We have created a list of 1104 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter F. This is Page 4 out of 6 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ferrant: A surname, means a grey haired one
Ferrão: A man who is ardent for peace.
Ferrari: An occupational name, meaning a blacksmith
Ferrin: A servant who is most handsome
Ferris: One who makes the best choices
Ferrol: A Spanish place name
Ferron: One who works with the iron
Ferruccio: One with the iron sword
Feruzi: Turquoise
Fessler: Occupational name for a cooper.
Festus: He who is festive and full of joy
Fetangis: One who cries a lot.
Fethee: Judgement
Fethi: He is a conqueror
Fews: One who is a saddle-tree maker
Fey: One who is like a tree on the beach
Feye: The beginning
Ffion: A welsh name meaning Foxglove
Fiachra: A saint-like man
Fiacre: He who is like an eagle
Fiadh: Man dark as raven
Fiam: A happy and joyous feeling
Fico: A person who is like a fig
Fidaa: To ask for ransom
Fidaan: A ransomer
Fidel: Latin - Faithful, Derived from the word Fidelis
Fidele: A faithful person
Fidelio: He who is truthful and faithful
Fidelis: To be honest and faithfu,
Fidelity: To stay true and faithful
Fides: Truthfulnes and faithfulness
Fidvi: One who is ready to sacrifice himself.
Fie: A darkness of peace
Field: A landscape. A man from the field
Fielding: A man who lives in the field
Fien: A man of elegance
Fiete: Frisian form of Frederick, meaning peace.
Fife: A Scottish surname, meaning a man from the ancien Kingdom Fife
Figaro: A darring and cunning man
Fihr: A stone pestle, usually used to crush or grind (opponents)
Fikham: Great, Illustrious; Bright; Luminous
Fikhar: Pride, prestige and glory
Fikret: Thought
Fikri: An intellectual person
Fil: A person who loves horses
Filbert: An exceedingly bright person
Filberte: A brilliant, well-learned individual
Filberto: A smart and intelligent person
Filbuk: Extremely intutive and witty
Filemon: A friendly and loving person
Filiberto: An extremely bright person
Filip: A horse lover (Spanish)
Filipe: A person who loves horses
Filippo: A person who passionately loves horses
Filippos: A person who is friendly with horses
Filius: A male offspring, son; heir
Fillan: A little Wolf, name of a saint
Fillip: A person who greatly loves horses
Fillmore: A highly famous personality
Filmarr: Extremely well-known, praiseful and law abiding person
Filmer: A person who is very popular
Filmore: A well reknowned person
Fin: A person who is fair and mythology
Finbar: Fair-headed one, one who adds
Finbarr: Fair-headed one (variant of finbar)
Finch: One who catches and breeds finches (a bird species)
Findlay: A little fair-haired soldier
Findley: A fair and courageous person
Fingra: Green pasture where cows like to stay and eat grass.
Finias: The Oracle, the son of Eli; Dark-skinned
Finis: The End, the final one
Finja: Fair, pale or white (Derived from Irish name Finn)
Finlay: A fair and heroic warrior
Finley: A courageous soldier who is fair
Finlo: A fair Lugh( sun-God of Ireland & Mann), i.e. warrior
Finn: A 'fair' or 'white' person
Finnan: Fair, white or blond (haired) (variation of finian)
Finnbheara: The King of the Fairies
Finnbogi: Norwegian term meaning merchant.
Finneas: The Oracle, Biblically, the son of Eli; Dark-skinned( Egyptian)
Finnian: A little white, fair man
Finnick: Became popular after usage in Hunger Games
Finnigan: Descendants of the fair ones
Finnula: A fair-shouldered person
Finnur: One from Finland.
Finola: One with white shoulders
Fintan: "white-fire" or "white-bull", deemed to be the only suvivor of Great Flood
Finuala: A person who has fair shoulders
Finula: A pale-shouldered female
Finvarra: King of the Mound of Fairies
Fion: Fair or white (latinised version of fionn)
Fiona: White or fair (latinised version of fionna)
Fionan: A fair offspring
Fionn: Literally translates to "fair"
Fionna: White or fair (feminine for fionn)
Fionnan: A fair descendant (derived from fionn)
Fionnbhar: A person who has fair hair
Fionnbharr: A white or blond-haired person
Fionne: A white or fair person
Fionnghuala: A fair-shouldered individual
Fionntan: "White-inferno" or "white-bull", legendarily, the sole suvivor of Great Flood
Fionnuala: The girl with fair shoulders
Fiontan: "White-fire" or "white-bull", only one to endure the Great Flood
Fionula: Her, who is said to have white shoulders
Fiora: A blossomed flower, Roman Goddess of Spring
Fiore: A flower (Italian version of fiora)
Fiorela: A little Flower (derived from Latin fiora)
Fir: A sharpened tool, usually used as a weapon
Firaq: The act of separating
Firas: A lion, Highly insightful and astute
Firasah: A highly insightful and perceptive person
Firash: Perceptiveness, Ingenuity
Firdaus: The Heavenly City of the Gods, Divine Garden (similar to that of Eden)
Firdausi: Paradisical, Heaven-like
Firdaws: The Heavens or the Paradise
Firdoos: The Heavens or the Paradise
Firdose: The Paradise City of the Gods
Firdous: The Realm of Paradise
Firdows: The place of Eternal Paradise
Firdoze: Refers to the abode of the Gods
Firdus: Paradise, Garden Enclosure; Heaven
Firenze: A blossoming flower, Italian name for the city Florence
Firhun: The name of a leader who was protested for West African independence.
