
Derived from two words- demos means people, cracy means rule. the rule of people by the people.

But have you ever thought that democracy is flawed? the election procedure is not just?
How did democracy come into existence?


The land of Greece has nurtured us with a plethora of things. From history to drama, From democracy to philosophy.

Yes, indeed in this Greek capital of Athens, democratic ruler was first elected in 6th century BC. Roughly 2600 years ago, democracy came into existence!

But Athens also gave rise to some great philosophers and thinkers back in its day. One of them was Socrates. And he HATED democracy.

Let me show his view by an example-
Consider yourself on a sea voyage, to a destination of your choice. But your vessel needs a captain. Now there are two groups on your ship. The first kind knows nothing about sea ferrying. The second kind has the knowledge and wisdom of seat travel, acquired by experience. Which group do you think should decide the captain?If your dream of travelling should live like you, obviously the people adverse to sea ferrying.

Then why should just anyone allowed to vote for the leader of a country?

Voting is a skill. And Like any skill, it needs to be taught. Socrates observed innumerous cases of the foolishness of voters. Democracy changed to demagoguery. Where, by appealing the normal public with prejudices rather than rational thought, rulers were elected. Don't we see the same case in our time too?

But then who should vote? Even Socrates was not an elitist. He didn't want only narrow few to vote. Anyone who has thought about the vote rationally and morally should be allowed near ballet. Irrespective of their education. Irrespective of their demographics.

Democracy fails because people are not well adverse with the candidates, party and procedure.
When so ever you go voting, research well beforehand and have a rational thought.

Who'd want a captain who will sink the ship?

