We have created a list of 1431 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter E. This is Page 5 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Emberly: the meaning of this name is low flame or spark or burning coal.
Emberlyn: this name means as precious as a beautiful jewel.
Emberlynn: the name signifies a precious pretty jewel.
Embeth: this name is a combination of two names emma and beth
Embla: according to Norse mythology Embla was the first woman on earth.
Emblem: it means labour or someone who is hardworking.
Emblyn: originally derived from old German word amal which means hard work or labour.
Embrace: it means to hug someone or show affection.
Embre: someone who rules the hearts and homes of people.
Embry: this name means someone who is good at winning people's hearts and as a result enters their hearts and homes.
Emel: it means desire.
Emela: Hope or inspiration.
Emelda: this name literally means an entire battle.
Emele: it means someone who is industrious or can be admired.
Emeli: this name means someone who is laborious or eager or a rival in battle.
Emelia: a striving or industrious person is described using this name.
Emeliana: this name means to continually strive or excel against a rival.
Emelie: literally meaning someone who is striving or eager to excel when faced in difficult situations against a rival.
Emelin: this name means hard working.
Emelina: someone who is extremely hard working or laborious is described using this name.
Emeline: a peaceful home or an industrious person.
Emelot: this means a castle belonging to Arthur.
Emelote: this name is often used for describing a castle which belonged to King Arthur.
Emeloth: King Arthur's castle during the medieval ages was described by using this name.
Emely: this name has the meaning of a leader who emulates success.
Emelye: the meaning of this name is someone who is industrious and a leader.
Emelyn: this name means hard labour.
Emelyne: the name is derived from old German word amal meaning labour.
Emene: Don't do harm, Do not hurt
Emeni: Tonga word for Amen.
Emer: this means someone who has been blessed by the six gifts of womanhood.
Emera: it means merit or a worthy person who has merit.
Emerald: this is a precious gemstone with the same name.
Emeraude: French word for emerald.
Emere: The name means rival in Maori language.
Emeria: it means someone who is from the north with great beauty and honour.
Emerlinda: this name means the whole universe is soft or tender.
Emersyn: this means brave and powerful, someone who is a leader.
Emeryth: it means an industrious leader with work power.
Emese: this name means mother.
Emestine: this means someone who is serious or directed.
Emetemedia: I will always remain a lady
Emeterhire: Girls have arrived
Emi: this means smile that is beautiful and picturesque.
Emica: this name means charming or blessed and beautiful.
Emigdia: One who is half-god or demigod
Emika: in Slavik this name means charming.
Emiko: this name means a prosperous and beautiful child.
Emilee: it means someone who is striving and industrious and excellent.
Emili: this name has a meaning laborious or eager.
Emilia: this name means to rival or emulate or excel.
Emiliana: this name means someone who wants to excel or be excellent.
Emilianne: Industrious
Emilie: someone who is extremely laborious, hard working and striving.
Emilija: a rival or emulating.
Emiliya: it means to work hard.
Emilja: to match or surpass a person or a rival by imitation mostly.
Emilly: dilligent and hard working.
Emilohi: Only God is great.
Emily: a name that often signifies a hardwroking, dilligent and an industrious person.
Emilyn: this name means someone who is striving and works hard.
Emilynne: a person who is industrious and strives extremely hard to excel.
Emina: a trustworthy person.
Emine: it means one who is fearless and courageous.
Emiola: The honorable one, or an honorable man.
Emira: someone who is worhty or merit or a princess.
Emiri: one who tries to excel or a royal person.
Emm: the whole or universe is signified by this name
Emma: the meaning of this name is universal whole.
Emma Dil: Heart's Wish
Emmajean: someone with great strength.
Emmaleah: a powerful and strengthful person.
Emmalee: a tremendously indutrious or hardworking person.
Emmaleigh: rival or laborious or eager.
Emmalie: eager to do hard work.
Emmalina: something that is all contaning or universal.
Emmaline: hardwoking and striving for excellence that is universal or complete.
Emmalise: everything contained together or universal.
Emmaly: trying to excel in an universal way and a path that is whole.
Emmalyn: great strength and hard work.
Emmalynn: a zeal to work hard and be industrious.
Emmanuela: this is the feminine form of the Biblical name for the Messiah and also has the meaning that god should be with us.
Emmanuella: means god with us from the old testament in Biblical verses.
Emmanuelle: French feminine word for the Messiah ultimately meaning god is with us.
Emmarie: a faithful or truthful person.
Emmary: a person who can be believed or who has faith, a faithful person.
Emme: Jewel, Gem; A variant spelling of name Emma
Emmegail: this means a high born lady.
Emmelia: it means harmonious or trying to excel.
