the Lord;
Haradika: King of Love, Soul of Love
Haraford: From the hare's ford
Haragopal: Lord Shiva and Krishna
Harahara: An ornament adoring the neck of Lord Shiva, Siva's Necklace
Harailt: Germanic - Army, Warrior; To Rule; Leader; A variant of Harald
Haraka: One who Takes Away, He will be good to all; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Haraksa: Hindu religion Lord Shiva
Haralamb: Romanian form of Charalampos, meaning to shine from happiness.
Haralambi: Bulgarian form of Charalampos. It means to shine with happiness.
Harald: War chief
Haralds: The war commander's son
Haraldur: Leader of an army.
Haraldus: Army ruler
Hâralte: Greenlandic form of Harald, meaning army leader.
Haramala: An ornament adoring the neck of Lord Shiva, Siva's Necklace; A Garland of Lord Shiva
Haran: Mountain, Hill
Haranadh: Hindu religion Lord Vishnu
Haranand: Blissful through Lord's Love, One whose happiness is through God's Love
Haranath: Similar to Hari God, A Telugu Actor
Haraprasad: Gift of Lord Shiva
Harar: Free, Of Noble Birth; Independent
Hararupa: With the form of Lord Shiva, One who has the appearance like Lord Shiva
Harasunu: Son of Lord Shiva, Offspring of Lord Shiva
Harata: Free man
Harava: Painful to Lord Shiva, Agonizing to Lord Shiva
Haravira: A Warrior of God, A Defender of Lord Shiva; A protecting warrior of Lord Shiva
Haraye: God Man, Devotee of God
Haraz: Make fun, comedy, Funny side
Harb: War, Battle
Harbajan: Gods Prayer, Bhajan or Prayer of Lord Shiva
Harbakhsh: Gifted through God's Grace, A blessing of God; A symbol of Lord Shiva's kindness
Harbans: One who is related to the family of Hari, One who is belonging to family of God
Harbansa: In relation of the family of Hindu Lord Hari
Harbant: One who is related to the family of Hari, One who is belonging to family of God
Harbeer: Warrior of the God
Harbel: A town name in Margibi County, Liberia
Harbert: Bright Army, Derived from hari & Beraht
Harbhaag: Blessed with Fortune of God, One who is gifted with good luck of God
Harbhagat: Devotee of God, Follower of God; Disciple of God
Harbhagwant: Didicated Devotee of God, Follower of God; Disciple of God
Harbhajan: Gods Prayer, Bhajan or Prayer of Lord Shiva
Harbhavan: House of the Lord, Abode of the God; Home of Lord Shiva
Harbin: Celebrated soldier, Glorious warrior
Harbinder: Religious Person, Absorbed in God
Harbinod: One who Delights in God, Blissful through Lord's Love; One whose happiness is through God's Love
Harbir: Warrior, fighter, Soldier
Harbodh: Divine Knowledge, Spiritual Wisdom; Divine Brilliance
Harbor: A Sheltered Port, A place of refuge; A variant of Harbour
Harbrinder: Absorbed in God, Immersed in Lord; Engrossed in God;
Harbux: Blessed by God, Forgiven by God
Harby: Son of owen, variant of Harbin
Harchaman: One taking shelter in Lord's Feet, One who finds refuge in God's Feed
Harchanan: God's Light, Luminance and Radiance of God; Brilliance of Divine Brightness
Harchandh: Moon-like God, Brilliant and Radiant like Moon
Harcharan: One taking shelter in God's Feet,
Harcharanjit: Victory at Lord's Feet, A refugee at Lord's feet who is always victorious or successful
Harcharanpal: Protector of Lord's Feet, A guardian of Lord's Feet; A refugee at Lord's Feet who is a defender
Harcheen: One who Realizes the Lord, One who has attained enlightment about God
Harchet: One who is Absorbed in God, Immersed in Lord; Engrossed in God;
Harchetan: Remaining Aware of God, Remembering God always;
Harcourt: From the fortified farm, One of the King's party (Shakespearean)
Hard: Strong, solid, firm, not easily broken, resistant to pressure
Harda: One with good heart, a city in MP (India)
Hardarshan: Having the Vision of God, One who thinks Divinely
Hardas: Slave of God, Servant of God; One who is at service of the Lord
Hardayal: One on whom there is God's Grace, One who receives God's Kindness and Compassion
