We have created a list of 1431 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter E. This is Page 6 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Epa: An offering to the god.
Ephie: well spoken.
Ephrasie: Good cheer
Ephrath: abundance or fruit bearing.
Ephtehia: a feminized name meaning overly fruitful in nature.
Epic: a long story or novel.
Epicelena: a very long narrative or story or novel.
Epifania: manifestation.
Epiphany: revelation or manifestation of a divine being.
Epkereamaka: One who finds prayer is good and wonderful.
Epona: someone who protects horses.
Eponi: Ebony or black
Eponine: protectress of horses and stallions.
Eppie: auspicious speech or good repute.
Era: wind or air, it also means a very long duration of time.
Eralia: A woman who is well spoken.
Eraman: someone honourable.
Eramana: a highly revered and honourable person.
Eranthe: Spring flower
Erato: muse of erotic poetry.
Eravati: daughter of the ocean.
Ercilia: a character from Roman mythological legends.
Ercongota: a famous nun from ancient times.
Erda: earth in German language.
Erdenechimeg: Jewel ornament
Erdudfyl: an Arthurian word meaning earth.
Erela: angel on earth.
Erelah: a Hebrew word meaning angel.
Erembour: a character from mythology who rides shadows.
Erembourc: a French mythological character who rides shadows.
Erena: it means peace.
Erendira: a princess of peace.
Ereni: a peaceful woman.
Erensia: Heritage
Ereshva: a righteous being.
Erheer: a Punjabi word meaning diamond.
Erhi: a musical instrument.
Erhimeyoma: My guardian spirit (God) is good
Erhinyoja: God hears our prayers
Erhinyuse: God answers our prayers
Erhiroghene: The spirit of God
Erhuvwun: Beauty
Erian: someone from Ireland.
Eriana: Welsh word for silver.
Erianna: silver in Welsh language.
Erica: forever strong or ever queenly.
Ericha: Heather, also a feminized form of the name Eric.
Ericka: a feminized form of the name Erick meaning ruler of people.
Eridian: someone belonging to the planet Eris.
Erie: somebody who belongs to Ireland.
Eriel: lion of god.
Eriella: a Spanish word for lioness of god.
Erihapeti: Helper or supporter
Eriifeoluwa: The evidence of God's love.
Erika: a feminized form of the name Eric meaning someone who rules the world.
Erikka: a feminized word which means a ruler.
Erilyn: a combination of two words Eric and Lynn.
Erimentha: collector of thoughts or determined protector
Erina: a feminized form of erin, meaning peace and a poetic way of referring to Ireland.
Erinna: means Ireland.
Erinne: a word which means Ireland.
Eris: Greek goddess of chaos and strife and discord.
Erisa: a goddess from Greek mythoology primarily concerned with discord and strife.
Erisha: it means a goddess of Greek mythology.
Erissa: this is a Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord.
Erista: Latin word for harvest.
Eristy: the best or harvest.
Erith: it means flower.
Erizelda: a battle maiden.
Erjot: a new beginning.
Erkengota: an ancient character of mythology.
Erla: feminized form of Erl meaning a warrior or noble lady.
Erleen: noble woman.
Erlene: an elfin or a noble woman.
Erlina: a shield or noblewoman or an elfin.
Erlinda: princess or spirited.
Erline: a girl from Ireland.
Erma: complete or war goddess.
Ermegarde: a feminized word meaning whole or universal or complete.
Ermelinda: soft, tender, whole and universal.
Ermelinde: a word which means something which is soft and tender and also whole or universal.
Ermenburg: a mother in an Northumbrian epic saga who trains her son for studying and fighting.
Ermenburga: a mother figure in ancient epic who trains her son.
Ermengarda: enclosure, protection of whole universe.
Ermengarde: a German word meaning whole universal enclosure or protection.
Ermengild: immense treasure.
Ermenhilda: a word meaning huge treasure.
Ermenilda: a powerful warrior.
Ermenjart: a warrior who was extremely powerful.
Ermina: a Latin word for noble.
Ermine: weasel or Armenian mouse.
Ermingard: a German word which means whole universe in its enitrety.
Erminide: a Latin word meaning entire universe.
Ermintrude: universal strength.
Ermioni: the one who carries the beauty of Ermis.
Ermyne: a French word meaning weasel or an Armenian mouse.
Ermyntrude: a German word meaning universal strength.
Erna: a feminized word meaning eagle.
Ernaline: capable or serious or battle to the death.
Erneburga: a historical figure in Yorkshire.
Ernesha: someone who is serious and determined.
Ernesta: a Spanish word meaning determined and serious.
