We have created a list of 1104 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter F. This is Page 2 out of 6 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Fanishwar: Lord of Serpents, One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Fanishwararenu: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Fannan: An artistic man
Fannar: Snow, warrior or army.
Fannig: A Surname in Irish
Fannish: An important, charming and optimistic being
Fannvci: A rational and thoughtful natured individual, efficient
Fantino: A form of Fantinus, meaning baby boy.
Fanuco: One who likes freedom, free
Fanucus: English name for Boys
Faolan: One who runs with the wolves
Faqahat: One who learns a lot
Faqeed: One who is unique
Faqeeh: Jurist, or scholar of religious laws.
Faqeer: A poor man
Faqid: One who Knows Law and Divinity, Intelligent; Judicious; Understanding;
Faqih: An Islamic legal expert.
Faqir: A poor man
Faquir: Of Saintly Ways, One who is self-sufficient; Wise; Noble; Ones spiritual need for God
Faraan: One who is very happy
Faraasat: One with a keen eye
Faraaz: An elevation
Faradis: A paradise
Farafisa: Name of Prophet's companion.
Farag: A remedy for sorenes
Faragars: An accepting, rational and refined individual
Farahan: One who is full of joy
Farahat: Joy and happiness
Faraj: A cure for a problem
Faraji: A consolation
Faramon: Arabic name for Boys
Faramond: A protector of travelers
Faramundo: The one who travels with protection and shelter.
Faran: He who moves forward
Faraq: He who tells the truth
Faraqlit: He who can tell the diference between truth and lies
Faras: Mount, A horse used for riding
Farasat: A person witha keen eye
Farayioluwa: I rely on God.
Faraz: A feeling of elevation
Farbod: One who protects the glory
Farbud: A right person
Fard: A religious duty that the Allah comands
Fardad: A man endowed with splendor
Fardden: A religious man
Fardeen: One who has the strenght of three men. Also a name of the first month of the Parsi year
Fardin: One of the triple strenght
Fare: Ancient Germanic variant form of Faro. It means journey.
Faredun: Thrice strong. It's the name of the famous king of Iran who assassinated Zohak.
Fareed: One who is alone and unique
Fareeq: A group of people, a crew
Farees: One who has an insight
Fareh: A glad preson
Fares: A knight who is as brave as a lion
Farewell: An english greeting, mening a beautiful well
Farez: An eloquent person.
Farghan: Wide open or a wave of music.
Fargo: A person who comes from the fenced pasture
Farhaan: A merry man
Farhad: A feeling of great happiness
Farhal: A man of great prosperity
Farhan: A happy and merry man
Farhang Good: One of good-breeding
Farhani: A delightful feeling of joy
Farhat: A great feeling of joy
Farhatullah: A joy that comes from the God
Farheen: A joyous and jubilant person
Farhi: A content and happy man
Fariborz: One who possesses a big honor and might
Farid: A unique personality
Faridoon: One who is the third
Fariduddin: The religion's uniqueness
Faridun: One who is three times strong. It's also the name of a character in Shah Nama.
Fariel: A man who is like a star
Farih: A Boy who is full of joy and happy
Fariji: He brings comfort
Farin: An adventurous person
Fario: A glad and happy person
Fariq: A band or a group of people
Fariqat: An angel who knows what is true and what is false
Farique: One who separates
Faris: A person with good insight
Farit: One of a kind who has no rivals
Farîtarik: Greenlandic form of Friederich. It means peaceful ruler.
Fariy: The first-born son
Fariyaz: A muslim Boy name
Farj: The first light of the daybreak
Farjaad: Excellent, or eminent in learning.
Farjad: One who is endowed with wisdom
Farjat: One who is free from sorrow
Farkas: He who is like a wolf
Farl: He who is from the fern clearing
Farlay: A man who lives on the fern fields
Farleigh: He who comes from the bull's pasture
Farley: A man whose home is on the fern fields
Farlow: One who comes from the pasture of bulls
Farly: One who lives near a bull's pasture
Farmaan: A document that is a decree or an edict
Farman: An edict
Farmand: Intelligent, Pure; Wise
Farmanullah: A command od the God
Farnall: One who comes from the slope of ferns
Farnam: A Boy whose home is the fern meadow
Farnaz: One who is from hgh status and great
Farnbag: God's glory. It's also the term for the first sacred Fire of Sassanian Iran.
