We have created a list of 1104 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter F. This is Page 6 out of 6 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Frimunt: Who caress for persons or property.
Frioc: From the field of the sheep or bulls.
Frisco: Refers to bare land or empty location.
Friso: Frisian
Frith: Refers to freedom from slavery.
Frithebert: The brightness of Peace.
Frithegod: The God or The lord of Peace
Frithel: The one who love Peace
Fritheswith: One who is free and safe
Frithona: God has been provided.
Frithowulf: Seducer who lives peacefully among the society.
Frithswith: One who enjoys freedom
Frithu: A talented and fearless person
Frithugar: A spear who protects and bring peace
Frithugeorn: Hard working person who likes to travel
Frithugis: A name given to son of Hugh
Frithugyth: One who is able to bring peace
Frithulaf: A peaceful lover and friend
Frithuric: The king who rules his kingdom peacefully.
Frithuwald: One who is from a peaceful forest
Fritjof: Refers to concord, peacetime or harmony.
Frits: A confident ruler who spreads peace
Fritz: Refers to reconciliation or compromise.
Fritzchen: The monarch who rules the country peacefully.
Fritzi: The emperor who ruling the nation peacefully.
Fritzl: The sovereign who is ruling the country without any problem.
Fritzroy: The peaceful king of the nation.
Frod: Refers to intelligent and prudent.
Froda: A sensible and careful person
Frode: The one who is very clever in his mind.
Frodo: The person who is intelligent in his mind.
Frohar: Angel, Spirit; Protector; Spirit which Protects the Soul as a guardian Angel
Froim: A form of Ephraim, meaning fruitful.
Frolle: A logical, light hearted person, orderly
Fromund: The lord who protects
Frost: The person who is having pale color or dull color beard.
Froylan: A home loving and friendly individual
Fróði: A learned or wise man.
Frutiger: A habitational name from a place called Fruttigen.
Fryderyk: A peace lover King or ruler
Frye: Independent kernels or stones.
Fshd: Refers to a text browser.
Fu: Refers to well to do and prosperous.
Fuaad: Heart or conscience.
Fuad: Heart, Soul; A variant name is Fouad
Fudail: Excellent in character
Fudaili: A person who is trustworthy and humble being
Fugeltun: Form the park land of the people.
Fugol: Resembling a fowl or birdie.
Fui: A generous and helpful person
Fujai: Name of Prophet's companion.
Fulaton: Farm house of the multitude.
Fulbabu: A dancer who sounds out rhythms by using metal taps on the toes and heels of the shoes.
Fulbert: Glittering radiance or glowing light.
Fulbright: The one who is an outstanding person or extraordinary man.
Fulca: One who is concentrated and patient being
Fulco: A community of people smaller than a town.
Fulendu: Full Moon, One who is luminant, radiant and bright like full moon; A variant spelling is Foolendu
Fulgencio: Sparkling or shining.
Fulhert: Very positive or upbeat.
Fulk: The people or chieftain
Fulke: On behalf of multitude.
Full: Not empty, always to the top
Fuller: The one who stitches clothes.
Fullere: Any material used to thicken.
Fullerton: The town or city of Fuller.
Fullofaudes: An alert and dependable individual, loyal
Fulop: The person who admires horses.
Fulton: Field near town
Fulup: Bretons form of Philip, meaning lover of horses
Fulvio: The one who is having red hair.
Fumihiro: Refers extensive condemnation.
Fuqqah: Refers to floret or floras or floret.
Fur: The fire, one who worked with fire
Furaniq: The commander of an armed group.
Furhat: The pleasantness or the happiness
Furio: Marked by extreme and violent energy.
Furkan: Variant of Furqan. It means evidence or proof.
Furmaan: Outstanding rules and regulations.
Furman: A driver of a horse-cart for delivery
Furnald: The mountain covered by leaves.
Furoogh: Refers to cheerful, happy or lustre.
Furozh: A glowing radiance.
Furqaan: Refers to confirmation or indication.
Furqan: Refers to immune or resistant.
Furqau: Distance between the fact and the untruth.
Fursat: Perfect time or exact time.
Furud: Refers to individuality or exclusivity.
Furughuddin: Illumination of the religion
Futaih: Refers to foundation or creation.
Futtehkhan: The triumph or a ruler, or a winner king
Futuh: Refers to triumph or overcome.
Futuhat: Refers to win or success.
Fuwaad: Emotion or soul.
Fuwad: Attention or feeling or core.
Fuyum: Reefers to firm and powerful man.
Fuyuzat: Kindness or bigheartedness.
Fuzail: The person who is talented or skilful.
Fygla: A locational name for enclosure
Fylmer: Refers to well known person or celebrity.
Fynbar: The one who has pale or grey colored hair.
Fynn: African - River Ofinn, Old Norse - Finn; Celtic - White, Fair; A variant of name Finn
Fyodor: Skills from the most holy high God.
Fytch: The expensive white fur of ermine.