Feminism, this word has become either a feared or misunderstood concept. Now, every time you think of a feminist all you can think of women who hate men, but that’s not the reality feminism is actually just people who believe women and men are equals and should have equal rights and equal opportunities in everything that they do.

In earlier times there were a lot of fundamental rights that were not given to women just because of their gender, for example: voting, education etc. Now, even though women have been able to walk head to head with men and give them good competition, they are still paid lesser than men for the same work and are still not trusted with leadership roles as much as men because people feel they are more emotional and that would hinder with their decision making.

Today, there are some women who have contributed to the thinking that whatever they do they should be put on a pedestal and should be treated differently just because they are women, which is actually what feminism is against- being given preferential treatment just because of gender. And this has completely ruined what people think about feminist and feminism.

In reality, all feminism asks is equal rights and equal opportunities in every aspect of life and that none of the genders should be given any sort of preferential treatment just because of their gender but when you try to explain this to other people they don’t believe it and that’s because of these women who have suddenly started this anti-man movement and it has come to this point now that people think feminists are anti-man and would always believe that women are superior to men which is in reality a concept that is as wrong as chicken biryani without any pieces of chicken in it.

So, the next time you meet someone who tells you that they are feminist please hear them out and then decide for yourself if their thinking and mind-set is of a real feminist or the man- hating feminazi.

P.S: Feminists and feminazis are two different kind of people who are poles apart.



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Ud  •  5y  •  Reply
Very well written..keep it up!!Please check out my articles too!! :)