We have created a list of 1728 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter T. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Taabish: Moderate and comfortable heat
Taafeef: Praise or hymn of God
Taahid: Comfort at a time of grief
Taahir: Chaste, modest
Taai: Submissive to another's will
Taaj: One who is crowned
Taajwar: One who has power to rule a kingdom
Taalib: A student, seeker of knowledge
Taalim: Sky, high up above
Taalish: Lord of earth
Taamir: One who knows dates
Taan: Ability to do something or act in a particular way
Taanish: From an indian word means good
Taaqul: Clever thought
Taarank: Savious
Taatheer: Successful in producing a desired result
Taavet: Estonian form of David. It means beloved.
Taavetti: From the hebrew david means beloved, second israelite king
Taavi: Derivative of david, dearly loved
Taayin: Guardian
Tab: From tabor, in biblical Mt. Tabor is a landmark mountain near Nazareth
Tabaarak: One is blessed, Greatly revered or respected
Taban: Splendid or glittering
Tabananica: Hears the sunrise
Tabarak: Consecrated, glorified
Tabari: A famous Historian
Tabarik: To be magnified greatly
Tabarus: Recall someone or something in mind
Tabat: A renown and famous person
Tabb: Resplendent, Attractive and impressive through being richly sumptuous
Tabbah: Another name of madina city
Tabbart: A brilliant man
Tabbasum: Smile happiness
Tabe: People
Tabeed: Someone shines like a glitter
Taber: Known as taborer, the player on the small drum
Tabib: Doctor, someone who cures the sick
Tabish: Warmth of brilliance.
Tabnak: Hot too much appealing
Tabor: Mt. Tabor a mountain in Nazareth
Tabrett: Derived from pre-medieval word tabour which mean tambourine
Tabrez: Challenging, showing openly
Tabrid: Be in a cool state
Tabsheer: A person who brings good news.
Tacito: Silent
Tacitus: Not making any sound or noise, Name of the 1st century roman historian
Tacoma: From the snowy mountain peak
Tad: Poet
Tadaaki: Faithful light
Tadashi: A servant that is loyal and faithful, Right one
Tadd: Courageous
Taddeo: Italian of thaddeus, A gift of God
Tadeen: The one who informs.
Tadej: Slovene form of, meaning heart.
Tadelesh: A lucky man
Tadenikawo: Person under the protection of the crown.
Tadeo: Given by God
Tadeu: Given by God.
Tadeusz: Praised and desired gift of God
Tadg: Philosopher, someone who is engaged in philosophy especially as an academic discipline
Tadgh: A poet, Honored by God
Tadhg: Bard, one reciting epics, A mythical a prince of munster
Tadj: He who is with the crown
Tadtaotao: One who has no people
Tadtasi: Having no sea
Tadzio: Having a heart
Tae: One who is a great person
Tael: Delicate leaf
Taemon: One with good morals, Well behaved person
Taeppa: A person who is very tall and slim
Taetel: One who has the power to control
Taetum: Form of traedum, Tata's homestead
Taetwa: A quick witted individual who thinks fast
Taevas: Sky
Tafadhdhal: An obligation or commitment to someone
Tafadzwa: In shona it means we are pleased
Tafari: He who inspires awe
Tafaye: He who is not wise
Tafazal: Old age, an aged man.
Tafazzul: Courteousness, Having courtly manner
Tafazzulhusain: Favor of husain
Taffryn: He who comes from a very tall hill
Taffy: Derived from the element dod which means favorite
Tafheem: To help someone understand something
Taft: River
Tafzul: Restoration of friendly relations
Tag: Son of a priest
Taga: Chop
Tagara: A merchant
Tage: One who gives things
Taggart: A prelate's son
Taggert: A prelate's son
Taha: Pure
Tahan: Beseeching, Another descendant of Ephraim either a son or a brother of telah
Tahani: Congratulate someone for something good that has happened to them
Tahbeer: Make things beautiful to the eye
Tahbert: Shining brilliantly
Taheem: One who is pure at heart
Taheer: Not spoiled or made impure
Taher: Morally uncontaminated, an innocent one
Tahfeez: To praise or to describe
Tahib: Observing someone or something closely
Tahir: Pure, clean
Tahj: One who is crowned
Tahmaseb: Name of character in Shahnameh
Tahmeed: Praise, glorify and thank allah
Tahmid: Praising allah saying al-hamdulillah
Tahmoh: A name of Tanana origin of unknown meaning
Tahmores: Resembling a strong wild dog
Tahna: Abbreviation of tatiana which is feminine in a roman family clan name Tatius
Tahoe: Edge of the lake
Tahoma: One who is different with a cute personality
Tahoor: The one who purifies.
