Many images come into our minds when we hear the word color. Holi comes into mind instantly when colors are discussed. Colors bring life to our otherwise colorless lives. The significance of colors differs from one culture to another. Colors are also used to spread a message such as white is used as a symbol of peace. The colors of our national flag are a great source of strength and unity. The green and saffron symbolizes peaceful relations and perpetual harmony respectively.

The discrimination caused due to difference in skin color has lead to social upheaval. The Asian people are looked upon by the white skinned westerns. The Africans are black, Asians are brown and the Chinese are yellow when colors are concerned. The people of the Indian subcontinent are extremely color conscious. It has everything from colorful flowers to fruits in different seasons. A variety of colors are brought by varied seasons. Like the rainy season spreads greenery everywhere.

Color is often associated with emotions. Purple for royalty, white for peace, red for anger etc.It is said that colors possess therapeutic powers. The use of color as a therapy is a powerful, non invasive and truly holistic. We take color for granted although it has a universal significance. Colorful heritage must be preserved as much as possible. No wrong notions should be attached to color as its concept needs to be cherished and enjoyed by the people. People should also adore the symbolic meaning and beauty that color adds to our lives. India is a country full of colors where you can witness colour in the daily routine as well as in the festivals and special occasions. Every festival in India is filled with vibrant colours and colours bring joy to every human being. Who wants to live a life without colours?

