Gender Inequality - An Underlying Evil

Amruta Parthasarathi
Apr 03, 2019   •  7 views

Gender inequality is a word that has become quite common now. And that is because the practices that contribute to gender inequality have become very common in our day to day lives. Gender Inequality primarily just means being differentiated or being treated differently just because of a person’s gender.

In earlier times, women were treated almost like an inferior gender and were not even given the respect they deserved, let alone their rights as a human being. Slowly times changed, women started to fight back and started to command the respect that they thought they deserved and in the process also fought for the rights which were given only to men at that time.

Now, even though women are given the basic human rights, people are confused as to why gender inequality is such a bad thing. And that is because, women had to “fight” for the rights that men were born with. Women have constantly been fighting for the things that was given to men on a silver platter since the time they were born, things like education, voting, working and in India even the same food. Women had to fight for all these things so that the next generation did not suffer like they did and are able to carry on their legacy.

Today, even though women aren’t treated as badly gender equality still seems like a dream which is quite far away and would be something that is difficult to achieve even though, all women ask for is to be treated equally and equal opportunities which would in the end lead to empowerment of women.

So, if you have anyone in your life who you feel is being treated unfairly just because of their gender, it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, do not be a bystander and help them out so that they would be able to lead a better life.



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Ud  •  5y  •  Reply
Very well written..keep it up!!Please check out my articles too!! :)