Firman: Fair,White (in English), A mandate or edict (in Arabic); Firm (in Latin)
Firmin: An unyielding and firm person (derived from Latin Firmus meaning firm)
Firmino: A steadfast, unwavering and firm personality
Firnas: Powerful, Brave; Thick Necked Lion; Mighty; Strong
Firoh: Happiness, Joyful; Delighted; Charmed; Ecstatic
Firoj: A winner, successful person
Firouzah: Reference to Turquoise, a semi-precious stone of Turkish origin
Firoz: A victorious and blessed individual, also refers to turquoise, the precious gem
Firth: A small inlet or estuary of a sea
Firuzeh: Refers to the greenish-blue colored gemstone, Turquoise
Firyal: A person's name
Fishel: Fish
Fisher: A fish catcher, anglicized form of Gaelic word, Bradán, which means "Salmon"
Fisk: A person who makes a livelihood out of selling fish
Fisnik: Noble
Fitan: Intelligence, Wisdom; Brilliance
Fitch: Its an old English word for an ermine or polecat
Fitela: Mythologically, both, the son, as well as the nephew of Sigemund, a Norse Hero
Fitin: A sharp-witted and clever person
Fitzhugh: Fitz+Hugh esentially means "The son of Hugh"
Fitzroy: Essentially means "the son of the Roy" or "the son of the King"
Fitzsimon: Splits down to mean "the son of Simon", translated from Gaelicized Mac ShÃomóin
Fitzsimons: Basically, "Fitz"+"Simons" means "the male child of Simon"
Fitzwilliam: It means "the male offspring of William"
Fiu: It literally means "son" or "male child"
Fivel: Nursing
Fiyas: An artistic man, A variant is Fiyaz
Fiyaz: An artistic man, A variant is Fiyas
Fiyero: A fiery man or a proud person
Fiyifolu: Give honor to God.
Fjall: From the rough hill.
Flaede: A person who prefers to stay by himself
Flak: Till End, Gut; means Swampy Grasslands
Flaminio: The keeper of the flames, i.e. A priest (in Spanish)
Flamur: Flag, or banner
Flannerry: A person with fiery red hair
Flavian: A blond or light-haired Boy, Derived from Latin word 'flavus' meaning 'blond'
Flavie: French variation of Flavia, meaning 'golden blond or yellow-haired'
Flaviu: Romanian form of Flavius, meaning golden or yellow haired.
Flecher: A person who makes arrows
Fleda: A fast-moving, swift and nimble-footed person
Flemmyng: A man from the Flanders, a communuty settled in a part of Belgium
Flemyng: A citizen, descendant from Flanders
Fleur: An old French word for 'flower'
Fleurette: A floret (i.e. a little flower), Comes from French fleur
Flinn: "Son of a Flann", i.e. male child of a red-haired man
Flip: A person who adores horses
Fliss: Derived from the Latin word Felicitas, it means happiness and prosperity
Flo: A blossoming flower
Floella: A combination of 'Flo' and 'Ella', it is a feminine word for flower
Floemus: As per Arthurian legend, steward to the King of Orkeney
Floki: A heroic Viking.
Floor: Soon to blossom, derived from Latin word florere
Flor: Literally means a flower, Could be interpretted as a charming; blossoming person
Flora: Derived from the Latin word Flo,it means a flower, Roman goddess of Spring
Floramaria: Literally means flower of Mary, the mother of Jesus
Florencio: A form of 'Florence' which means to prosper and blossom
Florent: It means to be 'in a flower form'
Florentijn: A Dutch form to represent 'flowering', understanding
Florentino: A form of "Florentinus' which means 'to blossom or prosper'
Florentinus: A variation used in context of a blooming flower, flourishing
Florenz: The word is French for 'a flower or blossom'
Florian: A masculine modification of 'Florence' which represents the 'process of blooming'
Florin: Diminutive of Latin Fiore, it means a flower
Florino: A variant of 'Florian', the name means 'to bloom or flower'
Floris: A form of Latin word 'Florus', it means 'flowers' or 'blooms'
Florizel: It represents 'a person in bloom', Popularized by the character
Florus: It represents 'blossoms or flowers'
Flosi: Norwegian term meaning chieftain.
Flower: As the name suggests, it represents 'a bloom, blossom or flower'
Floyd: It means something gray-colored or gray-haired
Fluellen: Obtained from the word Llewellyn, this word means a leader
Flurry: Flourishing, blooming
Flyn: It refers to someone with red hair
Flynn: It essentially means descendant of the red-haired ones
Flynt: A version of the name 'Flint', it refers to a hard rock, Also means a river stream
Fobb: A flexible and energetic person