The universe is a true mystery. The law of attraction is a mystic phenomenon that doesn't have a logical explanation yet. It is something, that science hasn't been able to explain so far. Here's the law of attraction, in a nutshell: like attracts like. What this means is that, your thoughts and feelings attract what you manifest into reality. Knowingly or unknowingly we all have experienced this on a day to day basis. Haven't you realised that when something goes wrong, you start to feel low and negative, more bad things happen to you? That is the simple application of the law of attraction. If you're hearing this for the first time it may sound a bit wild and irrational, but once you let go of your prejudices, you will actually start to see magical things happening to you. Before you proceed any further, please leave logic and rational out, as the law works on the grounds of faith, hope and belief. The law of attraction works in 3 simple and easy steps.

The universe can be compared to Aladdin's Genie, it only has one answer "Your wish is my command". You get to choose what you want but you must be clear about it. If you don't choose what you want clearly, then the law of attraction can't give it to you. When uncertain about something, you will be sending out mixed feelings into the universe and will, therefore, attract mixed results. Remember like attracts like.

This is probably the hardest step out of the three. You have to believe that what you want is already yours. This might sound weird but, you have to have it before you have it. You must believe in the unseen. Visualisation is an essential element here and you have to visualise yourself with whatever you want to manifest. You must know that what you want, is already yours the moment you ask for it. This is the step in which most people go wrong as they lose faith and belief in the universe and ultimately don't end up receiving what they asked for it. Think of it as ordering something online. You would have faith in the e-service that they will deliver your good right? The same goes for the universe.

Once you believe that your needs will manifest into reality, sit back, enjoy and feel good as that will shift the frequency of your vibrations, which you are sending to the universe, to a higher level and thus the manifestation process becomes easier. Don't worry about what's possible and not possible, don't worry about how, when, who and what? Just trust the process and know that, if you align your frequency to match what you want in life, it will happen.

Your body is a like radio machine. To play the songs you want, you must align the frequency of the radio such that, it matches the frequency of the channel you want to play. Your feelings determine your frequency. Whatever you want is out there, all you have to do is align your frequency to match with it.



Profile of Sivapriya S
Sivapriya S  •  5y  •  Reply
Well said!!
Profile of Monica Sancheti
Monica Sancheti  •  5y  •  Reply
impressive, do view my article. :D
Profile of Harshita Garg
Harshita Garg   •  5y  •  Reply
Nice one do view my articles too
Profile of Sinduja Shankar
Sinduja Shankar  •  5y  •  Reply
Totally nailed it ! 👌
Profile of Spoorthi Gagana S
Spoorthi Gagana S  •  5y  •  Reply
well said plz do check my blogs too
Profile of Kanika Singla
Kanika Singla  •  5y  •  Reply
Beautifully written!
Profile of Vikash
Vikash  •  5y  •  Reply
It was good but I have heard :you attract what you are and not what you want.
Profile of Sreevidya Anil
Sreevidya Anil  •  5y  •  Reply
Well done Aadi All the best
Profile of Pradeepa Nair
Pradeepa Nair  •  5y  •  Reply
Well written
Profile of Nishtha Gorana
Nishtha Gorana  •  5y  •  Reply
You basically summarized the book 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne. Not much original.
Profile of Aditya
Aditya   •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you all!
Profile of Nusrat Bano
Nusrat Bano  •  5y  •  Reply
Well written Aditya.. You seem to be a professional writer.. God bless you
Profile of Zeenat Khan
Zeenat Khan  •  5y  •  Reply
Oh this is one beautiful article! Hey check out my articles.
Profile of Devika Nair
Devika Nair  •  5y  •  Reply
Very well written! Keep up the amazing work :)
Profile of Ned Wright
Ned Wright  •  5y  •  Reply
Excellent Article. Thanks for sharing!
Profile of Sumeet Choudhury
Sumeet Choudhury  •  5y  •  Reply
Very well composed ! It sure did attract me to your post ! It is already working !
Profile of Nizhamudeen Kureepuzha
Nizhamudeen Kureepuzha  •  5y  •  Reply
Good work..
Profile of Aryan Gandhi
Aryan Gandhi  •  5y  •  Reply
Nice one ,bro very well written bro
Profile of Rekha S Unnithan
Rekha S Unnithan  •  5y  •  Reply
Well written adi
Profile of Aditya
Aditya   •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you all:)
Profile of Shaista Tarafdar
Shaista Tarafdar  •  5y  •  Reply
Very well written Aditya. Keep it up!!!
Profile of Vidu Sharu
Vidu Sharu  •  5y  •  Reply
Good one Aditya.. Keep it up!!!
Profile of Choodamani Nk
Choodamani Nk  •  5y  •  Reply
Nicely written Adi... Keep it up... This is the first of many more great works of yours....
Profile of Jayesh Viradiya
Jayesh Viradiya  •  5y  •  Reply
Nicely composed and written, Aditya ! A very thought provoking work ! Keep it up.
Profile of Sreeraj Sasikumar
Sreeraj Sasikumar  •  5y  •  Reply
Wow. Great start. All the best Adi.
Profile of Murali Harohalli
Murali Harohalli  •  5y  •  Reply
Amazing insights !! Keep it up !!
Profile of Priya Verma
Priya Verma  •  5y  •  Reply
Good work Aditya. I appreciate your clarity of thoughts. Keep it up