We have created a list of 2389 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter H. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ha Joon: Ha means Summer, Talented, Joon means Handsome
Haabeel: Name of the son of Hazrat Aadam
Haadhir: Present, Attending; A variant of Hadhir
Haady: Guiding to the right, righteous
Haafiz: Preserver, guardian, keeper
Haakim: Wise, Healer; Physician; Ruler; Sovereign; A variant of Hakim
Haakon: High son, decendent
Haala: Lunar Halo
Haamid: Praising, loving associated with god, one who offers approval
Haan: Rooster, name of a place
Haanee: Happy, Delighted; Content; Joyful; A variant of Hani
Haani: Content, delighted, happy
Haanish: Delighted, pleased, happy
Haard: Feelings of the heart
Haaris: Vigilant, Watchman; Guardian; Protector; Friend; A variant of Haris
Haarith: A lion that digs into the earth
Haaroon: Hope, optimism, positive expectation.
Haarun: Warrior lion, combatant, fighter
Haashim: Generosity, kindness, with a bright heart
Haasim: One who live the life with zeal, ardor and enthusiasm.
Haatim: Decisive by nature, determined, strong minded
Haaziq: Skillfull, Intelligent; Brilliant
Hab: Love, affiliation, friendship, hope
Haba: African - One who is Charming, Favourite; A variant of Haiba
Habab: Aim, Goal; End; Destination; A variant of Habbab which means loving and affectionate
Habakkuk: Wrestler, he who embraces
Habash: Guinea fowl, guinea hen
Habbab: Friendship, lovable personality, polite, gentle
Habbah: Berry, Grain; Seed; A variant form is Habba
Habbie: A per name from Hab, that is a variant of Robert, meaning famous and bright
Habeeb: Sweetheart, beloved, dearest
Habeeballah: God's beloved, loved by god
Habeel: One of the sons of prophet Adam
Haben: Pride, pleasure, satisfaction
Habib: Beloved, Sweetheart; Friend; Darling; A variant of Habeeb
Habiballah: Loved by god, God's beloved
Habibullah: Loved by God, God's beloved
Habiki: Echo, sound
Habil: One of the sons of prophet Adam, Biblical Abel
Habub: The one having good animals or cows. Also the family name of Jamasp.
Habushun: An ancient Arabic Boy name
Habwat: Gift, Present
Hac: An old, Anglo-Saxon nickname for Haca
Haca: An old Anglo-Saxon byname that is not complementary
Hacca: A non complementary Anglo-Saxon name
Hachi: Eight, Also means a bee or flowerpot
Hachim: Brave breaker or destroyer of evil
Hachirou: Eighth Son, A variant transcription is Hachiro
Hacket: Norman personal name
Hackett: Scottish and Norman Persons name
Hackit: The names of Scottish Personels
Hackitt: Old name of Norman and scottish personal
Hackman: Servant, one who serves
Hada: Myrtle tree, noble spirit
Hadabbas: Tiger
Hadad: Clamor, joy, noise
Hadaf: Object, goal, target
Hadal: Mistletoe, a plant
Hadar: Glory, magnificence, splendor
Hadara: A stunning or spectacular ornament,
Hadarah: A stunning or spectacular ornament,
Hadas: Hadas is one of the "four species" used on Sukkot with the lulav and etrog
Hadass: Myrtle tree in Hebrew
Hadd: One who is guided
Haddad: blacksmith
Haddan: A heath covered slope
Hadden: From the heath
Haddon: Child of the heather-filled valley
Haddow: One who came from Haddo, It is of medieval Scottish origin, a location name from Aberdeen
Hadee: Guiding to the Right, Director; Guide; A variant of Hadi
Hadees: Speech or dialogue of the almighty.
Haden: Basically Abdul Muzanni was a narrator of Hadith.
Hadeon: Destroyer
Hades: Unseen, Dark God of the Underworld; A variant of Haides
Hadheer: Present, Attending; A variant of Hadhir
Hadhir: Present, Attending; A variant of Hadheer
Hadi: One that guides towards the right or righteous
Hadib: Devoted, Kind; Compassionate
Hadid: Iron, sharp, speedy, strong, quick, pointed
Hadidah: Sword, Weapon; A variant spelling is Hadida
Hadir: Beautiful, stunning, striking, the sound of thunder
Hadis: History,belief, tradition, custom
Hadlee: Field of heather (A purple-flowered Eurasian heath)
Hadley: From the heath covered meadow
Hadly: variations of the name Hadley
Hadon: From the heath (heath meaning- open uncultivated land
Hadrami: Nobel man, The name of the some prominent men
Hadrian: fascinating, A 2nd-century Roman emperor built a wall across northern Britain.
