Real Meaning Of Gender Equality

Arpita Shukla
Apr 11, 2019   •  45 views

All human being should have the right to develop and take necessary decisions and actions without any restrictions set by stereotypes. It means that the requisite of men and women must be favored equally.

Gender equality means the equality of various aspects between men and women. These aspects include right to freedom, freedom of even the trivial things like freedom to take necessary decisions regarding their lives, education, freedom to drive, equality to take part in the governance of the country and so more.

Liberalization of women is what should be considered a requisite of gender equality. Liberalization includes granting independence to women to live their lives as per their choices and terms.

Gender equality does not exactly means feminism, rather it is more of humanism.

Feminism is a radical idea that women of the generation should possess equal rights to that of men. It includes more power and safety to women, sometimes even contrasting to the requisite of men whereas humanism includes the idea of men and women being a single kind of individual and no other distinctions. It's the idea where humanity is of the 'sole significance' where even the wide varieties of emotional and spiritual distinctions between men and women are not taken into consideration. It's the radical idea that says, 'Men and women are exactly equal being.'

In the 21st century, taking into consideration the level of technologies, the spread of education, the intellect of upcominggenerations, various movements undertaken for the promotion of women rights, various campaigns to undertake the obligation of safety of women and so more, there should be no point of existence of a 'male-dominant' society but to our great disappointment there is still a 'chauvinist society' yet to be alleviated. It is still a long way to go to achieve exact equality of men and women.

Although the development of women rights and status have exhibited a remarkable progress in women empowerment still as per the researches this equality has not been achieved yet.

How to achieve Gender equality:

1. Education :
It is rightly said that education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world. It is through education that women get to know about their rights, gain knowledge in the field of science, commerce, art and most importantly gain qualifications necessary to be financially independent.

It is through education that women can gain confidence enough to lift up their voice at times when they are mistreated or are exerted an overwhelming guiding influence. Education plays a vital role in the overall development of the personality of a human being.

2. Government support :
The support of our government can contribute a lot to enhance equality to a greatextent. It is our right to expect the extension of empowerment of women from the government officials appointment on account of our votes and support.

3. Action:
Mere initiatives and supports won't help until it is implemented into actions. Sitting and talking about change does not bring change. Working on things does.

To achieve gender equality on a large scale it should be taken into consideration by not only women but also men. Focus should be made on the equality of various aspects including cultural, political and social and economic fields.





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