Hardeesh: Lord of Lords, Supreme God; God of Gods; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Hardeet: Given by God, Gift of God; God's Grace; A blessing of God
Harden: Brave, hardy, a place name in West Yorkshire
Hardev: Lord of Lords, Supreme God; God of Gods; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Hardhan: Earning the Wealth of Naam, Blessed with richness, prosperity and wealth of everykind
Hardharam: Holy Person Abiding by God' Will, One who follows all religious principles and lives by God's Will
Hardhian: One who is Absorbed in God, Immersed in Lord; Engrossed in God;
Hardhik: Heartfelt, Affectionate, Cordial, Heart full
Hardhyan: One who is Absorbed in God, Immersed in Lord; Engrossed in God;
Hardi: From the heart,variant of the English and German Hardy
Hardial: One of whom there is god's grace
Hardie: nickname for a brave or hotheaded man
Hardik: Full of Love, from the bottom of the heart
Hardin: Harding variation, A pet (French) brave, strong German
Harding: Brave, hardy, strong
Hardit: Given by god
Hardred: A firm man of red hair
Hardtman: Strong, physically powerful, masculine
Hardulph: Brave wolf, old Anglo Saxon the hill
Hardwin: Brave friend, Daring Friend
Hardwinn: Courageous Friend
Hardwyn: courageous associate
Hardwynn: Strong royal friend
Hardy: brave, heroic, daring
Hardyal: One on whom there is God's Grace, One who receives God's Kindness and Compassion
Hardyn: Form of hare's valley, Field of hares
Hare: the supreme pleasure energy of the Lord, Rabbit
Hare krishna: Great Mantra of Hinduism, Vaishnava mantra
Hareef: Pungent, Hot; Acrid; Opponent
Hareendra: Combination of the name Lord HARI and INDRA
Hareesh: Lord of Lords, Supreme God; God of Gods; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Hareford: From the hare ford
Harekrishna: A person dedicated to the worship of the Hindu god Krishna
Harel: Mountain of God, a place name mentioned in the Bible
Harelache: Lives at the hare's lake
Hareleah: From the hare's field
Haren: Refer to Hindus' Lord Shiva
Harendra: Combination of the names of Hindu gods HARI and INDRA
Harenu: Respectable, Highly regarded; Reputable;
Hares: Hares are classified into the same family as rabbits
Haresh: Lord Krishna or Lord Shiva
Hareshwar: Lord Shiva
Harfateh: Conquering Everything, One who wins over every rule
Harfford: the crossing place of the deer, Place name
Harford: One who comes from the deer's crossing place
Hargeet: Lord's Blissful Songs, Praises of the Divine God through songs; A Divine Song
Hargobinda: One of many names of Lord Krishna
Hargrave: A family name of ancient anglo saxon family name
Hargreave: Grove inhabited by hares
Hargreaves: Grove of the hares
Hargrove: Old English - From the Hare's Grove
Harhold: power, leader, ruler, from Germanic elements, King
Hari: brown, yellow, tawny" in Sanskrit, Hindu god Vishnu
Hari kant: Dear to indra
Hari kishan: Hindu Lord Krishna, Lord of nature
Hari krishna: Son of Hari, Lord Swami narayan
Hari narayana: Lord Vishnu (Hindu God)
Hari prasad: Blessed by thw Lord Krishna
Haria: Green, A Village name of Canary Iceland and Indonesia
Hariaksa: A Hindu Lord Shiva
Hariaksha: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Harial: Green Coloured, The Common Green Pigeon; Of Green Colour
Hariamrit: Nectar of God, Amrit or the celestial nectar of God that gives power of immortality
Harian: who had long legs or tall stature
Harianka: In the lap of Lord Vishnu
Hariasva: Horse of Lord Vishnu
Haribhabhru: Vishnu the Great, Lord Vishnu as the greatest power
Haribhakta: Dedicated to Vishnu, A devotee of Lord Vishnu; A follower of Lord Vishnu
Haricapa: Lord Indra's Bow, The Rainbow in the sky; A variant of Harichap
Haricarana: At the Feet of Vishnu, A refugee at the feet of Lord Vishnu
Harichana: Loving, Caring; Affectionate
Harichandana: The sandal of Hari, Yellow Moonlight
Harichap: Lord Indra's Bow, The Rainbow in the sky; A variant of Harichapa