Everybody wants to possess elegance and look charismatic. Fashion is what nobody would deny. It is extremely normal for all of us to spend on our clothing, be conscious about our appearance and our lifestyle. However, all of us are aware of the fact that women are comparitevly more conscientious about
fashion than men. Approaching a woman with expensive clothing, heels, makeup done is no wonder but what if we approach a man who is as conscious about his appearance as a woman is?
Even after considering the pace of development, changing lifestyle of the young generation and the age of fashion and technology, there are still people who feel awe when they come across a man possessing the characteristics that of a woman and I am not talking about gay or bisexual.
From here commenced the idea of metrosexuality which is a combination of metropolitan and hetrosexual. This term was initiated in 1994. It was an English Journalist named Mark Simpson, who highlighted the concept of metrosexuality. According to Mark Simpson in "The independent", Metrosexuality is defined as "A single man with a high disposal income, living and working in the city."
The age of 90's saw remarkable progress in the number of metrosexual men. Joe Namath, pro footballer of 1960s was found to be America's first metrosexual man after his ad film.
It should be considered completely normal to discover a metrosexual man in our day to day lives. Some people believe that gays are more likely to become a metrosexual man, but it's false. Even a bisexual or straight man can also choose to be one and it's no big deal. Such men usually get manicures and pedicures done, regular makeup and facials and of course spend most of their time and money in enhancing their outward appearances.
Just because people have not been so used to discover men with such features, it has been quite hard for them to believe the realities.
Women have always been categorized as the one who is so much concerned about their looks, lifestyle and so more but men possessing such characteristics were hard to find. Men have mostly been characterized as " whatever fits me is good to buy". On the contrary, most of the women are prone to trying various outfits. Shopping excites most of them.
Yet, the trend began with men belonging to the fashion industry and slowly crept and the number increased. Such men were indeed charismatic, like ever ready and well dressed in a suit or a tuxedo, characterized by well shaved, getting their nails done, usual to a salon.
However, this age was quite for a short period. Now, again men of the initial hypothesis are back. Most of the youngsters who could have been the one are now seen into awkward outfits, weird beard and hairstyles, ripped jeans and so more.