Cancer Train 54701: Journey Of Hope

Sampurna Das
Apr 04, 2019   •  23 views

Every night around 9:30pm,train no. 54701 pulls into the shabby station of Bhatinda,in Punjab. The locals, call it the cancer train.

Routinely, carrying 60 cancer patients to Bikaner for treatment at the Government cancer centre.

Modern life furnished with all its amenities and technology has proved to be dangerous at many points.

The green revolution of India revolutionised the agricultural sector of the nation, with an instant hike in GDP and meeting the food demand of the ever growing populace.

The green revolution employed an enormous amount of pesticides and irritating facilities upon HYV seeds. It's glories are repeated in journals, academic books, research and so on.

What skips the limelight or is perhaps intentionally overlooked is the cancer train 54701.

Rise in cancer cases in Punjab is speculated a result of indiscriminate use of agro chemicals post Green Revolution.

The Green Revolution,particularly in Punjab was one of the sensational news in the 1960s&70s.
A brainchild of a network of politicians, scientists, philanthropists in the U.S and other nations who were convincedthat if agriculture in developing nations in India switched from traditional mode of production to the American mode of farming-with pesticides, fertilisersand high yield seeds-they could fight hunger and prevent the region from going communist.The green revolution transformed India from a nation that chronically begged for food aid to one that often exports grain. But at what cost?

"pesticides lead to neural defects and can cause stunted growth and mental disorders in infants. There have been reports of reduced sperm counts, spontaneous abortions and premature deliveries from some belt in the state"

Points out a visiting scholar at Punjab university.The first clue noticed was disappearing trend of our national bird-Peacock from the lush fields. Many farmers spray their crops a dozen times or more in a season despite pesticide label instructs. Moreover, many of them barely use any protective clothing while doing so.

Researchers at Punjab's institute of medical education and research confirms, after interviewing thousands of families and reviewing their medical records.

Based on data collection from 1993 to 2003,and published in the international Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,it can be rightly concluded that there is a significant higher rate of cancer in villages of heavy use of pesticides.

The only possible explanation was that the farmers are overusing pesticides,owing to illiteracy and manhandling.

Cancer, once understood as an urban disease, is increasingly invading farm villages. The number of cancer patients in this region are increasing rapidly. The passengers crowding the cancer train 54701 are part of a medical mystery that has potential for repercussions around the world.

16 year old, Jassa Singh has blood cancer. Another man says he is attacked with bone cancer. Yet another, going to Bikaner has throat cancer. They all have two things in common,hailing from farming backgrounds and embarked on a journey of hope, to recover.

"The production is good, but everyone is getting ill.
The health is deteriorating…"

