We have created a list of 1142 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter D. This is Page 2 out of 6 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Danique: God Judges
Danise: Lord is a judge
Danishara: One who always learns
Danita: A Prophet
Danitza: A feminine Lord
Daniyah: The close one
Danjela: An intelligent one
Danna: Feminine God rules
Dannah: Strong and together, Name of a place
Dannell: Love of God
Dannelle: French variant of Daniel
Dannette: A Prophet, Strong
Danni: A strong woman
Dannia: One with influencing personality
Dannie: Good natured
Danniel: Calm and soothing
Danniell: A promise by God
Danniella: God is my protector
Dannielle: God is a judge
Dannika: Lord is supreme, morning star
Dannin: God is protecting
Danuja: Knight, a ruler
Danylynn: A lovely person
Daphna: One who always attains victory
Daphne: One from Bay tree
Daphney: One from laurel tree
Daphnie: Branch of a tree
Daragh: An Oak
Daraja: One who is valuable and important to everyone.
Daralice: Very noble
Daralis: One loved by all
Daralyn: Derived from Airelle
Darareaksmey: A bright star
Daray: Dark skinned
Darbara: Exotic and rare
Darbee: A Deer Park
Darbey: Grazing park for Deer
Darbiana: A free man
Darbie: Name of a place where Deer graze
Darcelle: Dark, determined
Darcey: Girl from Archy
Darci: A stubborn , dark person
Darcia: The dark one
Darcie: Dark one
Darcus: Strong , dark one
Darcy: Dark haired
Dareca: Vindicated one
Dareen: One who has wisdom
Darejan: Unique
Darejani: A form of Darejan, meaning unique
Darel: One from the Airelle, Lovely
Darelene: Sweet and lovable
Darell: Word for huckleberry, beloved
Darelle: Gently loved
Darena: Wealthy one
Dari: One who keeps things well
Daria: Trustworthy natured person
Dariana: Royal name
Darianna: Female version of Darius. It means preserver.
Darianne: Female version of Darius, meaning preserver. A variation of Darianna.
Darice: Known for knowledge
Dariela: The near and dear one
Dariell: Open one
Darielle: Royal name for a Princess
Darien: Royal gift
Darienne: Silent gift
Dariga: Pity, regret or surprise
Darik: Persian royal name
Darika: A lovely maiden
Darin: God's gift
Darina: Wonderful gift from God
Darion: Silent one
Daritree: Coming from Earth
Darja: One who has God
Darkhshanda: Splendid and astonishing
Darla: Very dear one
Darleane: Lovely person
Darleen: One who has charming personality
Darleena: One who is brilliant
Darlena: Lovely individual
Darlene: A child loved by all
Darletta: A beloved child
Darlina: A sweet, innocent child
Darline: Darling baby
Darlita: Young Girl
Darminee: A religious person
Darnetta: Hidden from everyone
Darnisha: A good worker, hidden
Darolyn: A beloved individual
Darpana: Tiny mirror
Darpanika: Small mirror
Darpita: The proud one
Darra: Wisdom, Oak tree
Darrelle: A darling person
Darrellyn: One who is dearly loved
Darreth: Rich Pearl of wisdom
Darrian: Gifted poet
Darrien: Soothing poem
Darryl: A beloved, talented person
Darsameen: Valuable, expensive, and costly.
Darsana: Process of seeing
Darsha: To see
Darshana: Watching, to see
Darshani: A blessed individual
Darshi: Blessing, to help and nurture
Darshika: One who is intelligent and wise
Darshini: One who blesses people
Darshinika: Seeing quietly
Darshita: One on display
Darthula: Beautiful eyes
Daruka: Pine tree
Darva: Honey Bee, sweet
Darya: One who is good
Darylene: Meaning dearling
Daryll: A devoted darling
Daryllyn: Beautiful one
Darylyn: One who is loved by all
Daryna: The gift of God
Daryon: Good person
Dashaun: Yahweh is great
Dasia: Lebanese term for daisy flower, excellence
Dasie: One with stable personality
Dassah: A tree
Dastgeer: A helper, another name of Dastgir
Datha: One born with special talents, flower
Datherine: Combination name for David and Catherine
Dathuya: Lovable Person, One who is very likable
Daughtry: A high bank
Daulat: One who brings good fortune
Daumaa: Sea or ocean.
Daunaree: An analytical, diligent person
Davalyn: A beautiful and loving person
Davan: A fascinating name
Davana: A sweet smelling herb, a fruit
Davanee: A merciful, gentle and the name of Puritans
Daveigh: One who is much loved
Davene: A beloved darling
Davette: A determined good worker
Davia: Feminine of David, One who has strong spiritual powers
Daviana: A beloved person who is everyone's favourite
Davianna: Beloved and lovely person
Davida: Adopted from Hebrew, beloved person
Davignon: Dearly loved person
Davina: Adopted from Hebrew, a divine person
Davinah: Much loved individual
Davine: A lovely and brave individual who rules
Davinee: A bright and brilliant Finn
Davinia: A cherished and lovely individual
Davita: A unique cherished individual
Davon: Determined worker
Davonna: A leader who shows the way and guides
Daw: Bright and beautiful stars
Dawana: A daybreak, one who needs to be avenged
Dawha: A lofty tree
Dawlatkhatoon: One who is from the ruling family
Dawn: Daybreak time
Dawna: During daybreak
Dawne: A serious-minded, energetic individual
Dawnelle: The sunrise, spiritual
Dawnetta: First appearance of daylight
Dawnette: Refreshing daybreak
Dawnielle: Protective by nature, emerging daylight
Dawnika: A romantic individual
Dawnita: An inspiring and leading personality, daybreak
Dawnn: A patient and charming personality, dawn
Dawnna: A wholesome and diplomatic person
Dawnya: Daybreak, they seek freedom
Dawnyelle: An efficient and natural individual
Dawnysia: Time when light appears
Daxa: One who is clever.
Day: A female servant, hope
Daya: Bird of prey, a compassionate person
Dayamani: A kind and generous individual
Dayamayi: A kind person, regards nature and its beauty
Dayami: One from the friend
Dayan: A judge and a peacemaker, who finds joy in small things
Dayana: A judge, Latin of Diana
Dayani: She who is friendly
Dayanita: A tender human being
Dayashree: A very efficient teacher
Dayawanti: A Goddess of mercy
Dayeah: Name of a bird, Goddess of kindness
Dayena: A valley and leader of church
Dayita: A beloved and caring being
Dayla: A silent valley
Dayle: Valley, an assembly
Daylee: A dale, sensitive and emotional
Daylin: A beautiful and productive day
Daylof: An idealist, a youthful and lonely being
Dayluue: A youth and excitable being
Dayna: Variant of Dana, from Denmark
Daynan: Kindhearted being, variant of Dana
Dayo: Arrival of joy
Daysha: A present from God
Daysi: Name of a flower, lovely
Dayton: Name of a dairy town
Dayvee: A godlike, divine and determined individual
Dazi: One with great sense of detail
D�ire: One who is noted for swiftness and beauty
D�ith�: One who has power of beauty