Greetings From The Himalayan Taj - 6 Places To Visit In Kashmir

Anjali Tiwary
May 22, 2019   •  90 views

Have you ever just wanted to let yourself melt away into the benevolence of nature? To get lost amidst the snowcapped mountains in search of the one true love, Paradise… To let your soul merge with God’s own… ah. If you have, the Valley of Love, welcomes you with open arms. The Crown of the Himalayas, the state of Jammu and Kashmir is the place you’re looking for, to delve into Mother Nature’s merciful embrace.


The bus journey starts from the alpine forests of Patnitop, where the bendy road takes twists and turns amidst countless wooden cottages inhabited by local residents, and tall pine trees. A famous indulgence one can enjoy during the road trip through Patnitop is checking out the local shops. A variety of Kashmiri handloom emporia, sweet shops and little temples are scattered around the route. The Prem Mishtaan Bhandar, particularly, is famous for the mouth-watering Gulaab-Jamuns and the traditional sweets like Patisa.


The journey then moves on to Pahalgam, where one finds themselves surrounded by tall, snowy mountains covered halfway through by clouds and mists. The lush green grass is speckled with colourful, sweet-scented flowers, and the river Lidder runs through the midst of rocky cliffs, getting sieved on its way to join the Jhelum. The foothills at Chandanwadi in Pahalgam mark the commencement of the Amarnath Yatra to the cave of Amarnath (Lord Shiva), one of the most important Hindu Shrines around the world.


The bus then takes the tourists forward to the snow-covered mountains of Gulmarg, where one needs to hire horses to move up the ascent. Horse riding, though an exhausting exercise, is one of the best ways for climbing up the steep mountains, as the owners of the horses, the local Kashmiri residents, tell interesting stories about the place, and introduce the travelers to the areas of interest like the Shiva Temple where the Bollywood song “Jai Jai Shiv Shankar” starring Rajesh Khanna had been shot.

The Top

Once the top of the mountain is reached, the horsemen would walk the tourists to the small food stops and tea stalls barely visible because of the clouds covering the area. It is humorously fascinating to see the aerated drinks being put out in the open. “Which refrigerator can be more effective than the temperature of Gulmarg?” A shop owner chuckled merrily. The main food items available at those altitudes are spicy Maggi noodles, stew, soups and steak. One generally prefers to have the tea first, as the frozen fingers need the warmth of the tea glasses to come back to the movable state…


Two ropeways provide the sightseeing facility in Gulmarg, one at a comparatively lower than the other one, which almost disappears into the clouds overhead. Even acrophobic people avoid missing the chance of travelling through the ropeway at least once. The ropeway on the lower level is more suited for middle to old aged people, while more adventurous people choose the upper level.

Local Indulgences in Pahalgam

On the way back to Pahalgam, one can stop at the orchards to taste the brilliantly amazing red and deliciously tasty apples. As is known, Jammu and Kashmir is the only state in India where the cultivation of saffron (kesar) is done. Available in small boxes at affordable rates, the saffron one purchases in Kashmir is of optimum quality, and unmatched taste.

Kashmir is known as the Paradise on Earth, and on personal experience, I would ask all my readers to visit the place at least once, and get the taste of the pleasure I talk about.

