We have created a list of 1104 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter F. This is Page 3 out of 6 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Fatehkaram: Good deed's victory
Fatehmeet: A friendly victor
Fatehnaam: The naam's victory
Fatehpal: Protector of Victory, Defender and Guardian of Success; Friend of Prosperity
Fatehpreet: He is victorious
Fatehroop: He who is an embodiment of the victory
Fatehwant: One who is a complete victor
Fath: One who always wins
Fatheddin: A male name of Urdu and Arabic origin
Fathi: Arabic - Conqueror, Sanskrit - Prosperity
Fathshah: A King who triumphs
Fathuddin: A faith's guidance
Fathullah: A guidance and support of God
Fatih: A confidence from the trust an belief
Fatik: He who is like a crystal
Fatin: A very smart Boy
Fatiq: A dawn at the east
Fatir: He who is maker, who creates
Fatmir: A Boy of great luck
Fattah: He who opens
Fattan: A bright and charming young man
Fattooh: A little one who conquers
Fatun: A knowledgable and smart one
Fauja: One who is a good soldier
Fauji: A good warior
Faulconer: One who trains falcons
Faulconner: He who trains falcons
Faulkener: He who is a falconer
Faulkner: A man who trains falcons
Faunus: To become someone's friend
Faust: One who is lucky
Faustino: A little lucky man
Faustinus: A man of fortune
Fausto: A man of luck
Faustus: An auspicious mand
Fauzi: Arabic - Success, Victory; Triumph; A variant of Fawzi
Favian: A very brave man
Favien: A man who is brave
Favio: A man of wisdom and understanding
Fawad: One who has a heart
Fawaz: A man who is a winner
Fawcett: One who comes from the colourfull hills. Mostly used as a surname
Fawkes: An english surname, meaning one who is like a falcon
Fawwaz: She is a successful man
Fawz: An accomplished man
Fawzan: A victorious and one of success
Fawzi: He who has success and is winning
Fawzy: A victory, a great triumph
Faxon: A man with a long hair
Fayadh: A liberal man
Fayard: A popular and strong magician.
Fayaz: A man who is pious and virtuous
Fayd: A feeling of abundance
Fayek: A man who is sublime and out of the ordinary
Fayez: One who is always a victor
Fayij: A Mulsim baby Boy name
Fayis: He is an ultimate winner
Fayiz: One who always wins
Fayne: A joyful Boy
Fayrooz: A gemstone turquoise
Faysal: One who is a judge
Fayvel: Bright and radiant.
Fayyaad: One who owerflows with generosity
Fayyaadh: A very generous and liberal man
Fayyad: He whose generosity is owerflowing
Fayyadh: A man of great generosity
Fayyaz: A cheritable and generous man
Fayyim: A man of strenght
Fayzal: A man who is a judge and an arbiter
Fayzel: One who judges
Fayzulhaq: A grace that the truth brings
Fazal: A feeling of excellence and superiority
Fazeed: A baby name for mulsim
Fazel: A man who judges
Fazil: A Boy of high status who is worthy of praise
Fazilath: A man from Fazilah
Fazira: A male name of Arab origin
Faziuddin: A religion's bounty
Fazl: One who does good deeds
Fazle: The Lord's bounty
Fazleilahi: An Allah's bounty
Fazlemawla: The Bounty of the God
Fazlerab: The Lord's compensation
Fazlerabbi: The Lord's donation
Fazli: Kind, and graceful man.
Fazlullah: The God's bounty and excellence
Fazululhaq: The bounty of the truth
Fazzal: A reward of grace
Fealca: One who is in love with out doors and a nature lover, intelligent
Fealcna: An ancient english personel name.
