" The highest mode of corruption is abuse of power"- Auliq Ice
The moment we hear the word abuse, our mind automatically think about the girl child but the term male abuse remain unexplored. The ratio says that the number of male child abuse is equal to that of girl child abuse. People normally relate the word abuse with women, but there are two sides for every problems, but the majority will fall for the rate which is highly ciruculated among the people.

In most of the cases, boys being sexually abuse goes unreported, the suffer from lack of support. Even the way parent react for the boy child abuse is comparatively low than the girl child abuse. It mentally weekens the mind of the child. Parent are unaware of the fact that boys can be the victims of abuse. When it comes to society they attention to girl rape cases and making that sensational news, but when it comes to malerape cases very few open up to speak.

Abuse happens for everyone,but the measures taken for male is low than that of female. Parents should be gives awareness and they should accept the reality. Male child should also have the concern like girl child, on the aspects of abuse. "In the world of suffers, pain plays equally".