Love, a feeling,a comfort or something else but nothing which makes you feel complete. No,don't seek for completeness because you already are but someone who make you happy . Someone who makes your existence meaningful. Someone who has the charm to make you smile when nobody can. Someone in who you search for your best ways. That one person with whom you don't have to fight for attention.

Love isn't a girl who made you trip or a guy you fell for but a person who came and never left or maybe even left but after making all the efforts to stay, that is love. Love isn't perfect, when you'll fall in love ,still problems will be there. Insecurities, fights will be there but then there will be one person who will make you feel that he won't leaveno matter what. Love doesn't happen at a sight, it happens slowly. It takes time to trust on a person completely. It takes time to surrender yourself completely to a person without being afraid of betrayal. You can't just see a person and tell that he is the one and you start believing in him too truly. It doesn't happen like that,time , memories, moments, incidents all help you understand whether you should invest your time in a person or not. Love that's not temporary buthas a life long impact on your heart. This is the kind of love we should seek and we live for.

We seek for perfection ,but nobody's perfect but find someone whose flaws you love without judging and who does it same to you. Someone for whom you felt in the same way like that for 15 minutes of extra sleep in the morning or that cup of coffee on a cold day or that comforting blanket in which you wrap yourself or that one hug you crave for when no one is around you and you feel lonely. Love that doesn't promise forever but still you aren't afraid to think about it. Love that's there no matter how much is the distance between you and how much is the time you spend not talking to each other. Love that isn't afraid of the bars of society. Love which scares you from heights but makes you swim in deep waters . Lovewhich is painful yet worth it. Love that takes your breath away yet make you a feel a little more alive.



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Social Guru  •  5y  •  Reply
Beautiful :)