Feargal: A brave and courageous person
Fearghus: To have great man-strenght
Fearn: One who dwells among the ferns
Fearne: He who is among the ferns
Fearnhamm: He who comes from the fern field
Fearnhealh: He came from the slope of the ferns
Fearnleah: To come from the fern covered lands
Feather: One soft as a feather
Featherstone: A stone of feathers
Febian: One who is from the Fabius clan
Febin: A muslim Boy name
February: A second month of the year
Fecca: An Anglo-Saxon male name for the low-born child
Fedde: Peace
Fedele: A faithful man
Federico: A ruler who rules in peace
Federigo: One whose ruling brings peace
Fedir: Gift from above
Fedor: A divine Gift of God
Feegan: A child who is eager
Feerouzah: Reference to Turquoise, a semi-precious stone of Turkish origin
Feeroz: A King who wins
Fehed: Lynx, Panther; From Kikuyu
Fehmeed: One who is wise and intelligent.
Feilding: A topographical English name, meaning open lands
Feisal: A man with stubborn nature
Feivel: One who is extremly bright
Felabeorbt: A brilliant young Boy
Felabeorht: A Boy who shines birlliantly
Felamaere: A renown and famous Boy
Felding: He who lives in the fields
Feldon: One whose estate has a lot of fields
Feldtun: He who comes from the fields
Feldun: A Boy from the fields
Feleogild: A name of one of the saints.
Feleti: A state of peace
Felgild: A challenging, humble and unique person, dynamic person
Felician: A lucky and fortunate Boy
Feliciano: A young man who is lucky
Felicio: He who is lucky in life
Felicjan: A man of good fortune
Feliks: A lucky and successful man
Felim: One who is forever-good
Felipe: A horse lover
Felis: He who is fortunate in life
Felix: A man who is blessed with good fortune, luck and success
Fell: A Boy from the rough hill
Felman: A man who dwells near the crag
Felot: One who has a charming personality, a felt maker
Felten: A healthy and vigourous man. Used mainly as a surname in England
Feltin: One who si healthy
Felton: He came from the fields
Felu: A nickname for Boys
Femi: One who loves
Fen: One who marshes
Feng: One who is like a Phoenix. Also means maple
Fenil: Name of French Flower, Foam; Soap-nut Tree
Fenix: One who is like a Phoenix. Also means maple
Fenmore: A very dear love
Fenris: Name of a mythical monster.
Fenton: One from the marsh town
Fenwick: One who lives near the dairy farm
Fenwicke: A person who lives on the dairy farm
Feodor: A heavenly gift
Feolma: He comes from the meadow of the sheep
Feologild: A name of the medieval English Archbishop
Feolomaer: One who has seeking and exploring nature, justice
Feoluca: A name of a lake in the English country.
Feolugeld: One of the lakes in English land.
Feolumaer: The name of a lake in english harmony.
Feoras: He is like a rock
Ferd: A short from Ferdinand, means one who lives near the alder trees
Ferdie: He is on the brave journey
Ferdinand: A daring and brave journey
Ferdinando: He is a brave traveler
Ferdinandus: A daring traveler
Ferdnan: A Boy who is like a sunshine
Ferdo: He is on a ready journey
Ferdows: He is like a paradise
Ferdynand: One who stars a brave journey
Ferenc: A man with freedom
Fereydoon: The third man
Fergal: A brave young Boy
Fergie: He who is like a rock. Also means a man who made a choice
Fergus: He is a rock, a stone
Ferguson: The son of the rock
Ferhad: Helper or phraortes
Ferhat: Winner, Smart; Male Hero
Ferid: Unique, Unmatched; A variant of Farid
Ferin: The winds that come from the West
Feriz: One who is lucky or fortunate.
Ferjal: A prosperous, rich and well settled boy.
Ferka: Frenchman or French.
Ferman: A man who is superior and commands respect.
Fermin: One with strenght
Fern: A green, shade loving plant. A fern.
Fernald: One from the fern lands
Fernall: He comes from the fern covered hillside
Fernand: A traveler blessed with bravery
Fernandez: The son of an adventurous traveler
Fernando: A bold voyager
Fernham: To come from a meadow where fern grows
Fernlea: To be from the fern meadows
Fernlee: To have home in the fern meadows
Fernleigh: He can be found in the fern fields
Fernley: One who comes from the fern lads
Fernly: He is from the fern lands
Feroz: A succesful and winning person
Ferran: A brave voyager
Ferrand: A man of grey hair