Even in the midst of war, man has craved for peace.

Desire for peace is innate in human nature as the instinct of pugnacity is a part of human psychology. Falling a victim to circumstances, man from time to time, has indulged in violence. But as soon as he is satisfied with his indulgence in violence, the idea of peace has flashed into his mind. The First World War continued for nearly four years and devastated humanity in many ways. As soon as it came to an end, the world under the guidance of President Wilson formed the League of Nations to establish peace in the world. The Second World War continued for nearly five years and created havoc in the world. After it's termination, the tormented nations of the world formed the United Nations to establish permanent and lasting peace in the world.

In a world the challenge that the unknown throws in the face of man is worthy of being taken up by the best of our race. The victories of peace are more permanent and enduring than those paper victories of war not worth the price of the paper on which they are recorded. Life is a battle indeed for those who dare. But this battle does not invlove blood and gore, it does not involve creating havoc in the world. The consequent victory of man's will to peace and upward march lies the orientation of war and the divinity of mankind.

The young men and women of today are the citizens of tomorrow. In course time, they will take the place of the present leaders and administrators. What a Nation would be in future depends upon how her young men and women would be in early part of their life. It is in the student life that he or she lays the foundation of his/her character and personality. So, changes made in oneself may turn the whole world upside down. Hence, trying to establish peace in oneself may establish peace on macroscopic level.

[Image Source : Google]