Hadus: New, Fresh; Young
Hadwin: War friend in english, In Teutonic the meaning is Friend in the war
Hadwinn: Friend in war, an alternative to the spelling of Hadwin
Hadwyn: Companion during the war, Friend during wartime
Hadwyne: Buddy in warfare, companion in war time
Haeccel: Energetic, compassionate, cautious
Haecci: Idealistic, highly imaginative, intuitive
Haeccin: A person who have a deep inner desire
Haedda: An ancient Saxon name, Germanic tribes name, meaning unknown
Haefen: Safety, shelter, well being
Haefer: A dude who looks cool but turns into an arrogant person before your eyes
Haeferic: One who owns the river meadow
Haegel: A surname that meanis to have a heart and a mind
Haele: Lives in the hall
Haemgils: woody hill, forsted hill
Haerviu: A man who is battle worthy or carnage worthy
Haestingas: tribes of Anglo-Saxon Britain, Violent, aggressive, fierce
Haethbeorht: deep inner desire to lead, organize, supervise
Haethowine: Companion in war or in hard time
Hafawat: Friendly, Welcoming; Caring
Hafeez: Protector, providing shield, Islam God name,
Hafez: Responsible caretaker, Guardian, Keeper, Preserver
Hafi: Greetings, good wishes, compliments
Hafid: Protector of the religion, guardian of the Islamic religion
Hafidh: The men who remember the Quran by haert,male custodian of the Quran
Hafiez: A variation of Hafiz name, it means protector
Hafil: Diligent, Industrious; Determined; Hardworking
Hafis: Hafis is the German version of Hafiz, it means protector of Holly Quran
Hafiz: memorising the Quran, guardians of the Holly Quran
Hafizullah: Commemoration of God (Allah), Remembrance of Allah
Haflat: All, Everything
Hafoca: Icelandic word meaning Havoc (originally used in the phrase cry havoc)
Hagaleah: From the enclosed meadow, From the protective field
Hagalean: From the circumvented area, From the enclosed enclosure
Hagan: Young (In Gaelic), Little Hugh (In Irish) Strong defender (In Teutonic )
Hagaward: custodian of the hedged enclosed space
Hagen: A chosen son or descendent, High; A derivative from Hakon
Hager: Flight or Stranger, Variant of biblical name Hagar
Haglea: Enclosed field, Enclosed meadow
Haglee: Bordered by hedges, Surrounded by hedges
Hagleigh: enclosed meadow, together with grazing land
Hagley: From the hedged enclosure
Hagly: From the hedged enclosed space
Hagop: transcription of HAKOB
Hagrama: Dense forest, thick woodland area, opaque Jungle
Haha: Exclamation of Surprise,
Hahn: Roaster, Cock, conceited,
Hahona: Healer
Haian: Very attractive, Beautiful, Life
Haidar: Lion (Derived from the Hadara), Stout, Strong
Haiden: Germanic - Heathen, A derivative of name Hayden
Haider: The King of Jungle, Lion
Haiderbux: Loin power by blessing
Haig: From the enclosed field
Haihaya: The Horse,Name of a race and a king
Haile: African - Power, Old English - Nook, Retreat; A variant of Hale
Hailee: silage clearing, Hay woods
Hailen: English - Hollow, A derivative of Halen
Haimona: Listening
Hain: hawthorn tree
Hainain: Beautiful, Pretty; Good Looking
Haines: The variation of Hain
Hainrich: Ruler of a place, Home Ruler
Haisam: Strong Man
Haisiyat: Capacity, Ability; Status
Haissam: A sharp sword.
Haitat: Caution, Care
Haitham: young eagle
Haithem: Young Hawk
Haithum: family name, variation of Haitham
Haiuoen: Welsh Boy names
Haizam: Bold, Daring; Fearless
Haj: Pilgrim to Mecca,
Hajar: Derived from Hajara means abandoned, Flight
Hajari: Uesd in Africa,The one who takes flight
Hajesh: The Hindu Lord Shiva
Haji: Pilgrimage, One who has Performed the Hajj
Hajij: Pilgrim, one who has completed the Hajj to Mecca
Hajiriy: Handsome, Beautiful; Good Looking
Hajiyah: Pilgrim, one who has completed the Hajj to Mecca
Hajiz: Curtain, Partition
Hajj: Pilgrimage to the Holy City of Makkah
Hajjaj: Eye socket, Orbit,Orgument, debate, A rular of Iraq
Hajji: Variation of Haji, Persons completed the Hajj to Mecca
Hajo: variation of Hagen
Hajveri: Abul Hassan Ali Hajvari, Daata Ganj Bakhsh
Hak-Kun: One with literate roots.
Hakaku: White Crane
Hakam: one of the names of Islamic God, The Arbitrator
Hakamat: Scholarship, Knowledgeable, Wisdom
Hakambir: Brave Ruler, Courageous and Fearless leader
Hakamjeet: Victory of the Ruler, Successful Ruler; Emperor who Win always
Hakampreet: Love for Authority, One who considers his authority dear
Hakan: Emperor, ruler, Fire (USA), High-born(Scandinavian)
Hakeem: Wise, Intelligent, wisdom
Hakem: Ruler, Governor
Hakesa: King of Sound, One whose voice is very powerful
Hakesh: Lord of the Sound
Hakhamanish: One with a friendly mind and the name of the fifth ancestor of Darius the Great.
Haki: Justice, Claim; Right; Privilege; Name of a Slave
Hakiem: Doctor
Hakikat: Reality, Facts; Certainity; Truth
Hakim: One of God's Ninety-nine Names
Hako: Highest number in the race
Hakob: Supplanter, Armenian variant form of Hebrew name Jacob
Hakon: Eldest Son in the kin
Haksh: Eye
Haku: White, Older brother (Japanese) lord, overseer in Hawai
Hakue: Pure Blessing (Buddhist)
Hal: Germanic - Home or House Ruler, A nickname for Henry rules his household
Halab: Hopefully fit (Indonesian), largest city in Syria
Halabhrt: Carrying a Plough, One of many names of Krishna's Brother Balaram