Have u ever tried to pay attention to the voice ? To someplace across, the voice have been lost. The voice is crying, soliciting and appealing for the damage unfastened." WE" nevertheless remain unheard, unapologetic ,ignoring these voices. Since time "WE" the society knowingly have stored our awareness in addition to our satisfaction to a upper bench mark and forsaken those voices.

From records the male and female connections were underneath the exam particulary in overdue 19thcentury and early 20th century. . Gender roles have been a widely unfold hassle in all areas of society whether political, educational,cultural and so forth. Time immemorial, man has usually been visible and regular as retaining a definitive valid function of patriarchy, as the father, the protector, the breadwinner and the person of the residence. Throughout, man has been entitled to characterize a women’s role or job within the household and the society. The perception that women are taken into consideration to be ‘timid, yielding, , slight, self-sacrificing and emotional’ have become the part of the norm. A women’s position is characterized and limited to make sure the family unit, bearing and elevating the kids, being agreeable and submissive individual while male become viewed as standard, and women as the ‘other’or ‘someone’.

Those masculine benefits have given rise to the feminist attention whose ultimate goals were the want to correct and talk the gender inequality. Womensare taken into consideration as an insignificant object for men’s delight and have been sufferers due to the fact of the past. The feminist poured light on the need for great understanding and awareness of women’s position in the world. Simone de Beauvoir examined the traditional notion of women as “vessel” and a “carrier” to man’s posterity i.e. - “women is a womb”.

Man looks at women through self –constructed image and makes women look at her
from that lens.

The social belief system also sheds light on the social construction of
women in the 19th century Victorian society and sees them as a more fragile sex, delicate
and emotionally unsteady and were observed as physically smaller. This idea of
delicacy served only to further justify their inferiority as compared to men. Women
have desires and sentiments which in most cases are suppressed. A woman who does
every single thing as indicated by the assurance of her better half and society, then she
is called as “perfect woman” on the other hand woman’s who look for their own
energetic delights, sexual freedom, and their own identity is not acknowledged by
society. If a woman looks for her own freedom then the society would bring out a
great deal of issues. It is practically similar to the situation from a woman’s part when
she can’t go past the customary standards and guidelines in a marriage or any other aspect, additionally can’t strifle her internal sentiments. In earlier centuries, even the entrapement could be portrayed through their long frocks, linets, corsolines which restricted their movement and their particular way to behave in society, all were the parts of the norms.

BUT, now in this 21st century a lot of transition took place. Women today being the mother of mankind are considered equal to men, yet they have got the rights for their own freedom. And now, they don’t have to wait for anyone else, still being supported by the males. They are truly progressing. They are paying notice to their internal voice. They are never again inspired by empty language ,the societal norms and expectations. They are finding their individual and aggregate voice. They are lined up with their inner voice, pushing forward with intentional steps This transition to persist till the end , males should support women in all their endeavours and bring back the lost voices which is the Need of the Hour.



Profile of Accolade Raju
Accolade Raju  •  5y  •  Reply
Thank you everyone!
Profile of Haggai Jesus
Haggai Jesus  •  5y  •  Reply
So Wonderfully described about....... 🤔👍
Profile of Ravi Hans
Ravi Hans  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Accolade Raju
Accolade Raju  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Terry Mize
Terry Mize  •  5y  •  Reply
Wow! Great thought! Need of the hour ! ! Akku ! Love to read more from you !!