It was about time this happened. For all the animal lovers, there’s good news coming your way. On June 2nd, 2019 a law was passed by the high courts of Haryana and Punjab, that stated that all animals are legal persons. This news makes true animal lovers ecstatic. All animals are to be treated as ‘living beings’ and have their own sets of rights. Talking about rights, at home we would often have this discussion regarding who has more rights, the animals who were born on the streets or people like us who have come from various parts of the country? In my opinion, the animals have equal rights as humans, and they shouldn’t be harassed. The Law also states that, all the citizens of the states concerned, would presume the role of ‘persons in loco parentis' (in place of a parent or guardian).
The Law also demands that as citizens it is our responsibility to ensure that animals are:
·Well nourished
·Should be able to express innate behavior without pain, fear and distress.
The order was passed by Justice Sharma and he stated that animals have the right to life and bodily integrity, honour and dignity, and could not be treated merely as property or be objectified. This order is applicable for all animals, including avian and aquatic.
The following was also quoted, “We have to show compassion towards all living creatures. Animals may be mute but we as a society have to speak on their behalf. No pain or agony should be caused to the animals. Cruelty to animals also causes psychological pain to them. In Hindu Mythology, every animal is associated with god. Animals breathe like us and have emotions. The animals require food, water, shelter, normal behaviour, medical care, self-determination.”
The order also stated:
The government does not permit animals to be used for drawing vehicles between 11am-4pm in summers when the temperature goes above 37 degree Celsius.
The government does not permit animals to be used for drawing vehicles between 10pm and 7am when the temperature falls below 5 degree Celsius.
The use of sharp sticks, harness, knobs and other sharp objects is strictly prohibited.
They have to be marked with fluorescent lights during night when they are carrying load.
They have to be given proper shelter and medical care.
It really hurts to see an animal being tortured and abused. The main problem is that, animals are considered to be less than us and not treated right, just because they are ‘animals’. They don’t have the technological power and intellectual strength to fight back to us, hence it is easy for us to make them victims. The world will only change, when people realize that though, an animal may not be at the same level as humans in various aspects, it’s still a living creature with senses, perceptions and emotions. Hopefully this order passed in Haryana and Punjab can be an inspiration and bring about revolutionary changes not only in other states in India, but also on a global scale. I personally believe that all lives should be treated equally, irrespective of their physical embodiment. At the end of the day, a soul is a soul.
All this being said, as a true Indian I believe in secularism and respect each individual’s and communities believes and practices. Even though I am a vegetarian, I am in no way trying to propagate anti non-vegetarian sentiments, but what I am trying to convey is, not to torture the animals. If animals need to be consumed for food so be the case, but they should not be kept in a state of agony and immense pain.
I do understand that, there is a concern of safety and importance to the whole the society when it comes to the case of street dogs. We take care of a few dogs near our house and even they sometimes chase the passengers and kids walking by. The solution to this is not as cimplicated as it seems. Animals are very simple beings with basic needs such as safety, food and water. Their attacking tendencies increases when they are denied their basic needs or hurt. There should be more shelters to ensure the welfare of animals and provide them with food and treatment. If you can recall from my previous article I have dived even with sharks. We know that they are apex predators and are considered as one of the most dangerous animals on this planet. I was able to dive with them just because of the simple fact that they were well fed and taken care of and didnt need to attack other creatures including divers. If sharks can be made peaceful and content why can't we do it for street dogs?
Our loves
I urge everyone to be a loco parentis and look after the animals around us and fulfill their basic requirements and hence make life easier for them as well as us.