Due to various reasons, there is a list of the countries which can become superpowers after the U.S. and this list includes Russia, China, and Japan. Recently, India was also added to the list. There have been predictions that the power of India will grow in the next decades and it will grow faster than other countries on the list.
Following reasons support this claim:
An active army of 1.4 million personnel, India has the second largest army in the world after China. The U.S army is smaller than the Indian army, of course the number of personnel does not represent the capabalities of the army, but military data has shown that India has been an impressive military power.
India is 4th in terms of number of aircrafts & 6th in terms of military tanks. So India is one of the most powerful armies and is growing bigger and bigger.
There are only 9 countries in the world which possess nuclear weapons or are expecte4d to possess them, and India is one of them. This is a wildcard in the game of world domination. It advantages a country as no country tries to mess with a country having nuclear options.
The current GDP determines a great part in country's power. High economic growth determines a great power in country's future power. India is a rare of example of a country having both of them really high. Both India and China possess this feature with being in the list of highest GDPs in the world along with high economic growth.
Thus two things lifts the status of India in the lists of future superpowers of the world.
India, along with China has a huge population. Having a huge population can both be an advantage and a disadvantage. Even if there is a 1% drop in unemployment, it will affect a large number of people. But the advantage which both these countries enjoy is that they can get the big projects done is lot more speed than any other country,
Now all these factors which we have discussed till now are enjoyed the same by China, so this may be argued that both India and China has the same potential. But the huge difference comes in the fact that India has HUGE youth population which gives a big advantage to India over China.
Another reason which gives an advantage to India over China is that India is a democracy. Well infact, India is the largest democracy in the world. China is a communist state and does not want to be a democracy. Although, India struggles with poverty, injustice, it still is a democracy and has a free market system.
This is the reason why India's growth rate is surpassing China's.