Having Coffee with that special person is like capturing happiness in a cup!

A beautiful story of two Friends and a rainy day!

"We plan to hang out, it's fun. We do it again and again". But this time, destiny made us more close!

Its Monday evening, the bright shining clouds suddenly turns grey. Windy, cool and crispy air started whistling around like an invisible ghost.                    "Ohh man, it's gonna rain heavily"                     Waiting for that friend to meet, and it started raining heavily."Where the hell are you standing", shouted at him on the call. "Hey just wait for 2 minutes and I'll be there". Accompanied by the stormy winds, bright lightning and the continuous rain, that short Activa ride became a long way back to home. Shivering on the way, fighting for a good coffee shop to go, it was something unexpected and sensational which happened that day. Finally, we found that coffee shop. "A cup of coffee" with much love and warmth, it was something special and perplexing for us. All I can say is Unexpected friendship are the best ones! Before going back to our homes, a final goodbye with a warm hug which was a gesture of affection and perhaps the fragile begining of love and a bond becoming more stronger just made everything so special. I know there's a lot more that I didn't said but yes two cups of coffee on a rainy day is all you need for a perfect day!.

So my friends, when this world all seems too much and you feel too small, just ping your friend and a coffee with them will change everything!

