College Life -These Everlasting Memories Bring Tears.

Ayusmita Parida
Apr 13, 2019   •  209 views
"College days-which always remains as our indelible memory."

Going to school and then getting transferred to college and then placements and so on. life Goes on. But a big change occurs the time we all step into a new college where we leave our home,parents and start to live in hostels with complete strangers sharing one room.

And without our knowledge gradually, we become life of each other. The sleepy roommate is simply very similar to kumbhakarna in ramayana. The irritation of water poured on the face, the continuous irritating voice , removing blanket etc can only wake these guys up.Then going without breakfast and craving for food due to hunger as soon as the first class gets over.

The outings and suddenly planned branch trip always has an effect. Wherever we go we have an impact on other people. People watch us thinking that a group of mentally disordered people have ran away from mental hospital. They watch us in disgusting looks because of the way we talk, shout, use slangs, and calling out the pet names we created for each other. From calling friends at night when someone is sickto staying up whole night taking care of the sick friend. The girls night outs on the terrace with ice cream discussing important phase of life or the heart breaks whereas boys would have cigar or a cold drink and beer in their hand doing the same thing. Hey!Isn't there always an innocent guy in the group who always goes for juices instead of alcohol? Playing carrom, singing songs together creating own crazy band, cooking foods together in the mess, snatching home foods when a person brings different kind of cakes, cooked food, baked items, biscuits, etc, from home. Watching movies whole night in one laptop. Midnight cravings and searching who is having food or snacks to calm rats in the stomach.

Wearing each other's clothes, shirts, jeans wherepeople get confused who's shirt was this?The feasts, freshers, farewell parties can never be compared. Oh ! Those painful birthday bashes by friends and asking for treat without any gifts. How can we forget the proxy things when our friends were absent in the class. Writing and preparing notes for friends. Night calls in the depression and frustration. Assignments needed to be done by one night and the whole thirty pages lab writings were most terrible works ever done. Mass bunk and going for movies are one of the mischief we do when our teachers don't get a single student in the class and then getting scolded by HOD and teachers the very next day. Some places become our regular rendezvous place called out to be "adda" where no other groups dare to come over. That freshness of cutting chai making a unity of the whole group and making fun of each other is one fav thing to do.

The first date, the first kiss, the first love, the first heartbreak, that fear of getting in front of your crush and having courage to express your feelings. All these are memories which becomes a story in everyone's life.

We become a FAMILY.
This is what we never get back again in our life. We make memories that leaves tears at the end of college. We learn many life lessons in this phase experiencing difficulties and also the fun we made. We wish to come back to this phase, to relive the memories, to mend the mistakes we did, to change the things which were most needed in our past.

The best friendship we make here, the worst enemies too get created. Live this life to the fullest guys the phase which you aren't going to get back the much you try. And tear rolls down when we get graduate and miss these days. The same love we got and time we spent won't be available to us in future again.



Profile of Sadique Ahmad
Sadique Ahmad  •  5y  •  Reply
Well written! 👌💝 As m about to start my college life soon this made me emotional as well as excited to begin my next chapter of life i.e College life!with much energy and enthusiasm ..🥳😇🤩😊
Profile of Prangya Sarangi
Prangya Sarangi  •  5y  •  Reply
No one can better understand all these 'kumbhakran' wala thing than me....I think....!!! 🤗🤗🤗 We all together have created a lawn full of memories.....where we have quarrels,mastiis, solution of several problems.....thank you so much for refreshing those memories....well written dude...carry on..
Profile of Aman Samantray
Aman Samantray  •  5y  •  Reply
First we weren't ready to leave parents and join here, now we don't want to leave this place as lots of major memories and changes have occurred in one's life. Yeah, this phase will not come back again and the enjoyment of this phase can't be felt again ever so live each and every moment guyzz you never know when the last year will pass and you suddenly realize that your going to miss lot of things