Hesburgh once said 'Voting is a Civic sacrament'. We are living in a Democratic society where citizens are the ultimate superheroes. They judge, decide and empower the person and party which they wish for. Voting in India is a constitutional right to the citizen who is either 18 or above than that. It is a much a responsibility as it is a right. The whole concept of Indian Democracy is built on the foundation of voting. If citizens are not careful about casting their vote or skip their vote altogether it will jeopardize the existence of Democratic Republic. Voting offers every citizen a medium of expressions. In a country as vast and diverse as ours, different regions have different concerns and priorities. The voting allows every citizen to have a day in 'What should constitute the matter of importance by voting for candidate He/ She dreams fit for the purpose. While it is true that the outcome of election is seldom predictable. By not casting ones vote, the citizens give up a chance of getting hurt. Voting has a hand in most factors in one way or another. Nearly everything we experience is touched by the government. Roads, Air, Taxes, Medication, Movies, Cost of daily requirements and speeding limit are some of the examples. While they may not impact the individual but they do impact the social environment and we subsequently impact our life. According to the recent data the highest voter turnout in India was 66% in the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections. It means 1/3rd of our eligible voting population consistently choose not to vote even though they literally have the ability to determine that who will run the nation. The biggest reason why people don't vote is the feeling of powerlessness and sense of apathy towards the politics or voting. The fact of the matter is whether you like it or not every single aspect of life is affected by politics and every single one of the politician were put in the power through a popular vote. Even if you think that the government is too corrupt then 'How abstaining from voting and doing nothing can change the status que?'. If you don't like your Politician no matter elect the another one. Based on their voters, candidates know and they shape their policies based on voters turnout demographics. The political parties and the law makers are more inclined to those who give it's majority vote to them. Inspire of being minority they get more favors and freebies than the majority community just because they come out for voting. For Example Why Mr. Donald Trump is inimical to Hispanics?. Tell me Why? The reason is that he knows that less than half of eligible Hispanics vote that is they are not his vote banks. We know from the past several years India has been struggling with rampant corruption, unstable economy, late justice and vague foreign policies. Election after Elections has seen non-performing government come to the power that have done more harm than good. However by not casting ones vote will only worsen the condition. Hence it is our duty as a responsible citizen of India to make informed decisions and choose the best candidate from those presented. As quoted by Abraham Lincoln that 'The ballot is stronger than bullet'. That is every single vote helps to create more than a bullet can destroy. Every vote is a building block that contributes to the enormous construction that is INDIA. For every person that doesn’t vote, there’s one missing block. If all citizens vote, then we would have all the tools we need to turn a great nation into an even greater one. Every single vote matter for the welfare of our society.