Why are we, humans so inclined on going to Mars and colonizing it?
Yes, it is true that we are messing up the habitat on Earth, and reducing the age of our planet. Global warming is real and the effects are here. All because we have been ignorant and we have carelessly utilized the resources of our mother nature.
The twin sister
The formation of Mars is similar to our Earth. At one point it had rivers and lakes on its surface and volcanoes erupted regularly. This has established when ‘Curiosity’ a rover to Mars found stones associated with water flow.
Of all the planets we have reached, Mars seems best in the choice of atmosphere. Yes, it lacks Oxygen, but at least it is not filled with Hydrogen as in Jupiter or even Excess CO2 as in Venus. Moreover the atmosphere is thick enough to protect us from solar fares, however, it still isn't as thick as that on Earth.
As I just mentioned, the water did flow on Mars. With all the knowledge we have of Mars as of today, water in mars is present only in the ice caps. But scientists are still working on finding more information related to water.
Closest planet
This is a very big reason to go to Mars. Out next close planet is Venus and it is the hottest planet on the Solar system. Rest all are so far it will take years and humongous supplies to send humans there. To get to Mars, we need 150-300 days based on the alignment.
Mars Day
Mars day, called sol, is just 40 minutes longer than our own. And a Martian year is about 686.98 Earth solar days.
Gravity on Mars is one-third of that on Earth. Divide your weight by 3 and that’s how much you will weigh on Mars. Also, it is sufficient enough for the human body to adapt to.
The elements
There are certain elements required to sustain life. Some of them are – Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen Oxygen. And Mars has all of them in its atmosphere.
Power Generation
Power can be generated by solar panels on Mars. Even hydrogen and carbon are abundant on Mars to produce pure silicon solar panels. But sunlight there is not very feasible for growing crops.
Temperature on Mars
Mars is neither too cold nor too hot as compared to other planets in our solar planet. Considering a day in venus is about 400 degree Celsius, Mars is a good choice!
Maybe in a decade or so, we would have settled on Mars. And like in the movie Martian, we would be growing potatoes there.
But for now, get your name to Mars.
Read my blog for further information.