Tahseen: Beautification, one who is praised
Tahu: Spotless, absolutely clean or pure
Tahura: Honest, principled person
Tahurer: One who plays the drum
Taial: Nature
Taib: Very Good Person, Virtuous; Pious; God Fearing and Devoted to God; Repentant; Penitent
Taichi: Means a thick or big one
Taidgh: Person who loves to write poetry
Taidhgin: Someone who studies ideas about knowledge, truth and meaning of life
Taifurrahman: Vision of the merciful allah
Taig: Someone who puts their emotions into a poem
Taiga: Big and well-mannered person
Taige: Child of the sun
Taighan: Good looking man or a poet
Taigue: One who likes to seek theories
Taiki: Big, great tree, Full of brightness
Tailayag: No sail
Taillefer: One who carves or cuts iron
Taimallah: One who serves for allah
Taimoor: The King of the Kings, Self Respecting; Having Self Restraint; Self Made
Taimoorkhan: He who is the king and the ruler
Taimullah: Servant of god
Taimur: Iron, as strong as iron.
Taine: God of the forests
Taio: A great or distinguished person
Taisce: Keep carefully a valuable item
Taish: Moderation
Taisir: Felicitation
Taissa: Came from the deer forest
Taitanga: Not wished for.
Taiten: Plays a small drum
Taitt: One who brings happiness to other people, Cheerful one
Taivan: Foreigner, one who stays in someone else's country or land
Taiyan: A simple and sweet Boy
Taizeen: Being ones encouragement
Taja: Crown
Tajaldin: Crown of the faith
Tajamal: Adornment, magnificence or decoration.
Tajammal: Possessor of great beauty
Tajammul: Something used to beautify something
Tajammulhusain: An ornament of hussain
Tajbakhsh: Protector of the king
Tajdar: Crowned
Tajeddin: A man who wears the religious crown
Tajender: Gradeur of God in heaven
Taji: The yellow and silver color
Tajim: Having respect on someone
Tajj: Authority, or crown
Tajmmul: A man of great dignity and looks
Tajo: A name of the river in Spain, means Day
Tajuddin: Crown of the religion
Tajudinn: Pride and honor of the religion
Tajulislam: Crown of islam
Tajwar: King who is crowned, who has the power, the ruler
Tajweed: Hymn of praise for allah
Takahiro: Abundantly respectful and loving
Takai: The next world
Takashi: Devoted piety
Takato: Precious measure of exaltation
Takaya: One who has much respect for someone
Takdeer: The destiny, destined to happen
Takeo: Warrior, one who fights for his kingdom
Takfren: One who is born to help the needy
Takhana: A miller
Takhat: Throne of the ruler of the kingdom
Takhmaspâda: One who has an army of heroes. It's also the name of one of Darius' general.
Takhvinder: Lord of empire
Takieddin: A god-fearing man
Takis: Follower of demeter, earth nother
Takiuddin: A person who fears god
Takreem: Meaning to treat with grace
Taksa: A son of bharata
Taksha: King bharata's son
Takshak: A cobra
Taksheel: Someone with a strong character
Takshil: Person with a strong character.
Takshin: Wood cutter
Taksony: One who is well content
Taku: Young, living just for a little time yet
Takuma: An open truth
Takvor: One who is destined to wear the crown
Tala: Wolf
Talaat: Countenance, a person's facial expression
Talab: Young palm tree
Talaketu: Bhishma pitamaha
Talal: Nice, admirable
Talan: A claw