Nikola Tesla : The Electric Magician Part : 5

Anurag Sinha
Feb 19, 2019   •  2 views

Nikola Tesla was a great man with a great personality with a great vision for this entire world. Not only he invented the alternating current supply, wireless radio etc. but he did also planned to provide cost free energy to this entire world. Reportedly it has been said that Nicola Tesla had fund the free source of energy, but because the investors of the project backed off, the project didn’t came to a conclusion. In his article named as the ‘The problem of increasing human energy’ he clearly mentioned about a machine that could gather heat from its surrounding air and we could use that heat energy by harnessing in, but because to another form. He called it the ‘The self acting engine’ as it could use the solar energy from the ambient air he referred it to as ‘The ideal way of obtaining motive power’.

He worked for years trying to solve all the technical issues like increasing conductivity at low temperatures, bladeless turbine etc., he was convinced that it was the best way to harness the free energy. But Nikola Tesla’s dream of providing electricity to all points of the globe wirelessly with the help of his world power system. His Wardenclyffe Tower that could reportedly supply energy to the whole world without the use of any wires was never completed but his dream is still alive today .