Emmélie: Universal
Emmelina: a desire to emulate success and excel in life.
Emmeline: a German word meaning desire to work hard and be industrious.
Emmelyn: the entire universe in symbolized by this name.
Emmer: someone who lived on a land where grain was grown.
Emmeranne: Raven
Emmersette: a rich and powerful lady belonging to a well known house.
Emmi: a friendly and soft person.
Emmie: qualities like delicate, soft and friendly.
Emmilene: hardwork and labour.
Emmita: Sweet mother
Emmly: one who strives hard for success.
Emmlyn: someone who works really hard.
Emmote: a feminine form of power and strong will.
Emmott: tough, extremely powerful and strong built.
Emmy: a laborious, hard working and industrious person.
Emmylou: this name is a combination of two names - emmy and lou, which means a famous warrior.
Emogen: this name has the meaning maiden.
Emogene: a maiden is signified by this name.
Emoni: this name means faith.
Emony: faith or believe or reliance.
Emota: born at easter.
Ems: the whole universe.
Emsley: a gift from god.
Emunah: Faith
Emuobosa: Your own thing is precious
Emuvoke: Everything has time
Emy: universal whole.
Emylyna: combination of two names emmy and lynn.
Ena: someone who is passionate and graceful.
Enajemete: These are also girls
Enakshi: a deer eyed person.
Enas: One with a friendly and jovial demeanor.
Encarnacion: reference to the incarnation.
Endah: Beautiful, one who is excessively beautiful.
Endellion: fire or soul.
Endelyn: Endelyn is origin of the name Gwendolyn. It means white or fair.
Endora: it is a Greek work meaning light.
Endria: a bright luminating object.
Endzela: Snowdrop flower
Ene: an eagle, in Frisian it is masculine but in Estonian it is feminine.
Enedelia: nobility or a noble person.
Enedina: soul or life.
Eneida: this name means a life or a soul of a person.
Enelise: graced by god or bountiful.
Enerstina: serious or sincere.
Enerstyne: significant, consequential or serious.
Eness: queen of beauty.
Enfleda: the mother of a great saint.
Enfys: rainbow.
Engel: German word for angel.
Engelbertha: bright as an angel.
Engeled: a description of the word angelic or a possible old English refrence to England.
Engeleis: Slovenian form of the word angel.
Engeleisia: kind like an angel.
Engelieth: a battle.
Engelisa: a messenger.
Engelise: someone who transfers messages, a messenger.
Engis: an enigma.
Engla: Swedish feminine form of the word angel.
Englbehrt: a bright angel.
Engleberta: A bright angel
Engracia: graceful.
Engy: a beautiful queen.
Eni: a black female deer.
Enia: it means jewel or fiery
Eniafe: A beloved man.
Enid: it means spirit.
Enide: fair or spirit.
Eniiyi: A person of integrity.
Eniko: a young female deer.
Enim: a word relating to deer.
Eniola: a wealthy person.
Enisa: Friend or companion
Enit: fair or woodlark.
Enitan: Person of the story or person with a history.
Enivwenaye: Compare my success with those of my enemies
Enjoli: extremely pretty
Enkhjargal: Peaceful happiness or peace blessing
Enkhtuya: Ray of peace
Enlik: Edelweiss
Enna: this is a German word for edge of a sword.
Ennata: Goddess
Enni: this is a Finnish feminised form of the word Enna meaning edge of a sword.
Enny: feminised Finnish word for edge of a sword.
Enohor: Blessing
Enola: it means solitary.
Enora: this name means honour.
Enota: it is a Slovenian word for someone born on easter.
Enrica: a ruler of her house.
Enricua: Female form of Enrique, meaning all powerful ruler.
Enrieta: Enrieta is a variant of Henrietta and means state ruler'.
Enriqueta: a feminized version of the word enrique meaning ruler of the home.
Ensley: derived from a British palace in Nottinghamshire by the name of Annesley or Ann's meadow.
Enya: it means fire.
Enyd: spirit or soul or life.
Enye: it means grace.
Enygeus: Name of Percival's grandmother
Enyonyam: It is good for me
Enzokuhle: Expected to do great things, Do good
Eoduin: a famous character from a novel, the darkangel trilogy.
Eoforhild: a battle of boars.
Eolande: violet flower.
Eorcengota: a princess riding on a stallion.
Eorma: a nobleman's daughter.
Eormengyth: somebody who takes a public oath.
Eormenhild: a feminized word meaning someone who has taken a public oath.
Eormenhilde: a German word meaning a person who is under a public oath.
Eos: the meaning is dawn.
Eostre: goddess of the dawn.
Eowyn: she was a shieldmaiden and relative of King Theoden.