Ernestène: She who is earnest.
Ernestina: a feminized word which means somebody who is serious and determined.
Ernestine: a German feminized word which describes someone who is vigorous, eager, serious and determined.
Ernestyna: a Teutonic feminized word meaning determined, serious and earnest.
Ernia: an Irish word meaning serios and earnest.
Ernie: a feminized Irish name which means earnestly serious and determined.
Erny: a Swedish name meaning serious and determined.
Eromi: Understanding
Eromidola: My thought has become wealth.
Errika: one who rules eternally.
Errin: it means Ireland in poetic form or peace.
Errolyn: a feminized word meaning someone who commands an army.
Erryl: a feminized word which has the meaning of an army commander.
Ersheen: god's beauty.
Ersilia: a character in Roman mythology.
Erskine: a Scottish surname.
Êrsta: Greenlandic form of Esther, meaning star.
Erth: a German word for earth.
Ertha: an Old English word for earth.
Erukainure: We have helped them
Erum: it means heaven.
Erva: a Finnish word meaning the hay grown after harvesting.
Erwina: a feminized word meaning someone who is a beautiful friend.
Eryka: a feminized word which means someone who rules for eternity.
Erykah: a feminized German word which in essence means a ruler for eternity.
Eryl: a place where people look for knowledge.
Eryn: a poetic form of referring to Ireland.
Erynn: a word which is used in poetry for referring to Ireland.
Erynne: a feminized word used in poetry for referring to Ireland.
Erzs�bet: a person who is truly devoted to god.
Erzsebet: someone who is devoted to god.
Esabell: somebody who has been devoted to god.
Esabella: a person who has been devoted to god for salvation.
Esadowa: it means wolves.
Esah: Alive
Esana: a feminized word meaning to safeguard.
Escher: a German name for someone who lived near an ash tree or grove.
Esclamor: an Arthurian word used in literature for someone who is attracted towards nature.
Eseld: beautiful or one who rules over the ice.
Eseoghene: God's gift
Eserovwe: God's grace
Esfir: an ancient goddess.
Esha: Pleasure, Desire; Purity; One of the many names of Goddess Paravati
Eshaal: Enlivened or excited, to enliven or excite.
Eshal: The Name of Flower in the Heaven, Pleasure; Desire; Purity; One of the many names of Goddess Paravati
Eshana: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eshani: it usually means a wish or a desire.
Eshanika: means to fulfill one's desires.
Eshanka: goddess Parvati or Shiva's wife.
Eshanya: East, One of many names of Goddess Parvati; Purity; Desire
Eshe: it means immortal.
Eshika: An Arrow, A Dart; Eyes bright as lamp;
Eshita: one who desires.
Eshma: lucky or whom luck favours.
Eshna: a wish.
Eshnaa: it means someone who is a wish.
Eshni: wife of lord Shiva.
Eshva: somebody who is born at easter.
Eshwari: supreme goddess or most powerful.
Esi: One who is born on Sunday.
Esiankiki: Young maiden
Esilia: wife of Romulus in Roman mythology.
Esin: Inspiration, an inspirational woman.
Esiree: some one who is desired.
Esita: a desired human being.
Esla: it is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning truth.
Eslanda: an Irish word for truth.
Esma: emerald.
Esmae: French word meaning respected.
Esmee: a feminized word meaning esteem.
Esmeralda: a Spanish word meaning emerald.
Esmeray: a dark moon.
Esmerée: Name of Welsh king's daughter who was turned into a serpent by magicians.
Esmerelda: a feminized Spanish word which means the emerald jewel.
Esmerie: a French word meaning emerald.
Esmira: a French word meaning loved.
Esphyr: it means stars.
Espn: an abbreviation for a popular American television sports channel.
Esra: it means more or quick.
Essence: it means scent or odour.
Essie: a Latin word meaning star.
Esta: someone from the east.
Est�e: a word which means crown or star.
Estee: a French word meaning star.
Estefana: someone crowned with laurels.
Estefani: a feminized word meaning wealth or crown or honour.
Estefania: a Spanish feminized word which has the ultimate meaning of honour or wealth or glory.
Estefany: crowned or glory or wealth.
Estel: a French word meaning stars in the sky which are bright.
Estela: a Spanish word for stars in the sky.
Estelia: star.
Estelita: bright sparkling stars.
Estell: it is a French word which means bright sparkling stars.
Estella: a Spanish feminized word meaning stars.
Estelle: illuminating bright sparkling stars in the sky.
Ester: a Hebrew word meaning star.
Estera: a Polish word for star.
Estere: A form of Esther, meaning star.