Farnell: A person who came from the fern slope
Farnham: He who came from the field of ferns
Farnlea: A male from the fern fields
Farnlee: He is from the fern meadow
Farnleigh: He is from the fern fields
Farnley: A person who lives on the fern fields
Farnly: He is from the valley of ferns
Farnum: A Boy from the meadow of fern
Farohar: Conquest, Angel; Spirit
Farokh: A fortunate and blessed one
Farol: A heroic and a superior man
Farold: A traveler of power
Faron: One who is like a ferret
Farook: A man of high moral standards
Farookh: One who has the power of discriminatin
Farooq: One who knows the difference between right and wrong
Farooque: A very fortunate Boy
Faroqh: A good and blessed man
Farouk: A truthful Boy
Faroukh: A honest man
Farozan: Luminous, Radiant; Bright; Brilliant
Farqad: A two bright stars of Ursa Min
Farqadin: Two stars near the pole
Farquhar: A friendly and dear one
Farr: One who loves to travel
Farraj: A relief and comfort
Farran: One who is a baker
Farrar: An occupational name, a blacksmith
Farrel: A brave and victorious man
Farrell: One who wins
Farren: He who is of adventurous nature
Farrier: An iron grey person. A surname
Farrin: One who is close to the lands
Farris: One with the strenght of the iron
Farrleigh: One who is from the sheep meadow
Farrley: A person from the sheep meadow
Farrokh: A happy and fortunate man
Farrokhzad: One who was happily born
Farron: One who is a servant and handsome
Farrow: One who is like an iron. An English surname
Farrs: He who likes the travels
Farrukh: An auspicious and fortunate man
Farrun: An iron grey man
Farryn: An adventurous Boy
Fars: A travelor's son
Farshad: A soul of the Mercury's sphere
Farshid: A spedour bright as a sun
Farson: A male child of the travelor
Fartash: A being, an existence
Farud: One who is descending
Farugh: He who is like a bright star
Faruh: Happiness, Joyful; Delighted; Charmed; Ecstatic
Faruk: One who can tell the right from the wrong
Farukh: A happy person full of fortune
Farun: From the fern fields
Faruq: A wise and moral man
Faruqh: Discerning false from the truth
Faruz: Turquoise
Farvardin: One who protects the good and the pure
Faryad: A surprising cry for help
Faryn: A person who leads an adventurous life
Farz: A commandment of the God
Farzaad: One who is high-born, or of a high-status.
Farzaan: An intelligent wise person
Farzad: One of splendid birth
Farzam: A befitting and worthy man
Farzan: A man with great experience and intelligence
Farzand: A young male child, a son
Fasaahat: A fluent and eloquent man
Fasahat: An eloquent man
Faseeh: A literary and eloquent person
Fasel: One who is a judge
Fashan: Made of Iron, Silver or Gold; Strong
Fasih: A fluent and literary man
Fasihurrahman: One who is eloquent by Rahman's grace
Fasikh: A man who is successful and blissful
Fasil: A man who is an arbiter
Fasolt: One who is killed by Fafnir
Fassnacht: Dervied from the word Fastnacht, meaning 'Shrovetide carnival'
Faste: One who is firm and resolute.
Fastiq: A person who rips things apart
Fastyar: Commander of 1000 Men, Chief; Leader
Fat: A huge man, a fat man
Fata: A youthful and noble man
Fatah: Allah's servant
Fatahat: He is full of joy
Fateen: A smart and clever man
Fateenah: A brainy man
Fateh: A man of big success
Fatehbhoop: The ruler who is experiencing triumph.
Fatehbir: A brave victor
Fatehchand: Success, Triumph; Victory; Winner
Fatehdeep: A victory's lamp
Fatehdharam: A victory of righteousness