How To Stop Procrastination And Get Work Done Again !

Arjun Gaud
May 20, 2019   •  22 views

In our childhood, our mothers used to repeat "study son,study,study" continously on loop so that we'd leave the video games and start studying.

but after graduation, we noticed many graduate people that there are no exams,no marks,no performance anxiety and they have a lot of time for movies, games and social media, etc. But still they procrastinate and can say why do we procrastinate?

So in this article, I am going to tell about the major points of why we procrastinate, how to overcome procrastination and what is the reason and solutions behind it -

People think, we procrastinate due to social media, The answer is "NO" problem is not social media, it's us .

Here are the many reason why we procrastinate.

  1. Stress

  2. Short-Term memory

  3. Things are complicated

when we wake up in the morning, we worried about something like; gaining weight, home issues, partner fight, mentally tension, failure and so on .we are under so much stress that we say ourselves.."let me distract myself for 5 mins" so we get on facebook, instagram, check whatsapp and before we know it, it's 2 hours already and cycle repeat. This is the main reason of procrastination.

Solution- If you want to break this cycle, there is the only one way to do it.

"Be shameless"
so what if life is not going exactly how you had planned?
take a 5 mins break, breath...and Let go..if you stop worrying about it only then will you start working on it.

Short-Term memory
we don't remember much. I don't need to write it down, i will remember it, this is the biggest lie.
Does not happen.
we forget to do things, what we had planned?
Solution- so to avoid it, we can create whatsapp group which has only me in it, and everytime I remember some work, like creating highlights,paying bills, etc we just note it down there. so that we execute it whenever we have free time.

Things are complicated- the moment we realise the task is difficult we shutdown completely. you need to get up and FIGHT! and the only thing that can help you to fight is Divide and Conquer.


Step1# any complicated task can be made simpleas long as you can divide it into smaller chunks. after you are done dividing and creating your TO-Do list, it's time

step2# this is where the magic happens. if you want to stop procrastinating and conquer the hell out of your life,

here are the things that you must do.

  • Plan for the tomorrow

  • remove all distractions

  • Reward yourself

  • Exercise

i am not inspring you because i know inspiration and motivation don't work.
what works is a developing a habit and i know it's difficult .
so warriors, Let's get working...

Thank You for reading !



Profile of Arjun Gaud
Arjun Gaud  •  4y  •  Reply
Thanks dude !
Profile of Know Our India
Know Our India   •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you bro It help me very much !!