"The true hero doesn’t seek adulation,

he fights for what is right simply because it’s his nature"

-Dr. Sheldon Cooper

If you ask someone on the street that who is the best superhero among all, some would say Iron Man , some might resort with batman and some would even go on to say Narendra Modi looking at the current scenario. But deep down we all know who the real hero is, it’s Shaktiman, the real Indian superhero who fought the bad guys, saved the days and even gave moral science lectures to kids who seemed least interested in listening. Now you all might be thinking what rubbish am I blabbering or in the right sense typing, right? Well that’s what Saitama is all about isn’t he? Never gets the recognition but still saves the day. So with that I set my topic for today "The One Punch Saga".

One Punch Man is a Japanese Manga Comic which released in 2009. It became an instant smash hit and also a big part of Japanese Pop Culture in no time. In 2015 Madhouse the producers of One Punch Man decided to make a anime series and THAT turned it into a global phenomenon. Let’s accept it; from flying dogs to ninja turtles we have seen almost everything in the supernatural fantasy genre by now. So what exactly did One Punch Man do special to become such a raging hit, After all he is just a superhero wearing a cape and is indestructible with no weaknesses.

The story of One Punch Man i.e. Saitama is not all about the superhero fantasy world. The anime itself acts like a mirror to the society and also very smartly delivers some useful lessons of life. In the series One Punch Man saves the day all the time, he fights the most deadly monsters but never really gets recognized or appreciated for his work. A normal human being in today’s corporate professional world might just quit his job and move on to something he or she deserves, but does Saitama do the same? I don’t think so, He takes abuses from people, even gets humiliated for his baldness but still goes at it every day. The show also talks about how looks matter in today’s world, Just because of his looks saitama gets rejected from the S class rank and even after losing almost every fight, Genos, Saitama's disciple gets selected. The show also shreds light upon the binge culture and growing streaming channels like netflix what an unhealthy lifestyle the world is leading because of them. In my opinion its very brave to actually stand against something you are also a part of.

At the end I would just like to conclude that People might not accept him and reject him for his looks, but One Punch Man will always have a special place in my heart

