We live in a society where we often come across a few common lines used for women –“No one can understand a woman!” or “Women are moody, no one can understand what they want!” or “Are you sure, you will drive?” or “Women aren’t good at this!” or “Let her Cook!” or “She needs to know how to do this, she is a woman!” and many more like these.

While we all must have either said something similar or heard it sometime in our life, I feel it’s quite demeaning. I guess women have made it quite clear what they want, and it is nothing else than EQUALITY. Yes, it is as simple as that! Equality in terms of opportunities, freedom, respect, salary, importance, choices, education….basically everything that the so – called superior gender (MALE) enjoys without being judged or questioned.

For a long time it was considered that women are meant to be care takers- to get married, have a family and take care of family members. Education and career were meant only for men. Women were required to submit to family needs and were looked down upon in terms of independence, education and responsibility. However over a period of time, things have changed for the better. Women now are educated and are financially independent. They are earning equally as their male counterparts for the same qualification and post. They shoulder the responsibility of both home and office. Though this culture has become popular and is growing fast. However, I feel this is not the stage we need to stop at.

Growth of women is important but the issue of equality is still not in place! If women share the burden of finances with the male of the house, it is equally the responsibility of the men to look after household chores and not just sit and enjoy TV after being back from the office while women continue to organize things at home.

It is time to break through the inequality at all levels be it at workplace or at home. It’s high time we question ourselves if we would like to continue this way or move forward in a way which challenges the old ways for a progressive new society that offers equality in a true sense and not women over exhausting themselves or shouldering dual responsibilities for just being labeled as EQUAL! The two genders should operate like the wheels of a cycle – together and equally.





Women Empowerment

Soʋɭ ʜʌCĸɘʀ
Soʋɭ ʜʌCĸɘʀ

Women Empowerment

Soʋɭ ʜʌCĸɘʀ
Soʋɭ ʜʌCĸɘʀ


Ritu Singh Parmar
Ritu Singh Parmar

A Woman By Choice

Kajal Singh
Kajal Singh



Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  4y  •  Reply
liked it so much! plz check miy profile too