We have created a list of 2287 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter P. This is Page 12 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Purves: Occupational name for one who obtains supplies for a monastery or manor haouse
Purvesh: One who is an earth-lover
Purvis: One who obtains supplies for the manor house or the monastery
Purviss: One who provides food for the manastery or the house
Purvith: A male name of Kannada origins
Purya: A person who deserves to be fulfilled
Pusa: A flavor, taste, aroma
Pusan: A wise, knowing sage
Pushaan: Name of a Vedic deity, The Sun; A cause to thrive; One who causes people to thrive
Pushan: A caring, nourishing man
Pushka: A gun or a cannon, One who is a barrel of a rifled gun; helpful
Pushkal: Another Lord Shiva's name
Pushkala: Abundant, Full; Rich; Complete; Plentiful;
Pushkar: A Boy who is like a lotus flower
Pushkara: One who is like the blue lotus
Pushkin: An Artilleryman, one good with the cannon and the gun
Pushmataha: For one whom the season of spring will be ready, Born at the onset of spring season
Pushninder: One who is the flowers of God
Pushp: A flower-like man
Pushp mitra: One who is an ancanet ruler
Pushp-mitra: An ancient king or a ruler
Pushpabhav: A flower's nectar
Pushpad: A flower giver
Pushpahas: One thousand names of the Lord Vinshu
Pushpaj: One who is flower-born
Pushpak: To posses the beauty of the flower
Pushpaka: The Spring Season, Flower Season
Pushpakar: The season of Spring, springtime
Pushpaketu: One who is like the Cupid, the Love God
Pushpam: A person who is lotus eyed, a flower
Pushpambhu: A person sweet as a honey or a nectar
Pushpanan: One whose face is like a flower
Pushparaj: One who is a King of the flowers
Pushparas: One sweet as a nectar, the sweetest one
Pushparn: The stream of flowers
Pushpavan: A name of the village
Pushpavat: The Sun and the Moon. Also menas a flower-like person
Pushpender: The Lord or the King of flowers
Pushpendra: One just as delicate as the flower
Pushpendu: One who is the Lord of all flowers
Pushpesh: One who rules the flowers
Pushpin: One who owns a lot of flowers, who is rich in flowers
Pushpit: To bloom and to bear flowers
Pushpmitra: A ruler of the ancient times
Pushpraj: One precious as the Topaz stone
Pushpreet: Love for Flowers, One who loves flowers and the season of flowers;
Pushpya: A blooming flower
Pushya: A Sanskrit name meaning Flower, Also name of Eighth Nakshatra in which Bharata brother of Lord Ram was born
Pushyamitra: One who is the friend of the best person
Pushyaraag: A person resembling the precious stone Topaz
Pushyati: Soft like a flower, Gentle; Beautiful
Puskar: One who is like a blue lotus flower
Puskin: A name that originates from Russian surname Pushkin, meaning the cannon
Puspabhusan: A flower made ornament
Puspang: A part of Flower, petal of flowers
Pussa: A tipsy person
Puta: A mythological person
Putakini: One who is full of life, Full of energy
Putera: Son or prince
Puthyrith: Merciful power
Pution: Star
Putnam: A kite's homestead. Used as a surname
Putra: To be someone's son
Putta: A baby that is small and petitte
Puttal: One of pure heart
Puvanan: A sky filled with flowers
Puvaraj: King of the World, Lord of the world; Ruler of the earth
Puvarasu: One who is the ruler of the flowers
Puviarasu: King of the World, Lord of the world; Ruler of the earth
Pwyll: A male name from the Welsh Mythology, King Pwyll
Pyara: A person who is loved
Pyare: A name collectivly given to 5 Sikh men, the five beloved ones
Pyarelal: A name of Lord Krishna
Pyaremohan: Lord Krishna's name
Pyas: Thirsty, One who always seeks for something
Pybba: One who is like a small rock
Pybbi: A person who is like the small stone
Pyers: One who lives near a pier, near the boats
Pylta: One who is like a small stone
Pylyp: One who is fond of horses.
Pylyp: One who is a horse lover
Pyn: One who comes from the bunded area
Pyralis: One made of fire
Pyrrhus: A person that has the colour of the flames, the red one
Pyt: A man from the pit
Pytta: One small rock
Pyttel: A hawk-like person