Cat Stories – The Mba Way Of India

Achal Shrivastava
May 08, 2019   •  8 views

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MBA or PGDM is a formal 2 year PG programme in Management/Business Administration; regardless of the specialization, it provides one with conceptual, theoretical and practical training in various aspects of business like economics, operations marketing, basic accounting, corporate finance etc. Also it offers specialised focus on subjects like International Business, Agri Business/Forest, Energy & Infrastructure, and many more, which is called as specialised MBA. These three letters (MBA) have shaped millions of success stories around the globe.

The present economic and corporate scene proves that MBA’s are in more demand than others when it comes to corporate jobs. Now the question here comes that how one does makes it to the top most MBA College in India, the answer would be known to all, taking up CAT or Common Aptitude/Admission Test, but the story is not that simple, here is how it goes.

When talking about the top 5 MBA/PGDM providers in INDIA the various sources or leading Coaching classes rank them in different order, but in here ranks are as per the requirements of a fresher who is in final year of graduation. So the order goes in terms of placement averages and overall ROI.



Institutes      Average Salary(In Lakhs)  Fees(In Lakhs)

FMS - Delhi	        20.5                    0.21

IIM - Ahmadabad     19.7                    18.78

IIM - Bangalore	    21.03                   18.7

IIM - Calcutta      22.69                   18

IIM- Indore         15.67                   13


Although ISB in Hyderabad comes above all of them, but it doesn’t offers the seats to freshers without any work experience so it goes out of the picture.

Now how one does realises his/her dream of being in the B Schools mentioned in the list, the very fact a CAT taker should know, is that he writes the exam with 2 Lakh plus candidates along with and the seats available in the colleges in total is not more than 2000 if include all the 5 in the list, that comes to 1% of the Test seekers.

Aspirants of top 5 colleges should know that they have got to be in the 1% crowd, to be in there, one need to make self eligible for that unique and important seat existing in the country. Casualness won’t work in this regard, one can ace CAT in 7 to 8 months if works rightfully and have significant and possess basic skills in aptitude, or otherwise the time frame may increase as per one’s eligibility. Important steps towards CAT 2018 should go in this direction as below:-

·Coaching Institutes – People say one can prepare by self if work hard, but important thing is that if one aspires to be in the 1%, he or she is not allowed to miss on anything, and coaching institutes like TIME, IMS, CL etc. can form a strong support for one to climb the tree of CAT really faster, although the truth also holds that it can’t help one unless the desire to climb the tree is internal.

·Personal preparations – Coachings are never enough, personal preparation needs to go in to ace the test on the D-day, it should include daily and strict habits of reading newspapers, working out on books like Word Power made Easy solving at least 2 LR/DI (Logical Reasoning/ Data Interpretation) sets per day, and for quant apart from your coaching materials solving books such as that of Arun Sharma, or Quant Ability made easy.

·Strict schedule – To score 99.50 percentile and above, one strictly has to give at least 5 hours of study (exclusive of Mock tests) each day which preferably should be broken down into sets of 2 hours in morning before your college timings and 3 hours in the evening.

·Mock Tests – 40+ Mock tests should at least have been taken to grow comfortable with the design of questions and paper framework such that the D-day becomes a lot easier for one to ace the paper.

·Sectional Importance- One needs to equally excel in every section as the IIM’s do have sectional cut offs, there have been people who got 99 + percentile this year and could not make it to the IIM’s due to lack in any one section. Hence every section requires equal importance which can be fulfilled with taking unlimited sectional tests during the time frame of 7-8 months.

But above all one has to first see the dream to be in that college, and no compensation in regard to their dream of being in there should one accept, and believe and understand what it takes to be in there and change the casualness in the atmosphere around him or her accordingly.



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