Love – Acceptance, Faith, Surrender And Service

Anannya Sahani
Jun 02, 2019   •  56 views

Love is an emotion that is created by us, not necessarily based on our external stimuli. It is considered as the strongest of all emotions yet, one emotion that is capable of causing maximum damage to oneself as well as others.

Amish states that, love and hate aren't a pair of opposites as believed by majority, who is a bestselling author in the genre of Indian mythological fiction. Instead, the state where one doesn’t care at all i.e. state of indifference is the opposite of love. In fact, hate is just love gone badly.

In the modern day lifestyle, the interpretation of love has been limited to the frameworks of benefits which are benefiting equally to all the parties involved. Unfortunately, that has drawn the limitations of this framework. The funny side of it is that one sustains love till one is getting its returns. It doesn't imply there is no love in this framework but it isn't love at the same time.

Human's fundamental existence is based on fulfilment of essential needs. The social frameworks of relationships in the form of various institutions has been designed as such to fulfill it. It has made us walk with a belief that they are love whereas the structure is such that it is to sustain our existence. The realisation of this intrinsic aspect of life can enrich our existence with the quality of love that is fundamental to adding depth and intensity to any relationship by making its foundation on the grounds of selfless service, surrender and faith ensuring the sustainability of these equations for eternity.

It is an emotion which is a prerequisite to any creation and is indeed very powerful if one looks it as a state of one’s existence instead of a result of amalgamation of few chemicals in one’s biological system. If one makes it as a state of one’s existence where one is in absolute acceptance of everything then it won’t be required for an individual to fix whatever comes its way as it in itself will be in a position to be fine despite, its external stimuli.

It is funny how an unconditional love is considered an ideal one as the nature of love is as such that if it is conditional than it’s not love.

Faith, devotion, surrender and selfless service are fruits of the tree of love which if planted with patience and watered regularly with dogmatic intelligence will bear innumerable benefits as a natural outcome.

What needs to be realized is life is rooted in reality not in one’s thoughts and emotions. Indeed, this realization is necessary to be in state of absolute acceptance: state of pure consciousness, knowledge and bliss i.e. state of being love that equips us to deal with our existence with sensibility, sensitivity, enrichment and fulfillment.

