A balanced diet is a diet which contains enough amount of nutrients prominent for our body. It is important to have a balanced diet on a daily basis because it helps our body to fight against diseases, infection, and fatigue. Children who don't have such diet are more prone to malnutrition.

How to achieve a balanced diet

Here is a list of what all you should have to keep your diet completely balanced:

1. Vegetables

They are a very rich source of vitamins and minerals. One must include dark leafy vegetables in his/her diet daily. Some examples of such vegetables are:


-Green beans



2. Proteins

Meat, beans, and pulses are primary sources of protein. Low-fat meat such as chicken, fish, pork is the best choice. Nuts and beans are another good sources of protein. These things are a must have in your protein supplements:



-Sunflower seeds



3. Dairy

Dairy products provide calcium, vitamin D and some essential nutrients too. The products include:

-Fat-free milk


-Small portions of full-fat cheese

4. Oils

Oils must be included in your diet but sparingly. Low-fat oil should be used. The oils which must be used are:

-Avocado oil

-Olive oil


Carbohydrates have 45-55% calories. Some really rich source of carbohydrates are:



-Sweet potatoes




Staying healthy is not a tough task at all. All you need to do is exercise a bit and have a balanced diet, though a little imbalance won't be bad for you.



Profile of Kavita Sharma
Kavita Sharma  •  4y  •  Reply
like it.. check mine too