We have created a list of 1695 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter C. This is Page 2 out of 9 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Cantara: One who comes from the small bridge
Cantarella: A name of the deadly posion
Canyon: A very large ravine, a canyon
Canzada: A settlement, pure, nonchalant and generous
Cao: A Chinesee surname
Caoilainn: A slender and fair woman
Caoimhe: A precious and gentle lady
Capeka: A little stork.
Capella: A little feminine goat
Capri: A place in Italy
Capriana: A woman from place Capri
Caprica: She who is from Capri, Italy
Caprice: A fanciful, capricious person
Capricia: An erratic, capricious woman
Capricorn: A zodiac sigh, a goat
Capucina: Cape
Capucine: A woman who wears a hood
Capulet: An Italian surname, made famous in Romeo and Juliet
Cara: A dear one, a dear lady
Caraf: A feeling of love
Caragh: To love someone
Carah: A beloved girl
Caral: One who is free
Caraleen: A very beloved woman
Caraleena: She is deeply loved
Caraline: She is loved and cared for
Caralyn: A beloved free woman
Caralyne: She is free and loved
Caralynn: She is loved and free
Carana: A beloved dear one
Cardea: She protects the hinges
Cardella: A woman's name from England
Caree: She is born a free woman
Careen: She is a free woman
Caren: A genuine and pure woman
Carene: A little beloved, pure and darling one
Carenza: A loving and affectionate girl
Caress: A very tender touch, to caress someone
Caressa: She is of a gentle touch
Caresse: An endearing touch
Cari: A very dear one
Caria: She who flows like a water
Cariad: A darling and beloved person
Cariana: A little darling one
Carianne: A mericul and pure woman
Caridad: A very charitable person
Carie: A full grown, adult woman
Carien: A caring one
Carilla: A mainly woman
Carilyn: She is both feminine and mainly
Carilynne: She who acts like a man
Carin: She is little and very dear
Carina: She who is dear
Carinda: A beloved dear girl
Carine: A pure and beloved woman
Carinet: She is a dear woman
Carinna: A lady who is very little and dear
Caris: A loved girl
Carisa: She is a loved one
Carissa: A very, very dear woman
Carissima: The most dear woman
Carissy: A little dear girl
Carita: A beloved, dear, deeply cared for woman
Carla: A woman who acts like a man does
Carlee: A free peasant woman
Carleen: She is a free peasant girl
Carleena: A woman who is free
Carleigh: A free peasant girl
Carlen: She is free and a peasant girl
Carlene: A mainly free woman
Carletta: A girl who acts mainly
Carley: This woman is free
Carli: Woman who loves her freedom
Carlijn: Belgian variant of Caroline, meaning free man.
Carlina: She is a woman with freedom
Carline: A woman of free spirits
Carliss: She is free lady
Carlissa: She who is born as a free person
Carlita: A little one who is acting very mainly
Carlla: She is a very dear girl
Carlota: A strong woman
Carlotta: She has a man's strenght
Carlotte: Her strenght is like a man's
Carly: A free-born person
Carlye: A woman who has her freedom
Carlyle: A girl who has freedom
Carlyn: She has her freedom
Carlynda: A free and pretty lady
Carlyne: She has freedom
Carlynn: A little, free one
Carlynne: She who has freedom
Carlys: A little champion of freedom
Carlysle: She who is little and free
Carlyta: To be a free woman
Carma: To believe in faith.
Carman: A singing woman
Carme: A woman who is like a garden. Also one who harvest
Carmela: A golden woman
Carmelia: She who has a garden
Carmeline: A golden girl
Carmelita: She is like a beautiful garden
Carmella: A woman of gold
Carmelle: She is made of gold
Carmelliana: A noble golden girl
Carmen: A woman who is like a fruitful garden
Carmencita: A little one who is like a garden
Carmerlita: She is a cute little girl who is like a garden
Carmia: She who is like a song
Carmilla: A woman from the orchard
Carmin: She is like a beautiful song
Carmina: One who is like a song
Carminda: To be like a beautiful song
Carmindy: An American name for girls
Carmita: A woman with rosy cheeks
Carmya: A tender song
Carna: One who portects the body
Carnella: A woman who defends the fortress
Carnie: One who is a carnival worker
Caro: A female who is manly strong
Carol: A hymn or a song
Carola: She is strong like a Boy
Carolanne: A noble girl who act mainly
Carole: A strong female
Carolee: She has a strenght of a full-grown man
Carolena: She is a free person
Caroliana: A female with male strenght
Carolien: One who is like a song of happiness
Carolin: A happiness that the song brings
Carolina: A song of joy and happiness
Carolinda: A pretty and free girl
Caroline: A blissful, happy song
Carolinne: A woman who is like a happy song
Cäroly: Estonian variant of Carol, meaning mean.
Carolyn: A joyful song of happiness
Carolyne: A joyous song
Carolynn: A joy that the song brings
Carolynne: She is like a happy song
Carpathia: A name of the mountin
Carra: A dear, beloved lady
Carrabelle: A dear and beloved beauty
Carreen: She is a manly woman
Carri: A pure man who is free
Carrianna: A dear noble wife
Carrie: A strong woman
Carrieann: A noble strong girl
Carrigan: A very pointed spear
Carrina: A little darling
Carrington: A person from the Marsh town
Carrissa: A very dear woman
Carrolin: A full grown champion
Carroline: A little free woman
Carrolyn: She is a champion of men
Carry: A song, a carol
Carryn: An unsillied and pure free woman
Cartimandua: A name of the Brigantes Queen
Caru: A lovely person
Caryann: A gracious and womanly woman
Caryn: To be contemporaty, modern
Caryne: An unsullied, pure woman
Carynn: She of pure nature
Casandra: A famous phrophetess
Cascade: To fall, a cascade
Cascaida: A falling, descending land
Cascata: Like a waterfall
Casendana: She brings peace by day
Cashlin: A very vain woman
Cashlynn: A vain girl
Casi: A pet from Cassandra, meaning a phrophetess
Casia: She is like a tree with thorns
Casidhe: A clever woman
Casidi: A brainy, smart girl
Casie: She who is very smart
Casilda: A dwelling place
Casimira: She who proclaimed peace
Caspara: She who is the keeper of treasure
Cassadee: A woman with curly hair
Cassady: A curly haired girl
Cassandra: An excelling and shining woman
Cassandre: A woman who excells shining
Cassandrea: She who excells
Cassandriel: A shining woman who excells
Cassara: One who shines upon men
Cassarra: She is shining upon others
Casse: An alert woman
Cassendra: She who excells while shining upon men
Cassey: A woman who helps people
Cassi: A pure woman who shines upon people
Cassia: An empty, vain woman
Cassian: A man who is empty
Cassica: Another name for the spicy cinnamon
Cassidy: A smart and clever girl
Cassie: A vain young woman
Cassielle: The speed of the God
Cassilda: A place where people live
Cassini: A small dwelling place
Cassiopea: A Greek mithology name
Cassiopeia: A name from Greek mythology
Cassondra: An unheeded phrophetess
Cassy: She is like a thorny tree
Casta: A woman who is pius and pure