5 Iconic 90s Candies That Will Make You Feel Nostalgic.

Arpit Mehar
Apr 30, 2019   •  60 views

Toffees and chocolates were one the most important facet of our lives back in our childhood days. A single piece of a sweet made our day, the excitement and fondness for it made us drool just by thinking about it. We never thought of it at that moment but now that we think about it we were surrounded by the simplicity of candies and chocolates, especially in the 90s era where candies were everywhere; every function in school meant getting a sweet or two, getting two or more candies from your best friend on his/her birthday while everyone gets just one made you feel so special and honoured. The 90s was dominated by some of the candies and reading this might bring back some of your best memories as the nostalgia here is too real!!

Parle was one the most popular and loved brands back in the day and one of their products that changed the game for them was Poppins. It was loved to by almost every child back in 90s. The main trait of this candy that attracted kids was the variety of flavours in one packet that too just for 2rs with decent quantity which made it shareable(although we never did).

Phantom cigarettes

No! No! Don’t be fooled if you don’t have any idea about this masterpiece its not a brand of cigarettes, it was a sweet candy shaped like cigarettes. How cool is that, right? Well first of all smoking is not cool at all but back in the day we found it very “cool” and “sleek” and the best part about it was we can act like we are smoking and eat it too!!

Kismi bar

Kismi bar were introduced as candy bars in the market but later on sold as toffees, another Parle product that ruled the market because of its different and heavenly taste. yummmm!!!


One of the oldest and most iconic chewing gum hands down is boomer. Some of you might still remember the tv commercial of it which goes something like this; “Boom Boom Boomer!!” and of course the Boomer man still remains exemplary. The good news is boomer is still available in the market, it might be difficult to find a shop or store that sells it but it’s worth the effort right?

Ice pepsee

No one actually knew what exactly was the name or brand of this ice candy,but it was something that defines the childhood of a 90s kid. If we think about it, basically it was just flavoured ice but there was something about it that made it so special. The small packets were available for 2rs and the jumbo packet was available for 5rs.There were Rumours like it was unhygienic and made from contaminated water but remember how we didn’t give a damn?

I hope this little read brought a smile on your face and refreshed your childhood memories, because it certainly made me smile and feel nostalgic. i hope some of these makes a comeback so that we could relive our golden days.



Profile of Joyce Ayyagari
Joyce Ayyagari  •  5y  •  Reply
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Profile of Aryan Mehra
Aryan Mehra  •  5y  •  Reply